Prime Bass - Can't trigger slide/legato with FL studio notes editing

Konoko Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello, I'm new to the Session series and can't find how to trigger note slide with Prime Bass (Melody mode).

Based on the manual, slide can be triggered when a new note is being played with velocity greater than 110. Holding down B1 can also trigger slide while playing melody.

So what I tried was setting the second note which I want to slide to with velocity above 120, overlapped shortly to the previous note. (see PrimeBass_01.jpg) Also added a B1 note below in order to trigger the slide mode. (see PrimeBass_02.jpg) But none of the methods seems to work.

Not sure if I missed any setup, or the real instrument doesn't support the slide between the notes I want ? I uploaded images and videos for more details of the setup and result.



  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro

    Try it in "Open" articulation, and with "poly" (not mono)

  • Konoko
    Konoko Member Posts: 7 Member

    >>Try it in "Open" articulation, and with "poly" (not mono)

    Thanks for the reply - just tried, still the same result. I tried the way to trigger "hammer on" based on the manual (new note velocity much lower than previous one), it's not the effect I expect but gives a somewhat smoother transition.

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro

    Are you sure that both your starting & ending notes are of sufficient duration to allow the slide to transition in the tempo?

    I've found that if they are too short, it doesn't work well.

  • Konoko
    Konoko Member Posts: 7 Member

    >>Are you sure that both your starting & ending notes are of sufficient duration to allow the slide to transition in the tempo?

    Yes, just not tried with whole note length, still the same.

    I could achieve this with Shreddage series, where I just need to add articulation notes on the bottom and slides will happen. I thought this should work somehow similar, based on the manual.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited March 2023

    There is also the Phrase/One Pitch setting. You're set to 'phrase', try 'One PItch'. Not sure if that only applies to patterns, but it's worth a try.

    edit: ahhh... nvmd. 😊

    In this video he's sliding and its set to 'One Pitch', but he's not using any keyswitch that I can tell. Maybe sustain like Scarbee?

  • Konoko
    Konoko Member Posts: 7 Member

    >>There is also the Phrase/One Pitch setting. You're set to 'phrase', try 'One PItch'.

    Thanks, tried but also doesn't work.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    Yeah, think it's for applying melodies to patterns. Oh well, I don't own it so I just took a guess.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited March 2023

    OK so this is nothing like Scarbee. Those keyswitches slide without playing anything. Now I get it.

    I think the interval you were trying is too small to get the slide effect. Nothing can touch Scarbee Pre-Bass. Sounds way better than this bass imo.

    People get annoyed when I create these discussions, but they're helpful for others seeking answers. Sorry if I am annoying. 😂 Not!

    This video starting at 20:40 gives a good demo.

  • Konoko
    Konoko Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thanks a lot for the info and the suggestion @Gee_Flat , just tried SCARBEE MM-BASS, this one indeed does an auto hammer on without any articulation (looked at the instrument status, when notes overlap it actually shows "hammer on". I just really like the sound of Prime Bass and this is what Scarbee doesn't have. Guess I'll just live with hammer on.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited March 2023

    Never a fan of the Music Man in real life.

    Pre-Bass and Pre-Bass Amped were the first from Scarbye 14 years ago. Prime is a pattern based gimmick aimed at non-players, and not in the same league sound wise.

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