Using Alesis Nitro Mesh Drum Pads With Maschine Software
Has anyone successfully gotten this to work. Im struggling trying to get the mesh pads to trigger the different Maschine pads when hooked up through midi. It seems like no matter what pad on the drum set I hit it only trigger different octaves of the first drum pad on my Maschine. Please help if you have had success with…
Maschine+ Registration Failed...
Maschine+ Registration Failed, but I see that it is registered on the website in native-instruments.com and in Native Access and in my account. So Maschine+ just needs to recognize that it is registered.
Just bought a used Maschine MK3 from Guitar Center
I just bought a used Maschine MK3 from Guitar Center in Fort Collins, CO a couple of hours ago and I can't activate it. I have put in a chat request but is there anything else I can do? I didn't know re-registration would be such an issue.
Edit copied pattern changes original pattern?
Hi, I'm new to Maschine (Mikro). I recorded a pattern in my drums group. I duplicated the pattern within the drum group in order to modify it for use in a different scene. Unfortunately all changes I make in the copied pattern change the original pattern as well. Thanks for advice how to avoid this behaviour.
Do i need to buy maschine 3 if i already own a maschine mk3?
i bought the maschine mk3 in around march 2024 and it came with maschine 2 software, but NI has recently launched the maschine 3 update…
where can I get software to make the Machine MK1 work
HI I JUST MADE THE MISTAKE OF BUYING machine mk1 to my horror to find out there is no software available for Mac Ventura 13.7.4
X1 Mk3 + Maschine Mikro mk3 Traktor 4.1 function confirm
Can someone just quickly confirm: The X1 MK3 doesn't have a pre-loaded function to switch between decks, for full 4-deck FX, browser, and hotcue (AB, AC… to CD, DA…) without global reset The Maschine Mikro mk3 doesn't have a pre-mapped Controller Manager load-out for 2 remix decks (manual trigger deck and step sequencer…
A little Rant, regarding being Trapped in the NI Ecosystem for 5 years now
I was DJing some years before I found Traktor as THE software to best fit with my flow. When I bought myself a Maschine Mk3 in 2018 including the Komplete bundle, it was promised that the sync of Traktor Pro and Maschine, using Windows should be working seamlessly. The statement I got from an NI Represantative was "We're…
always registration failed
hi, I brought a Maschine + today, and can't register by the machine, always show me registration failed. I have registered online by pc, but nothinng changed, can't process any more.
I want to trigger Maschine with DDrum triggers
I can get the triggers to trigger Maschine but can't figure out how to select different sounds per trigger. EX: If I load a Machine drum kit, each trigger DDdrum trigger I hit references a single sound bank. I can't figure out how to select snare in the kit>make it sound the way I want and then switch Maschine to kick and…
When will NI reps really start to communicate and inform their users…?
When will NI reps really start to communicate and inform their users…? Yes, I know it will be soon or the ‘quarterly’ marketing mumbo jumbo by The Chief, but I’m not talking about some vague time frames here. Yes, a lot has happend within the last 3 weeks, but not what was promised (before closing topics)... So where’s…
Script actions in maschine using the shortcut app
Hello all, I am trying to automate/script some actions in the maschine app, using the shortcut app in Mac OS. I am trying to create a shortcut where with a command shortcut, I can have maschine switch the audio device from the (komplete audio 6) to the (maschine 3’s audio interface)… Essentially avoiding menus, and having…
Hey, does anyone know why Maschine+ is not to be found on NI´s website? Best Sebastian
Light and dark mode for Maschine 3
Hey, I really like the new design and functions that were added into Maschine 3 but I hope NI is going to add the possibility to switch between a light and a dark mode of the whole interface. Even if its only the grey tone of the old version. Just would love to have the choice of that.
Synchronising Maschine Plus to Studio One (7)
I’m trying to get my Maschine Plus to start and stop and follow the right point in the timeline in Presonus Studio One. It’s working flawlessly in Ableton Live. I can get Live to listen to external clock and with a song arrangement in the Maschine Plus Live follows song position nicely and when I set Maschine to listen to…
Maschine 3.01 hosted in Logic Pro 11.11: Can not see instrument windows (MAS2-30214)
Hi I have following problem. I'm using Maschine 3.01 as a plugin in Logic Pro 11.11. Sequoia 15.2. My problem is that I can not see instrument windows/plugin windows of Maschine. For example: if I load Guitar Rig 7 or Alicia Keys inside Maschine 3, I get no plugin window, no matter what I do. Clicking the plugin under the…
Cannot complete a VST Scan
Every time I try to do a VST scan on Maschine 3.01, it freezes on some random plugin. I remove the plugin and rescan, and it just gets stuck on another. I've done this with over 30+ plugins and I'm tired… I just want to use Maschine, even if with just NI plugins, but I can't even get that. Can anyone help? (Windows 11)
Switching from song mode to ideas mode ?
It seems that now that I am in the song mode, the button to switch back to ideas mode is struck through and I can't switch it either on the computer, OR using the MK3 controller in the arranger/ shift/ ideas or songs buttons OR in the controller using shift/navigate/ ideas or songs.. the song is named weird1, appropriately
Question about Rhythmizer Fusion
I have Maschine Mk3, and I'm trying to discover if the Rhythmizer Fusion arpeegiator will work inside of maschine? I have the NI Midi keyboard and my audio interface has midi inputs, im still relatively new to the platform so any help would be greatly appreciated. Larry B
Exporting STEMS from Traktor 4 Pro
Hi everybody, I have two macbooks and use Traktor 4 on the newer one and Traktor 3 on the Older one (limited at High Sierra OS). Both versions could play stems, but Traktor 3 don't could generate them. It is possible export the stems from Traktor 4 and import them on Traktor 3. Thanks.