How to avoid VST Scan on Maschine SW?
Is there a way to bypass Maschine software from scanning vst folders every time it opens? Takes forever to open when you have a ton of different vsts. Would like to be able to run an initial scan and then just run a manual scan anytime you make a change.
Why does Maschine 2 software always ask to save changes?
If I open a project or group then immediately remove it or close Maschine I get the dialogue box saying its detected changes and asks if I want to save them when nothing has been changed. It's only started doing this after reinstalling all my NI software on a new computer.
Trying to get Kontakt7 to work in Machine 2
Hi I'm new to this set up and I purchased a maschine plus and Kontakt7. I can get Kontakt7 running in stand alone mode but as soon as I install it as a plug in into maschine 2 it doesn't produce the correct sound.. just a sort of buzzing frequency. Kontakt7 will no longer run correctly on stand alone mode either.. After I…
Can't drag&drop sounds in a group
Re Maschine 2 v2.16.1 On this page of the NI documentation In the Moving Sounds section it says I can move/rearrange sounds in a group by: Click and hold the desired Sound slot(s) in the Sound List or in the Pad view. While holding the mouse button, drag your mouse toward the desired location in the Sound List or in the…
Plugin License Error - Make it Go Away !
This comes up every time I start Maschine. How do I skip it permanently? This does not appear on any other NI software (Kontakt, Komplete, etc). I do not use H-Delay on this device, but I also do not use several other Waves plugins that do not produce this error in Maschine or elsewhere! I have already tried all 3 options…
How to fix this? - Maschine Plugins missing
I have only just began to use maschine and I started making a certain track on my computer at school. Unfortunately, I no longer go there and I took the project home to complete, but these plugins are missing. Does anyone know what they are and how to get them on NI? Thanks!
Maschine + [as plug in] crashing Ableton Live 12. Unusable. Anyone else? Thank you.
as another user posted here with Maschine crashing Logic Pro, I got the same problem here with my Ableton Live 12, config is; Mac book Pro m3 max 48 gb ram Sonoma 14.5 problems started first with switching between groups / group button , and I thought first it could be a energy overload due to the backlights etc. . tried 4…
Virtual Midi ports for maschine studio
When using any software outside of maschine, I cannot get maschine studios virtual ports to show and i'm in a sticky situation for production. I've gone through both a windows recent win 11 latest update and a macbook pro running 14.4.1 and I cannot get this to work at all. Current firmare on the maschine studio is 3.3.
Installing expansions on maschine + from usb/pc
I was wondering whether or not it was possible to download and install expansions from expansions previously downloaded on my pc via native access ? If not, it would be an interesting feature in case of no internet !
Confused, Komplete Collection 14 does not include MASCHINE 2 FACTORY?
I purchased a Maschine Mikro, registered and the only new install was MASCHINE 2 "Essentials" … so I poked around and it looks like MASCHINE 2 Factory is a separate upgrade $99. I didn't expect to have to pay again for what I thought was in KOMPLETE Collector … am I missing something? Cheers, Rob.
Traktor and Maschine MK3 sync
both need still some updates to make it work how it should. yes you can sync both static on one Master Tempo. But there is much more possible ! Traktor, when LINK on also Auto Master should be work, that Maschine can follow it. and also if I change the tempo on the fly on a set from 128 to 122 I want Maschine follow,…
How to set up the many Drum "Instruments" for finger-playing on the pads
I love how the Expansions have Groups that are predefined as immediately playable drum kits in Maschine using Pad Mode. I'm disappointed in all the other drum-kit "instruments" that I have invested in (eg: Abbey Road series) that do not work this way. I'm looking for the most efficient, fiddle-proof workflow to leverage…
New Maschine + in Traktor 4 video?!
The plus is white, and there is a new NI logo next to it as well on the side! 😄
Mikro Mk2 can out-sample Mikro Mk3 : Bring Back Maschine’s Signature Manual Sampling Mode
Okay, im sure youve seen my shortcut idea posts. I was looking for official notes on the Maschine 2.18.3 update, but found no literature. But, in order of priority, can we get the signature manual sampling back on the mikro? There should be no reason my mk2 can out sample the mk3. This is maschine’s bread and butter.…
SHIFT + * = Favorite Sound - Mirko Mk.3 / Does this work for you?
Hey, I just started using the mikro mk3. I watched all of the tutorials and read the owners manual. I wanted to favorite a sound (for the first time) today, but the “SHIFT + *” shortcut didnt work for me. Is anyone else running into this issue? The button works, it sends me to favorites list, but the SHIFT command isn't…
Maschine plus bug and big probleme
I buy Maschine plus and after 2 years and two month dont work she has a big bug i cant use anymore In Standalone ! and Native said i must paid for this big problem ! For one Maschine cost over 1000 it’s crazy ! i must put this Maschine In thé Garbage after two years it’s just unbeliviebeld ! I am so uhappy about that ! be…
Maschine Mk3 [as plug in] crashing Logic Pro 11. Unusable. Please help. Thank you.
Updated all possible that I know of. It seems to happen when I touch a pad after a few minutes of use. Otherwise, my pro rig is bullet proof. Almost ended a first time writing session yesterday with a known artist in with me from another country. Can you imagine? I'm looking for other options unfortunately. Thanks for any…
Use Maschine VST to sample live Guitar in Ableton
Hi, I've got a workflow that I like for live and recording using Maschine instances in Ableton. One thing I would love to do though is live sample my guitar in the Maschine VST version so I can actually chop them live as well. Is there a way to do this? I load an instance of Maschine in Ableton then I have the option to…
Maschine 2.18 VST3 unable to load embedded Maschine Project in Cubase
Using the Maschine 2.18.0 and 2.18.1 VST3, Cubase does not load the Maschine Project embedded with the plugin if it was created with Maschine 2.15.2 or older. The embedded Maschine Project loads fine when using the Maschine 2.16.1 VST3 plugin. Project is loaded with the Maschine 2.18.1 VST3 plugin, if the Cubase project…
Maschine+ MIDI over USB in standalone
Hey everyone! Is M+ capable of sending and receiving MIDI over USB when in Standalone mode and connected to a Mac via USB-B to USB-A cable? Mac's MIDI studio is recognising MIDI interface of M+. In MIDI studio I tried to route MIDI from M+ to Microfreak, both connected with ports 1, MIDI routed from M+ USB MIDI but no…