Plugins that support VST2 -> VST3 migration - a list

Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod
edited November 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

This thread is solely to list plugins we have found that migrate in Komplete Kontrol (and obviously also Maschine) as a resource for this community. It is not for support or complaints about stuff that doesn't work so please post such comments elsewhere. I just thought it would be useful to keep track of plugins that migration works for; over time I am certain more will be available as developers come onboard.

What is this 'migration' you may ask? Basically as VST2 as a format is gradually being phased out, and on Intel Mac is not (officially) supported at all, there is a framework in the VST/VST3 SDK to enable DAW projects and things like NKS patches containing VST2 plugins to be able to automatically substitute the VST3 version of that plugin when it is on the same system. This requires support at the host level, and Komplete Kontrol and Maschine have that since the last version, and support by the plugin, and this developers need to implement. If that support is not available in the plugin you will get the error message reported here. Many have already (some seem to have done so years ago like SPC Arcsyn) but there are also many who need to update their plugins to support migration. So far in my tests I have found the following plugins/developers support migration for NKS patches in KK/Mas either fully (NKS presets load correctly in the VST3 version with params intact) or partially (NKS presets load correctly in the VST3 plugin but with errors in param mappings):

All NI plugins that exist as VST3

All AAS plugins (apart from Multiphonics but that has an unofficial NKS version in the NKS User Library)

All SugarBytes plugins migrate (not all are NKS though)

Plugin Alliance plugins that support NKS (eg Unfiltered Audio, bx Oberhausen, Knifonium and Thorn)

iZotope plugins

Expressive E Imagine and Noisy

Modartt (Pianoteq)

Synthmaster One and 2

112db Micron plugins (eg Mikron Cascade)

KORG Legacy series (all except the Tritons and MiniKorg)


XFer Serum

UVI (Falcon and Drone - I presume also UVI Workstation, now tested Relayer too so I suspect they all support migration)

TAL MOD (only TAL plugin I have tested)

SPC Arcsyn (migrates VST2-3 but not AS native yet)

Audiodamage Quanta and Discord I tested working, Phosphor however didn't work and Quanta 2 is now only VST3

Valhalla dsp plugins (but with incomplete migration of automation params)

All Overloud effects (including now SpringAge)

Eventide Blackhole, Ultratap, Instant Phazer II, Instant flanger (probably all except Newfangled Audio)

Audiority Grainspace and Xenoverb


Audiothing plugins

Tracktion plugins F'em and Biotek 2, MOK Waverazor (so possibly all by Tracktion)

DiscoDSP Discovery Pro 7.5

SonicCharge Plugins

u-he plugins (maybe Mac only for some)

Cherry Audio Voltage Modular (from 2.7.0 and param mappings don't migrate only the patch)

LennarDigital Sylenth 1

GForce OB-E (but not SEM or imPOscar 2)

Arturia instruments and FX

Synapse Dune 3, Obsession and The Legend (Mac only)

Output plugins

Sonic Academy ANA 2

XILs-Lab - Poly KB II and III, XILS 4 and Poly M

Disclaimer: my system is a M1 Max Mac so that is no guarantee the same would be true on Windows but in most cases it should be - however I am aware plugins on Windows and Mac do sometimes have different plugin names

Also note this is just plugins that load the NKS preset made with a VST2 version into the same VST3 - we have noticed in some plugins params may need fixing as there are discrepancies between some VST2 versions and arrangement of params in the VST3 - again that is on the developer ultimately as they should be consistent - so far this seems to be the case for Valhalla and Korg Legacy plugins - however it isn't too hard to fix these anomalies and I have already posted a fix in the NKS User Library for the Valhalla VST3 plugins

Anyway, hope this thread is useful. It should be in particular to anyone considering whether they still need the VST2 version on their systems if they have the VST3 (which is also more likely on Mac Silicon, to be native)



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod
    edited November 2022

    Updated to add Soundtoys - new VST3 AS native version supports migration and has no errors with params

    Almost complete Soundtoys pack in the NKS User Library (including a bonus bank for Crystalliser by myself)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod
    edited November 2022

    Added Eventide Instant Delay and Ultratap - I suspect most Eventide plugins migrate then except for those from Newfangled Audio (I have tested those and they don't yet)

    Also added Audiothings plugins which seem to migrate well

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod

    Added Tracktion plugins F'em and Biotek 2

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,417 mod
    edited November 2022

    Also tested and work on Maschine (at least in Windows):

    Dmitry Sches Thorn

    MOK Waverazor

    Waves Plugins (there are very few that crashing Maschine while loading, but the huge majority works fine)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,739 mod

    @Kymeia Thanks for sharing this, really cool move ;)

    Not all our plug-ins can migrate though, Battery 4, Reaktor 6, FM8, Massive X are not compatible yet.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod
    edited November 2022

    Massive X does migrate though in the sense that NKS presets made with the VST2 load in the VST3 version in the absence of the VST2 - it’s just not yet natively compatible with Apple Silicon

    I don’t think the others even have VST3 versions yet do they? So all NI VST3s support migration.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,739 mod

    Massive X does migrate though in the sense that NKS presets made with the VST2 load in the VST3 version in the absence of the VST2 - it’s just not yet natively compatible with Apple Silicon

    I don’t think the others even have VST3 versions yet do they?

    I see your point, you are right, it's just the support agent in me that sees "All NI Plug-ins support VST2 to VST3 migration" and thinks it could confuse users who are not aware of all the compatibilities ;)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod
    edited November 2022

    I see your point of view too - I just think it is important to be clear though about the difference between plugin “migration” and compatibility because I can see at the moment that being a common point of confusion in the community.

    However i have changed it in the list to ‘All NI plugins that exist as VST3’ to be clearer there too

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,417 mod
    edited November 2022

    Hello! Xfer Serum (in your list) does not offer VST3 version yet. How you tested it?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod

    Hi it came out just a few days ago - check latest update

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod

    Thanks, already posted Thorn but have added Waverazor - I suspect the latest version of all Tracktion stable plugins migrate, the Dawesome products do too

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod

    Added DiscoDSP Discovery Pro 7.5

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,417 mod
    edited November 2022

    It seems that not all iZotope working...

    Iris 2 is trying to load, but it always crash my Maschine (application is closing). I use the old NKS made by jhorology. After many failed attempts, i edit them (change vendor from iZotope, Inc to Izotope and bank name from iris 2 Factory to Iris 2 Library -and Factory-), but still my Maschine is closing every time...

    Anyone has the same problem (or found a solution)?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,326 mod
    edited November 2022

    I'm afraid iZotope have made it clear Iris 2 will no longer be developed so I wouldn't expect it ever to support migration or to be particularly stable on Apple Silicon. In fact it was crashing when I tested migration on my older Intel Mac as well.

    Maybe there's a slim chance that the presets could be hacked in some way to load in the VST3 but I suspect it will still cause a crash (and it will never be Silicon native)

    The best option would probably be to make a new template just using the VST3 and remake all the presets but that would have to be done on Intel as it won't even open in KK or Maschine using Rosetta 2

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