NI Power supply missing information

Voyage Music
Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello friends, i own a traktor scratch a10 mk2 and i need a power supply (original NI) but the problem is that on the A10 the voltage input is 9V but the output of power supply that native instruments recommend for sale is 15V!!

Can anyone help me explain how is possible a 9V audio interface is charged from a power supply that output 15V, i don’t want to blow up my audio interface?

If NI can answer to this question would be great too as they recommend the power supply with different voltage without further explanation!!

thnx in advance



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,031 Expert

    The older products may not have the same power supplies as the latest products so if it says 9v DC then you need a 9v DC power supply, not the current 15v DC supply, do not connect one of those.

    A quick google and I see it is a discontinued interface and indeed requires 9v, 1A power supply and being discontinued, NI may not offer service parts on the website. You can try raise a direct support ticket or just get a 9v DC power supply of 1 Amp or more, looks to be a 2.5mm DC plug but could be 2.1mm. If in doubt, a multi-voltage adapter that comes with an assortment of plugs would be fine.

  • Voyage Music
    Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thnx for the answer but if you check the NI power supply available for sale, they recommend the 15V power supply for Audio 6, Audio 10 and Audio 2 so if they recommend i would like to know why, or is this a mistake advertising!

    Also i know that traktor audio 2 mk2 receive any range of power supply from 9v to 20v so everything in that range will work fine with audio 2!

    What i want to know is thus the case of audio 10 too as Native recommend with ought further info!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,874 Expert
    edited August 2023

    As you say, NI itself sells the 15V as the suggested power supply for the A10 (both models: the 18W 1,2 A and also the 40W 2,66 A…but in any case the 18W is out of stock from years) , so I always thought that this means the devices requiring less volts have an internal safety device.

    But you are very right in asking for more infos and to be reassured on the matter.

    Maybe someone like @Jeremy_NI can ask their technicians to have an official answer on it

  • Voyage Music
    Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member

    Dear @Jeremy_NI could you kindly clarify why the power supply for sale on NI web store that has 15V output is recommended as compatible with Audio 10 which labels only 9V input on the device, can the audio 10 like the audio 2 receive any range from 9V to 20V?

    thnx to everyone for the support

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @Voyage Music The Audio 10 being discontinued for such a long time, I don't have this information. The best is to contact our hardware department:

  • Voyage Music
    Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hey Jeremy thnx for answering!

    I am already talking with NI customer service but they just respond that they recommend the PSU and thats it!!

    They are not able to tell me why a 15V output PSU is compatible with a 9V input Audio 10, which is wired that they don’t know a technical response !!

    In case you know anyone on NI from hardware department, could you kindly ask if Traktor Audio 10 mk2 has a range of voltage that excepts from 9v to what ?

    i know the audio 2 has a range of 9v to 20v but it is writen on the device it self byt on the audio 10 is only 9v.

    here is the link of the PSU they recommend

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @Voyage Music I can't see any recent ticket of yours mentioning this PSU. Do you have a request number?

  • Voyage Music
    Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member

    The request ticket is 4018795, but the dude responding to me seems to not know much about as he wrote me that the A10 might have a wrong printing voltage (which is not true of course because every A10 / A6 has printed 9V on the back).

    Please note that on the Audio 2 Mk2 (which i own too) there is a sticker writen from 9v to 20v so the A2 can accept everything between this range!

    So is this the case for Audio 10 mk2 and Audio 6 too that they can accept from 9v to 20v but they just omitted to write the range so this might be the reason why NI recommend a PSU of 15v output for the A10?

    I am just speculating, what would need is an official response from a native hardware deportment which officially technically are sure and can confirm this as i don’t want to risk even a bit to damage my A10 mk2 because is the only sound-card that feet my studio and performance needs ( A10 is just perfect and this is the reason why i want to buy an official NI PSU for it, people don’t know but there is no other sound-card even today in the market with all this features in that form factor and price range that works with M1 M2 chips and and also Logic Pro for Ipad)!

    Also i think this info and having a clear response in the metter would be helpful for NI selling their original PSU to old hardware (class compliant is never old by the way).

    Thnx a lot for your engagement to help Jeremy, hope you can sort this question so i can proceed with the purchase of the 40W PSU!


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Ok, so you had used a differnt email address. You were in contact with one of our Traktor supporters, he transferred to our hardware deaprtment and they should get back to you soon.

  • Voyage Music
    Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member

    oh really, sorry by mistake i might have been selecting the job mail!

    anyway thnx again for your engagement to help and looking forward to have a response from the hardware department !


  • Voyage Music
    Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hey Jeremy, i wrote a follow up to NI but still no answer from anyone !!

    could you kindly intervene ?


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,263 Expert

    IMO if it says 9V DC on the A10 case, then it requires 9V DC.

    I also just read (from a djworx review) that it can run on USB bus power anyway, if you're using it with a computer.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @Voyage Music My colleague should get back to you soon, sorry!

  • Voyage Music
    Voyage Music Member Posts: 9 Member

    Yep but on the NI website the 15v is recommended, also the little A2 can receive from 9v to 15v ( i power the A2 with 12v non official power-supply and work flawlessly), but for A10 i need original powersupply ( if only they would answer!!!

    what a mess i think NI make amazing hardware and software but the customer service tho leaves a lot to be desired!!

    Hope Jeremy can help

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,263 Expert
    edited September 2023

    Yep but

    There is no "but". If it says 9v then it needs 9v. Others have said the same thing.

    Use a 9v PSU (with correct current and polarity) and it work work. Or use USB power.

This discussion has been closed.
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