I need all Midi message values for the VU meter which will be send by Traktor



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Well, it is not very clear to me, what exactly you need. Generally, you may assign LEDs as you will. And as it suits you. There is no iron rule how to do it. Different devices use different scales. Even ones by the same manufacturer.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited April 2023

    midi note velocity is the type of midi message you should be using, which im guessing you have already tried... as the velocity is the parameter value of the midi note...

    ive done all this before... but becos i use DAW in the middle this process is easily done with Reaper...

    as with the Reaper Daw(& Realearn plugin), you can take any audio signal... and make it register on midi controllers.

    without a process or script in the middle... its going to be a little tricky to make the LED's light up on another controller by piping midi note parameters direct

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited April 2023

    if you go the route of Reaper in the middle... i can guide you on the setup process(reaper has a trial period) but can be utilised well and beyond the trial, with Zero limitations

    just as a added note...

    your midi device would need to be recognised... either as a device or as a tied indevice with another midi interface

  • ranger930
    ranger930 Member Posts: 29 Helper


    Your answer is of course completely correct, no matter how many LEDs you want to light up in a VU meter arrangement, I expect that traktor with the NI and various community users only sends the midi values ​​0-127 once in total, but traktor does that no, see my post:

    15 led outs are mapped, Midi CC message, i divided the given range of 0-1 by 16, the result is (0.0625), blend activated,

    i set the range of the first led from 0-0.0625, the range of the second led to 0.0625- 0.125 and so on, every led has a valid range up to the last led (Led15) with range of 0.9375- 1,

    i started the deck then i turned the gain pot to zero and then slowly turned the pot until the first led in traktor GUI lit up, i was able to determine the midi values, but from led 7 it got strange, because the midi value has reached 127 and then alternately went back to 0, turned the pot further and then i got midi values ​​again, which started from 20 approx. 10 and increased,

    here are the midi values:

    all led's off, midi values ​​0-15

    led1 on, midi values ​​16-23

    led2 on, midi values ​​23-33

    led3 on, midi values ​​33-45

    led4 on, midi values ​​45-65

    led5 on, midi values ​​65- 91

    led6 on, midi values ​​91-127

    after that (turning the pot further) a lot of message value 0 and after 0 again 127, after a further movement i got midi values ​​beginning 20 approx. and rising

    br, ranger930

  • ranger930
    ranger930 Member Posts: 29 Helper

    @6x: my controller is working as expected, only the midi out values for Led vu meters and his range settings are not working as they should, i informed NI to check this, perhaps it is a bug.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    not sure if this is a valid consideration....

    but if you are using a single midi channel and having a constant stream of midi values from every LED you are sending to into your device... will it flood the channel to a point where you will get the LED's playing catch-up??

    you would notice a delay of the LED's remaining "ON" many seconds after stopping the Audio... if this was occurring. *shrugs

  • ranger930
    ranger930 Member Posts: 29 Helper

    i checked several midi mapping from different controller and dj mixer with midi, there was allways only one single midi out channel for vu meter mapped.

    should i use 15 different channels ?

    br , ranger930

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    spreading the midi across channels will help if there is a delay in midi feedback... splitting midi across 2 channels or 3 wont hurt...

    im guessing here.. but the idea of spreading incoming midi across midi channels is in part to do with preventing the midi from flooding the buffer, so that less delay occurs, &/or prevents midi being lost in the event of the buffer being overloaded...as mentioned im merely guessing here of course... it is the thinking i have, as a result of flooding a single channel & seeing this occur on my Maschine Jam Controller still lighting up LED's 30seconds after pressing stop on the audio source, which is something referred to in the Maschine Jam documentation... thus i always consider this when utilising a single channel... especially when feeding back a constant stream of midi to the controller

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert


    Concerning Jam. The LEDs lighted on after stop may be also because of the sustains and reverb tails. The sound may go on for a while after pressing stop, so LEDs indicate it appropriately.... That happens in Maschine SW, maybe that different SW (DAW) behaves differently.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited April 2023

    when i come across the midi flooding aspect i was not using any reverb or effects

    this aspect is noted inside of the Controller editor manual page 335 in the warning area...

    MIDI protocol architecture limitation

    so i take it to be inherent in every midi controller... and merely something to be aware of

    So as an example... you wouldnt send a midi clock source on the same channel as getting a constant stream of feedback to Led's & having 8 faders sending out midi CC's on the same channel, as the midi channel will become overloaded... and you will definately notice midi becoming somewhat unresponsive and delayed!

    this is probably not a issue across multiple controllers... but problematic on a single controller

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I do not say it may not happen (MIDI flooding), I just added that there is the second reason LEDs are active after the pressing stop.

    Not only added effect or reverb. It may be also due to long sustain.

  • ranger930
    ranger930 Member Posts: 29 Helper

    Hello everyone,

    in mid-April I opened a ticket at support, then I received various answers, all unsatisfactory, I received the last answer today and it said: At the moment our team is working on the new version and cannot deal with this one specially problem take care of. I only asked how the midi values ​​to be set are.

    It looks as if nobody there knows how your own software is programmed, it doesn't seem to be documented either.

    From my point of view, that's not support, that's just underground, have a nice weekend.

    br, ranger930

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod
    edited May 2023

    ​​91 - 127

    ​​65 - 127

    ​​45 - 127

    ​​33 - 127

    23 - 127

    ​​16​​ - 127

    ​​0 - 127

    Try with blend option disabled. The 127 will ensure that the LED will stay lit - you are just cutting out the minimum value of the midi range setting.

    That setting works with almost all DJ controllers that alloows control of the LED with Note On and Note off messages.

    Do you have a different midi controller with LED feedback? Would be helpful to be able to test and compare.

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