I currently have Komplete 13 collectors.. if i "downgrade" to Ultimate....

Michael Dow
Michael Dow Member Posts: 28 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I currently have Komplete 13 collectors.. if i "downgrade" to Ultimate for 14 do i lose the things that came in Collectors version 13?

Or do i keep all the previous things that i paid for including those extras that came with my collectors edition, i just don't get the NEW things that are in collectors edition as of 14?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert
    Answer ✓

    @Michael Dow You cannot downgrade from Ultimate CE to Ultimate. No, such path does exist.

    What you could do is to buy upgrade from say Komplete Select to Ultimate. If you have spare Select licence usable as Base Product.

    I did something similar. I have K13U CE and did not feel like buying Update. Instead I bought cheap secondhand Komplete 8 and upgraded it to K14U.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,831 Expert

    Exactly. You’ll keep everything plus you’ll get the ones you don’t have that are included in 14 Ultimate. At least until you sell 13 CE (both registered: all the instruments)

  • Michael Dow
    Michael Dow Member Posts: 28 Member

    Sweet thanks. I think mostly the collectors edition this time is just packs. Of which i have literally never used even one of

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert
    Answer ✓

    @Michael Dow You cannot downgrade from Ultimate CE to Ultimate. No, such path does exist.

    What you could do is to buy upgrade from say Komplete Select to Ultimate. If you have spare Select licence usable as Base Product.

    I did something similar. I have K13U CE and did not feel like buying Update. Instead I bought cheap secondhand Komplete 8 and upgraded it to K14U.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 272 Pro
    edited June 2023

    Right and wrong. If you took the upgrade train from Komplete 13 to 13 Ultimate to 13 Ultimate Collector's, you can choose to upgrade to whatever SKU you choose.

    If you bought Collector's directly, then there isn't a way to upgrade to a lower SKU.

    Upgtafing through the SKUs gives the most flexibility for future upgrades.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert


    OK, but one Base Product may be used just for one Upgrade Path.

    You cannot use one K13U licence as Base Product for the both - K13U CE Upg and K14U Upg! One would have to choose. But user cannot choose, there is time priority applied. If K13U is already used as Base Product for K13 U CE Upg, it is not possible to add K14 U Upg. licence to Native Access... One would have to get rid of K13U CE Upg licence first..... And loose K13U CE licences....

    So, no, it is not possible to "downgrade" from Ultimate to Standard, Ultimate CE to Ultimate and so....

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,831 Expert

    Where did you take those informations? I own many versions, upgraded from Ultimate to Collectors years ago. And now I can chose if updating Ultimate (having a previous Ultimate version) or updating to Collectors (owning a previous collectors)

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert


    Well, NI shopping system may offer it.... But have you bought it and successfully added to Native Access? If yes (and do not have any other Base Product that has been used), I am wrong.....

    I never tried, I have many licences, there is always free Base Product in my case. I understand NI licencing system the way one may not use one Base Product for more than one Upgrade/Update/Crossgrade. (But one may detach the Base Product from Upgrade and use it for another one those licences are not "glued together" for ever.)

    Would be great to be allowed to use one Base Product for many Updates/Upgrades based directly on this that Base Product. But I am almost 100% sure it is not possible....

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,831 Expert

    Is your 100% that makes me wonder ☺️

    It’s not written anywhere that once used one time, a base product can’t be used anymore. All they say is (e.g. for Ultimate) “This upgrade only works for users of KOMPLETE 8-14. You won't be able to install and activate this version unless you own one of the required products listed above!”

    If they don’t mention you can’t use a base product twice, they can’t even deny it.

    That’s why I asked you if you had any other information. You seem so sure, but I don’t get what makes you believe it

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert
    edited June 2023


    OK, try it and you will see. But IMHO it is not very probable. As one could get many licences very cheap.

    Imagine big studio, they buy one Ultimate and use hundred Upgrades to Ultimate CE. And according you, they would have hundred Ultimate CE licences.... They would save huge on 99 otherwise needed other Ultimate licences....

    Does it sound sound? To me not at all. I give it 0.5% probability. At most. IMHO, the wording at e-shop is sort of inacurate. They cannot write all cases and they probably refer to ending licence of upgrade chain, not any licence within the upgrade chain as it is already "used" for upgrade and so not free.... They take chain as one licence...

    At least, that is the way I understand it. Also you may ask NI.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,831 Expert

    I ended up being too curious and I asked. We have an official answer now:

    “Thank you for contacting Native Instruments!

    Yes, it is possible to update from a base product several times.

    If you own a base product, you can use it to upgrade. Simple as that.

    If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

    Best regards,

    Rafael @ NI”

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert


    And what was your exact question NI has replied?

    The answer from NI does not answer, if it is possible to use Base Product multiply at the same time. Depending on what was your question they might think, that the question was, if it is possible to use SW as Base Product just once and never ever again... And replied, sure, it is possible to use it several times (one by one).

    One may use Base Product multiple times for sure, I did it several times. But always one by one, like buy Upgrade to K13U, sell it and buy Upgrade to K14U.

    Allowing to use Base Product for more Upgrades at the same time would be serious flaw in licence system. It may be so, by error, but I strongly doubt it.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert

    I was curious, so I have asked support as precisely as I could. And gave clear example with exact products.

    What came to my mind while asking is, that it might be possible to use Base Product more times at the same time, but usage of all end licences would be restricted to just three computers and not three computers each...

    I have asked also about this topic.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,831 Expert

    “If you own a base product, you can use it to upgrade. Simple as that”

    What could be more clear than that? 😂

    I give up! 😂 Impossible reasoning with you 😂 You’re one of the most stubborn I ever met 😂

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert


    If it is that simple....

    If one makes two upgrades from one Base Product, so that he has two final products. Is he allowed to install product1 on three computers and product2 on three different computers? He has two licences each allowing 3 installations....

    Or is he allowed to install the both only on three same computers?

    I did ask the support, so hopefully the answer will come.

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