problem installing product
Dialog box say 'In order to sucessfully finish installation, please locate xxx library folder on your system. What is a library folder? What distinguishes it from any other folder. When I select 'Native Instruments' it says 'That path is invalid, please 'read how to fix this'. That link makes a selection 'light version',…
No you can't use your worst programmers for the installer
No one buys the installer, it's not something you can market as an advantage, it's more or less a nuisance project you just have as enabling background technology, it's something you can break junior engineers on before they introduce crashes into the sessions of high-profile clients on deadline… Nope. All of the above is…
can't login to Izotope Product Portal after updating to Mac OS 15.0
I have tried to reinstall the softwareware - but no luck ?
Traktor 3 Pro for Mac M1 Ventura + for Intel Big Sur: How to install to Big Sur OS 11.7.10
Help! Bought Traktor Pro 3 for my (M1) MacBook Pro. As I prefer to use the book for Live, I would like to transfer Traktor Scratch Pro 3 to my older book (Intel) identically. As written by Native, the 3.4.1 Traktor Installer does not work on Ben Sur Intel (Traktor 3.4.1 Installer needs to be updated says Mac) Native Access…
Native access stuck on loading products. (Native Access 3.10.3)
Hey guys i downloaded native access on a new PC, I want to install my libraries but the loading page on native access is stuck on "loading products"
NA looking for installed Izotope plugin but I cant locate them.
As the title suggests. My new items from my Komplete purchase showed up in NA. All installed except the Izotope plugins which displays "Add Library". So I click on it and it wants me to locate the libraries/plugins. I dont think they installed so how can I find em? I went to Izotope web site to see if I could download…
I bought used
I bought used and did not receive a transfer ID and contacted support, but when will I hear from the
Help! Previews still trying to install.
HI All PLease help. Previews has been trying to install for 3 days! I've reset the file location tried different folders locations etc and Ive logged out and logged back in and it's still installing and theres no way to stop it. Ive tried everything. Thank you, Nats
Instruments show as installed in Kontakt 8, but they are not.
I have just installed Komplete 15 Collectors and I have went through the instrument setup. Many of the new instruments (125 actually) showed as installed, but do not come up in Kontakt. I have tried reinstalling instruments - no success. I have tried reinstalling and at times it has me run an installer outside of Native…
2 questions about un-installing/removing stuff from Native Access
question 1 I un-installed nectar 4 elements from Izotope portal, however on native access it shows me that there is an update for nectar elements, and there is the repair button, how do I get rid of nectar elements also on native access? question 2 I have a bunch of random freebees I collected over the years, I'd like to…
Installed Instruments not showing up in Kontakt in Logic
can someone help me with this… I have purchased the N.I subscription and have installed the relevant instruments, applications n etc.. However when I try to open them in Kontakt they don’t show up, see picture. Those are the only instruments that comes up but I have installed a lot more than that. Can someone please help…
Hi, For 2 weeks now Im trying to get an issue - after purchasing Komplete 15, many items from it are missing from native acsses (like Kithara and more). I adress the support and a nice guy actualy answering me onces a day if Im lucky and have try with him out lots of stuff that doesnt work and doent resolves the issue. i…
How can I access products from my old account on my new account?
Hi, I've been blocked from my old account - the email address for which is now inactive - and I need to access products I've previosuly bought. I've created a new account so as to access the products.
Native Access : updates problem
Hi all, I use iMac with Intel Core i7, Ventura 13.7.1, Native Access 3.14.0. I wanted to updates some applications. All is good except for Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt 7. When I ask updates, after downloading, I have a message "Installation failed : you may need to grant full disk access to Native Instruments and the…
Native Access 3.12.0 won't open
Opened NA on my PC this morning for the first time in a few weeks and it said it would update after restarting the program. Clicked the restart now, and now it won't start. Double click the icon and get blue spinning wheel for half a second, but the NA never opens. Uninstalled NA and reinstalled and rebooted the PC, but…
Native Access @ Mac M3
How can I use Native Access on Mac M3, there are trouble, Rosetta not working fine, Apps not working, Traktor 3 not working. No Updates, Error Messages Greetz
Komplete 15 Standard: Can't find it in the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager
We purchased Komplete 15 Standard and followed the installation instructions. But the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager doesn't show the Komplete 15 Standard, whether under "My Products" nor somewhere else. Where is our download? We paid for it and can't download it? What is that, Native Instruments?
Native Access still thinks Reaktor 6 is Installed and Won't Reset - Mac
Hi guys, Having an issue that is really annoying me as typically things run smoothly with music products for me. Firstly, I had installed reaktor 6 and it was showing up in demo mode, which is super weird considering I had bought a crossgrade license which I can see in my account page. Therefore I figured I should go and…
After no solution via support: has someone the "installing dependencies" problem in v340 in NA2?
Hi there, after an update to the newer interface and contacting the support with no solution: has someone experienced the issue, that after restarting MacOS and starting Native Access 3.4.0. it always wants Admin credentials to install "dependencies". I did all the support suggested me to do. I once had this exact same…
Komplete 15 - 125 instruments will not install [closed duplicate discussion]
Hello, I posted a discussion concerning this earlier, but the solution offered did not help and I have not received any responses to my follow-up posts. ……………………………………………………………………………. I originally wrote: "Many of the new instruments (125 actually) showed as installed, but do not come up in Kontakt. I have tried…