To Native Instruments: the situation is CRITIC, probably worst than it has ever been

LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Seriously: all of you, take a stop. Make all your employees stop what they are doing for a day or two and have a look at the last month’s forum posts and the hundreds of reports about things not working, programs not installing, serials not registering, shopping not processing, instruments not opening, NI products not working with other softwares, sounds being distorted on very performant computers, support not answering, people saying “I will abandon the whole NI ecosystem”,…

Then ask yourselves “is THIS what we want to be?”

And then put your act together and give us back the top of the notch, industry leader company you built before

And fix the mess you made, even if it takes a period in which you have to work also on saturdays…instead of saying things like “when we will have some developer time”, “you’ll have your fixes in 6 months so we don’t have to make the work twice”, “now I leave you cause I got to go home/personal things to do”. In the end, is you who made this mess…and your users who paid with they hardly earned money to have this…awful experience…



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
    edited April 2023

    It’s not even anymore about “NI doesn’t listen”, “they don’t give us the basic features we requested”, “they are not on pair with their counterparts”, “we don’t like them moving into subscriptions”, “Soundwise ruined everything”…

    Now it is about…sorry to tell you…you doing your job poorly…😔

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
    edited April 2023

    And to the users who will come here to tell me (yes…I know many of you don’t like me…) “you are wrong”, “I don’t have any problem”, “things move on to progress”, “things are like this in the software world and we must accept it”,…

    For ONCE, think about all your fellows musicians who are really desperate cause they are not lucky like you and cannot even use the things they bought with the little, hardly earned money we have to use for ourselves to make what we like (music making) in the little free time we have to dedicate to ourselves in this world… Use a little empathy… too I don’t have that many problems…but it doesn’t mean I don’t see that the situation now is A MESS. I just feel lucky about it and sorry for them. And I shouldn’t feel lucky if a thing that MUST work just works…

  • RedwardMc
    RedwardMc Member Posts: 84 Advisor

    This is not about the employees, you need to contact Soundwide directly if you want change.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert

    Probably you are right. But if I were working there, a little pride and love for what I produce would make me work the best I can anyway

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
    edited April 2023

    Edit: message canceled, wrong thread ☺️

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 392 Pro

    The rumours flying around right now would suggest it is hard enough for the employees to contact Soundwide right now, never mind users.

  • RedwardMc
    RedwardMc Member Posts: 84 Advisor

    Well have you tried contacting them? If enough people contact them they might get the message. They don’t read this forum

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert

    Contacting them? 😂😂😂

    Enough people? 😂😂😂

    (Sorry…I don’t laugh at you…it’s an hysterical laugh about the situation ☺️)

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    I personaly do not have any problem. Yes, there was one week or maybe two when certain NI installers were detected as viruses by Windows Defender. It is more issue with Defender than with NI SW....

    There are always people with problems to install/use SW/HW. And many, many more, who do not have any problems. There is many things that may go wrong on computer.....

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 559 Pro

    A little dramatic today, are we? 😉

  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    That's true but it doesn't mean that those who have a problem and have paid money for a commercial product should not feel aggrieved and expect the company they bought the product from to put things right.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert

    As I said, is not about the personal situation. I don’t have insurmountable problems too (or at least I know how to solve them). But if so many people lately have that much problems, it means something is going wrong. Probably me and you don’t have to install new programs we just bought, we have computers that don’t slip into the issues NA is giving (in my case, cause I use NA1, knowing how many problems NA2 can give to SOME users…), or what else…

    The thing is that if so many more people can’t do what should be doable by EVERYBODY (they don’t sell you their products telling you “if you have XY computer it works, if you have YX not), it means something is not working as it should.

    As I said…a little empathy with ALL the users facing more and more troubles…and they are not FEW…so…yes…something is going WRONG

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
    edited April 2023

    Please…I know you guys don’t like me…no problem…

    But don’t come here in a serious thread about the situation just to say “A little dramatic today, are we? 😉”.

    If you have something to write to bring something to the table, you’re welcome. Otherwise…avoid it. No need to prove here how funny you are.

    I get it: you don’t give a f… about others with serious issues until you are ok (very typical human being behaviour)…so probably this is not the thread for you. There are many other to read

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 559 Pro
    edited April 2023

    "Please…I know you guys don’t like me…no problem…"

    Ever wondered why? Maybe it's because of all the drama you try to stir up here, and all that immediate defensiveness when you get called out for it.

    But, go on... if you feel well in your role as the messiah of doom, then so be it.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    If the problem is on NI side, you are right. Theu should fix it. But, majority of problems usualy is due to a "problem" on user computer (HW or SW)... SW developer may try to help...

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