Pre-Delay / Wait Knob

MTC84 Member Posts: 71 Member
edited October 2024 in Scripting Workshop


I have been trying to figure out the best way to add a Pre-Delay knob for an instrument...

Imagine an 8 channel mixer with sends for overheads and room mics for each channel. Each channel is a different percussion hit. I am aiming to create a natural chorus type effect that a user can tweak with a knob.

I have tried using the Sample Start Mod Offset controlled by a knob for each mixer channel whereby I added 100ms of silence before the sample start. I can essentially pre-delay the close, overheads and room mics the same amount to maintain their relationships. The problem is, if i play a very short note, the sample may not trigger at all or the tail will be chopped off. If i turn retrigger off, some notes don't play at all if i play very fast despite cranking the voices up.

Adding a replika delay on every group (there are 96 groups) seems like a bad idea CPU wise. Am i right? Is that the simplest way to achieve my goal?

Or, is there a way to script a Wait knob that would work better?

This would be a straight forward solve if i only used close mics as i coupd just add a replika delay at the bus level. 3 mic positions and keeping their relationships complicates things when working with so many groups!

Thanks for any help.


  • medusa
    medusa Member Posts: 98 Helper

    Check out this old Big Bob thread delaying the onset of various groups using blip notes and the release callback.

  • MTC84
    MTC84 Member Posts: 71 Member

    Thanks for the reply and info. I am very much a novice coder so will have to spend some time trying to understand what Bob's scripts are doing. This may well be a step too far for my skills at this stage! I was hoping the sample start mod method would work for simplicity but obviously it does not.

  • medusa
    medusa Member Posts: 98 Helper

    I think the silence in front and sample start method can work fine if you don't mind adding that to all your samples. If it's drums (you mention overheads) then just make sure the release is set quite long on the envelope so that you'll always get through that silence and into the drum proper. Usually you want drums to ring to the end anyway, unless it's a choke or hat.

  • MTC84
    MTC84 Member Posts: 71 Member

    That's spot on and something I realised this morning. The release could be my saviour. I think it is the simplest solution for this particular instrument. I'll do some testing tomorrow.

    Yes, we are talking about dums/percussion. I've made an 8 channel clap instrument with close mics, overhead and room sends - it sounds so lively when adding the pre-delay randomly to each channel using a slider so it is a nice feature to have. It sounds a lot more like a group of people as opposed to one very thick clap. Both are useful obviously. I like versatility in an instrument.

    Thanks for your input.

    I plan on looking into Bob's method when I find time also. As a novice coder, I am always keen to learn.

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