Favourite DAW with NI



  • threshold7
    threshold7 Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2023

    I used Cakewalk for many years (1998 onward), what I started with, and AcidPro, at the time there was Gigasampler and it worked. Years later I had moved to Reaper and started buying more VIs, but always had issues with tweaking the GUI, understanding the navigation, configuring it to work with the VIs I bought, etc. I spent more time with this than actual music work. Not good.

    Then one day I tested a trial version of Mixcraft 6 and I didn't have to think about my VIs at all, everything got loaded easily and I understood what was happening without having to read a manual. I didn't look back. I found it much more intuitive, especially the GUI.

    Being able to quickly navigate a GUI visually accelerates and simplifies my workflow. Still using version 8 ProStudio. Pricing is still very affordable (plus they have crazy upgrades discounts every year), and I'm sure I'm not using it to its fuller capacity.


    CAVEAT: I just got a Kontrol S61 last year and haven't looked into Komplete compatibility, so there's that to explore further when I'm ready for it. Right now, it's not mapping. The feature has been requested for upcoming versions (v.10).

    If I was to need Komplete Kontrol compatibility? So far, from watching videos and reading reviews, I feel closer to Cubase than any other DAW. At the moment.


    Best thing is : find a DAW that makes sense to you, that you can navigate easily and that you find caters to your workflow and wallet. :)

  • ChrisSynth12
    ChrisSynth12 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Dude! This is exactly how I was gonna answer the question. It works flawless with Pro Tools because of compatibility but in Luna Recording System I lose some of the Komplete Kontrol features to control from my KK keyboard. Hope they add Luna one day.

  • hydemusic
    hydemusic Member Posts: 4 Member

    Studio One Pro and Reason now that they use vst3... Reason is now so easy and intuitive to work with. I have both and it's become my go to DAW!

  • Finn
    Finn Member Posts: 7 Member

    I tried a few, and Studio One sits well with me. If it's the best, I don't know, but it's the one I can wrap my head around.

  • Komplete Noob
    Komplete Noob Member Posts: 4 Member

    Ableton live my personal fave

  • SeMaximus
    SeMaximus Member Posts: 1 Member

    Out of all the DAW’s I use, (Ableton, Studio One, Cubase, Reaper, Bitwig, and FL) Bitwig has the easiest way to do multi output, and having the wrappers for the not updated M1 plugins.

  • yoyoyo
    yoyoyo Member Posts: 28 Member
    edited April 2023

    I have used all of them over the past 25 years. The most comprehensive, comprehensible, and cost-effective DAW is Cubase Pro 12. I’m not loyal to Steinberg/Yamaha; it just turns out that Cubase has the simplest and most accessible interface, features, and simplest workflow. For creators who play instruments and record a lot of audio (vocals, guitars, etc), it’s hard to beat. Having said that, I have an Apollo interface, and recently I have begun using Luna. Luna integration with Apollo is nothing short of astounding, especially at the price point compared to ProTools, which is the only other integrated system. I do believe universal audio is positioning itself to dominate the project studio DAW market. I will probably make the transition to Luna but hold onto cubase because it is so easy to create quickly in.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited April 2023

    Same here. I came from Cubase, and, Studio One just feels more steamlined, less bloated, and requires 1 or 2 less clicks for almost everything.

    One thing I do not like about DAW's these days is their release policy. Too many paid releases in too short time. I get it, companies want to keep the ball running, and people are into NEW, but, I prefer one new major version every 5 years, not every 1 or 2 years. Especially if the upgrades cost 150 €, as is the case with Studio One.

  • ScottyBready
    ScottyBready Member Posts: 30 Member

    Logic Pro almost exclusively but also like Studio One and their online team is the best!

  • T.S.
    T.S. Member Posts: 21 Member

    Reaper, if you are a real programmer, there is no other DAW like it. There's no limit to how anybody, as a user, can customize Reaper to do the their bidding with macros, custom actions, and scripts.

    It's also the smallest "full featured" DAW on the market,

  • kontaz77
    kontaz77 Member Posts: 6 Member

    Cubase 12 Pro is working very well with N.I. PlugIns....no other coments !

  • kontaz77
    kontaz77 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I also use a KOMPLETE M32 Keyboard with no regrets !

  • KennyV9
    KennyV9 Member Posts: 17 Member

    I use Cubase Artist 12, and it works really well for me. I usually load Battery 4 in for kick and snare, and route those to have individual control over them. I load all my other instruments in Komplete Kontrol, mostly because I like the interface and the way I can sample sounds. I have a Maschine Mikro MK3 and A49 and these all work together. I have worked in Maschine software, and I like it, but I have used Cubase for many years, so I am more familiar with it.

  • Pop-I
    Pop-I Member Posts: 1 Member

    Bitwig for me

  • Andy Gray
    Andy Gray Member Posts: 1 Member

    Cubase, after almost 20 years in logic, I went back to Cubase, which is where I started, the M1 and M2 laptops are so powerful. I am now able to write my film scores reel by reel , not one cue per project ! logic can‘t handle the Memory track count at all , cubase does it all with ease

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