Where's my Libriary?

K4M4 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I bought the GGD library, entered the serial number, but the library is not in Native Access. What is the reason for this?

Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,164 mod
    Answer ✓

    It is possible that you have an outdated Native Access.xml file

    Please try this:

    Go to the following directories listed below:

    For Mac:

    Mac HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center

    For Windows:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Then delete the file Native Access.xml

    Restart your computer and open Native Access. It will automatically re-create the file, with all latest additions.

    If that was the issue, all your software will now appear.

    Btw, always make sure that you use the latest Native Access update (current version: 3.16)


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