Sounds clipping



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Some of Kontakt Libraries require Kontakt 7. Modular Icons may be the case....

  • SteveFrederick
    SteveFrederick Member Posts: 18 Member

    I can run Modular Icons in Kontakt 6 so that's not a huge problem. Looks like I can also run more instances now that K7 is gone. KK just asks for K7 when some instruments are requested.

    Is K7 known to be an issue for certain Macs

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @SteveFrederick I highered the prio on the ticket you created. My colleagues will get back to you as soon as possible. I also see earlier requests where you didn't answer my colleagues. After a while without an answer from your part, you ususally receive a reminder and if there is still no reply the requests are automatically closed. We have a lot of request at the moment and the reply times are not optimal but we do our best to answer, so in order to speed things up, the best is to reply and provide the information or data my colleagues may ask.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited May 2023

    It might ask for K7 in KK due to it being hardcoded into the NKS presets (?), not sure... @Kymeia prob knows how NKS presets operate in this regard.

    There are no known issues for intel Mac's afaik, when anything remotely similar to what you're experiencing happens it's either the disk file format or the processing thread Logic settings. You're issue seems unique for some reason.

    In your shoes, I would try the extreme which is a clean MacOS installation, I can't really recommend it as it can be an enormous commitment that can take days especially if you have a lot of stuff installed and in the end it might not fix anything, my gut says it will otherwise there would be tons of reports of other people with the same mac making posts about it, but... it's impossible to know for sure.

    Wait for support, I think at some point they might just send you their analysis software or maybe setup some sort of remote assistance. (not sure if they still do latter)

  • SteveFrederick
    SteveFrederick Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited May 2023

    @Jeremy_NI I appreciate you moving my priority up, this was submitted Wednesday of last week. They always take a long time to respond so I forget as I move on to other things and when I have the problem again my tickets been closed.

    I DM’d you my business email which I’m on more frequently, if you could pass that on as well it would be helpful. Thanks

  • SteveFrederick
    SteveFrederick Member Posts: 18 Member

    Over a week and I still haven't heard anything. Unbelievable.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited May 2023

    And now your up on priority list. Imagine if you stayed down…😂

    When they will answer you, the answer will be “oh…this product is discontinued now” 😂😂😂

  • RipperFromYT
    RipperFromYT Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2023

    I've had this exact same problem since Spring 2023. Same exact quirks on when it happens and same type of clipping, on mine it's even a bit worse. Clips the moment any sound is triggered. I literally gave up using my NI stuff many months ago because I spent way too much time trying to fix it with no solution. I would think it's probably a bug in the software. Although the KK plug in has updated a couple times since then with no change. Logic's soft synths work just fine. And 3rd party synths like a DX7 works fine stand alone inside of logic but opened inside of KK it clips like all the others.

    If anyone has suggestions at this point any help would be appreciated.

  • RipperFromYT
    RipperFromYT Member Posts: 6 Member

    I decided to dive a bit more into my issue and it now appears to be fixed. Seems like it was a bad usb cable to one of my external SSDs so nothing software/bug related in my situation.

  • RipperFromYT
    RipperFromYT Member Posts: 6 Member

    Unfortunately my last post didn't hold up even a day later. It wasn't a usb cable issue.

    Today in Logic under audio settings I changed multithreading to "playback" rather than " playback and live" and everything seems to be working correctly. We'll see if this "fix" sticks.

  • Chad Z
    Chad Z Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hey Steve, any luck resolving this issue? This is happening to me. Incredibly frustrating!

  • Chad Z
    Chad Z Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    RipperFromYT, I also just switched multi threading to playback and it worked! You’re a God Send! 🙏

  • J-Ga
    J-Ga Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited January 2024

    I'm here because I'm having the same problem. When I first purchased Komplete I couldn't use it for 2 years because my computer and interface wouldn't' s been going good for a year now after getting a new computer M1 Pro MacBook but I was working on a project yesterday, it worked beautifully for 10 hours until I bounced to listen to a mix in the it clips! and I've spent 12 hours today trying different things to get it to stop including upgrading/reinstalling...installing on HD, external etc...I hope I'm not in for another dry spell of not having access to NI Komplete

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