Massive X Stereo Delay Bug with Ableton Live 11

Luke Beh
Luke Beh Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths


i discovered a weird bug, when syncing the stereo delay in Massive X. It only appear in Ableton Live with Cubase everything works fine. These are the DAWs i could test.

Everytime a Sequenz is played it seems like the delay time is reset, the result is this pitch effect you hear, when modulating the delay time. It is only on the first note of a midi sequenz. And it appears also on the bounce, wich is very nasty. My work around is now to play a dummy note befor the actual midi part and deleting it manualy from the audio, wich can not be the way it should be. (Or not using the implemented stereo delay)

Any ideas, whats the problem is and how to solve it?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Hey Luke, I've been trying to reproduce the issue with Ableton 11 and wasn't able to. Does that happen with any preset ? Only certain ones ? Which ones ? How does the delay looks like ?

    Could you also post a screenshot of the settings and would you be able to make a video showing the issue in detail ? This way we could try and reproduce if it's a bug. Also let us know what is your OS.

  • Luke Beh
    Luke Beh Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2022


    i made a video, so you can see what i mean. Sorry for the Bad Audio its a screenrecording, thats the only thing i could do at the time, but you can hear it anyway i think.

    I made a Track Freeze and not a bounce, because is faster, but the problem is still the same. I figured out, that the first time i freeze or bounce everything works fine, but not the second time and so on. With bounce it is the same. so i have to save the Patches in Massive X, reload all Massive X instances and then Bounce :D Great Workflow.

    I made the Video on my Laptop and not on my Studio Setup so it is Windows 10 and Ableton Live 10.

    The Problem is on my Studio Pc aswell. (Windows 11 Ableton 11).


    I just discovered, that the screen recording didnt record MassiveX so i added a screenshot aswell. Its basicly every Preset there an Stereo Delay is loaded. Or just a Basic Patch witch Stereo Delay.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Hey Luke,

    Sorry not to get back to you earlier. I'm still not sure to get the full picture, I will contact you by email, that will make it easier.

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