Anyone know if there is software to convert these XY touch pads into OSC or MIDI.
These are common computer touch pads, Some might be pressure sensitive, Looking to assign it as a midi controller. Was hoping NI had a software package for this.
my kontrol s61 mk3 won't connect with my Mac Studio
I keep getting a reading that says.Get the latest update... Download the update at ni.de/kontrol-update??? there is no update for the mk3 on NI's website...frustrating
which sound card to replace audio 6
I'm looking for a stud card with RCA inputs cause my technics mk3 have son RCA output thx for answer
sharing my desks with the new PC doesn't work after logging in... native
Hi everyone I'm thinking of buying another komplete kontrol and installing it on my new computer because I'm trying unsuccessfully to share the account with the old PC. When I open access my desks don't appear the controller doesn't draw life and when I go to update I find it written all your products are updated and…
Driver fail M-Audio Xponent on Windows
Hi, i have a Bluescreen because of the Installation of a Driver for Xponent on Windows 10. What‘s to do and how von i find the right Driver for it? I thought the original Installation CD works… Thanks!
Farewell Sounds.com
Just received an email today: We’re writing to let you know that we will be retiring Sounds.com on June 30th, 2023. We appreciate you for being a Sounds.com subscriber in the past and hope that you’ll continue your journey with the Native Instruments family. Our teams will now focus on delivering new sounds and instruments…
USB Coonection
1/ sorry for my not so good english... 2/ my question is about the necessity to connect directly multiple Softwares or others (cc controll + touche se + rme + komplete series + etc. And I have not enough USB connections only with my mac. So my question is : which USB interface I have to use to have the same connection as…
Audio Mute
what does the Audio Mute option in the MK3/M+ channel menu? For what is it good for?
Need a VST that works within MainStage on my operating system.. does NI version work?
Need a VST that works within MainStage on my operating system.. does NI version work?
A quick question related to account security.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask why doen't NI have a 2FA authentication system and a email (or sms) alert when a login is made with the Native ID?
NI Plugins do not appear in Pro Tools 2023.6
I recently upgraded my Pro Tools system running on my Mac Mini running OS 12.4 to ver: 2023.6 and while all of my NI applications and libraries are in the correct locations, none of my plugins appear in Pro Tools. I rely heavily on them so please help!
How to share screen and audio for collaboration?
Hi there! I couldn't really find anything useful on this topic, so I'm trying my luck. I've been trying back and forth with different settings, but I'm really struggling here. I have a friend who I would like to call, share my screen (DAW) and share my audio. But either the sound is completely gone, or the audio-quality is…
Laptop choice
I’m a hip hop instructor, and a plumbing contractor, so I’m trying to find something that works for work and play. I’m looking at the dell xps 15, I’m concerned because I see almost every Dj use a Mac, can anyone help me with pros and cons. Can you use Spotify or do you have to purchase music thru iTunes or is there…
how do you find out what was done on a update ?
just did an update on Ashlight try to find out what was done!
What can I add to my setup? What are you using?
Hi all, at first I am searching for something new to add to my setup. My Setup currently: MacBook Pro M1 with Traktor and Maschine A&H XONE PX5 XONE K2 Maschine MK3 How I play: XONE K2 is controlling 4 FX Units and Deck A & B in Traktor. Deck C is running my Maschine as Live Input. The PX5 as the Mixer ;) So I wanted to…
Any Learning Course Videos Available Kontrol S61?
Any video courses out there to cut my learning curve on Kontrol S61 Can't get my head around it all 65 year old guitar player.. How about a Tudor? Thanks David 610-209-0600
When will we have Soundtoys with NKS compatability Anyone
Been using it recently and was expecting it to have already been NKS Compatible Does anyone have any information please on why its not been set up Currently now using M2 Silicon Mac/ Maschine / S88/ Studio One DAW
Is Traktor (or any NI program) compatible with Windows on ARM?
Hi, I just wanted to write this discussion because I want to know if Traktor Pro (or any NI product) works or the Native team is already working on implementing their programs on WoARM. Lately I'm searching for a laptop that I use for DJing and daily drive. I'm a Windows user and I've seen the huge progress ARM is making…
Can not download Nectar Elements for free
Yesterday (two September) i received an email from iZotope saying Get Nectar Elements for free for a limited time. Less than twelve hours later, I try to download this software via the add to cart button, but it doesn't work. Is this an error on the site or is the limited time less than twelve hours? René
Fantasy/medieval instruments
Hi there, Does anyone of you here make any medieval/fantasy oriented music? If so what instruments do you use for it? I'm really drawn towards fantasy music and so I wanted to know what y'all are using. I don't really know if Native makes such instruments (or that I am not aware of it), and if they don't will they be…