Can i set up Traktor in a way to not split long recordings?

I would just like to know if i can somehow make Traktor just create one, continuous recording file for longs sets and if not, alternatively, what you think the easiest method is to join files from the same set.

Many Thanks, Philipp


Best Answer

  • TokyoNN
    TokyoNN Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    You can record a longer mix by changing sample rate. If sample rate is very high such as 192000 Hz, the recorded file size tend to be bigger and 1 hour set could be split into a few files.

    Therefore, lowering the sample rate would make the recorded file size smaller, which let you record a longer mix. For example, 1 hour set with 44100 Hz can be about 600 - 700MB. You can change the sample rate easily on "Audio Setup" menu on Traktor software. The sound quality becomes a bit bad but very unnoticeable level and you can not really tell the difference.

    Also, make sure that "Split file size at" on "Mix Recorder" menu is set as maximum file size, 2046MB


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,198 mod

    I use Audacity to join parts, easily and seamlessly.

  • DLicious
    DLicious Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    In Settings under Recording you can adjust the file size after that will Traktor split the recording. Standard is 700 something. That's approx. for 1 hour recording. Double the file size and you get 2 hours and so on.

  • TokyoNN
    TokyoNN Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    You can record a longer mix by changing sample rate. If sample rate is very high such as 192000 Hz, the recorded file size tend to be bigger and 1 hour set could be split into a few files.

    Therefore, lowering the sample rate would make the recorded file size smaller, which let you record a longer mix. For example, 1 hour set with 44100 Hz can be about 600 - 700MB. You can change the sample rate easily on "Audio Setup" menu on Traktor software. The sound quality becomes a bit bad but very unnoticeable level and you can not really tell the difference.

    Also, make sure that "Split file size at" on "Mix Recorder" menu is set as maximum file size, 2046MB

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