The Kontakt 7's library browser is GREAT but utterly unusable due to this one simple flaw
I'm really hoping this is a user error because I find it hard to believe the UX designers missed this one. There's no way to see the full patch names in the search results. Even the detailed view does not show the full name. It shows everything BUT the actual name of the file. There's no tool tip for the search results…
Kontakt libraries only show when I am in rack view
I don't like rack view and prefer to see all my libraries on the main page. On top of this I am getting a file not found error for opening some libraries but when I open it in rack view it opens fine. FYI I recently transferred stuff between hard drives and that screwed a lot of stuff up. I cannot redownload everything due…
Greater Realism With Solo Instruments In Band Section Of Factory Library
This is simple but could be a good tip for some… Lets take Tenor Saxophone as an example. What I like to do is switch to the options tab on the bottom left and turn on randomise options, but then only add a little to velocity and volume but leave pitch and pan alone. This can give a more human and realistic sounding…
Hello All, I'm new to this so here is my ??
How to get Impulse Response sounds in Le Skank plugin, PT and LPX? Thanks for any help.
In what order does Auto-Map spread velocities?
I have sample files that contain in the file name a field that indicates the velocity, i.e. forte fortissimo mezzo-forte mezzo-piano pianissimo piano I tell Auto-Map Setup about this field, but on what basis does it determine the order of the velocities i.e. which value is the loudest and which the softest and what is the…
Kontakt - instr/program change via MIDI ?
now I have the problem that I use a lot of KONTAKT instances on my SLAVE machines (VePro connected). During a project I change insruments or banks and I will still save the whole VePro Session for each project. Is there a way to just trigger program changes via MIDI for Kontakt7 ?
Can't double click in Kontakt 7! HELP
Hi there, since a while I (from time to time) can't double click instruments in Kontakt anymore. Meaning I cannot navigate in samplelibrary folders back and forth or choose the instrument I want to use. I have to use right click and navigate through the finder folders and drag and drop it into Kontakt. That's hindering my…
I can’t save presets in Kontakt
I can no longer save my favorite presets to Kontakt. and Maschine Mk3. Is there a solution for this issue? kind regards Ray
Batch Save in Kontakt to decrease loading time
To reduce the amount of time it takes to load some Kontakt libraries, "batch resave" the library. Here is a link to the instructions… https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/210274985-How-to-Batch-re-save-a-Kontakt-Library Keep in mind that if you batch resave in a later version of Kontakt (version 7 for…
Kontakt Library - trying to resolve missing content
I ran into the issue detailed here: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8520150#p8520150 I'm trying to understand. One Kontakt specific issue I've isolated is that the help here says: Browse for Files: This option will ask you to locate each missing file manually, one at a time, via a file selection dialog.…
Organizing Kontakt Instruments
I am reposting this because I was unable to add the appropriate tags on my iPad. Sorry if I'm clogging up the discussions… Like many others, I have used Kontakt since at least version 2 and over the years, my instruments library became unwieldy and difficult to navigate. I found a simple solution recently. I had a spare…
Kontakt 6 no longer opens Hybrid Keys. Please help!
I have even tried the legacy download file from this forum and Hybrid Keys no longer shows up in Kontakt 6 anymore. I can manually open Hybrid Keys from within Kontakt 6 but it stays in 'demo' mode now. Please help!!
Real-Time Setup for Live Concerts: iZotope + Kontakt
I’m using iZotope tools with Kontakt to automatically adjust sound in real-time during a live concert. This way, the Kontakt instrument matches the mix or a reference track without needing a lot of manual work. I can play live while I control the sound. This is when I play live without any sound-technician helping me.…
Tips and tricks : Nice Bassline
Hello, When I got stuck to writing bassline, sometimes I used the MIDI pattern from Session Bassist instruments and used other sound/instrument with it. Just choose random presets from Session Bassist (in my case Prime Bass), then drag the midi (use the drag icon) from the plugin to your DAW. Drag multiple midi patterns…
Most indispensable organizational tip I ever got
For the longest time, I didn't realize the Quick-Load catalog existed. For anyone not already in the know, you can organize your instruments, banks, and multis any way you like. For instance, I put all my favorite pianos in a virtual directory called (insightfully) "Pianos." If you wanted a pianos directory under another…
Tip: Quickly Change Default VST Mixer Outputs
Kontakt's default VST outputs are a mess! To create 16 stereo outputs assigned to discreet VST outputs in your host by default (my favourite setup), do this: In the standalone app, hit ctrl/cmd+N 16 times, rename each instrument as desired. Save this as an .nkm. In your host, load up Kontakt and the .nkm file. Open your…
Tip: Use Batch Functions to create a channel per instrument
I prefer to use a single instance of Kontakt plugin with multiple instruments, in my DAW, rather than open up multiple instances of the plugin, containing a single instrument. A key trick is knowing about the Batch Functions in the Outputs View. I will configure Kontakt the way I want it, then use Batch Functions → Clear…
Kontakt files organization
Like many others, I have used Kontakt since at least version 2 and over the years, my instruments library became unwieldy and difficult to navigate. I found a simple solution recently. I had a spare 4TB drive and I created 27 new folders — one for each letter of the alphabet, plus one for numbers and non alphabetical…
Kontakt 5 - demo mode with silicon apple M1
Hello Just had to change computer and i discover that my native plug stay on demo mode…I try to re-install the old version native access but problem stays the same… Any proposition ? regards
Create your own unique Multi Instruments in Kontakt [Komplete 15 Giveaway Entry]
Hi everyone, I would like to share a little tip I like to do in Kontakt. A lot of you probably know this already but I like to load two or more instruments at once into Kontakt and create new interesting sounds that way. To do that simply drag one instrument into Kontakt and then add another one below that. Just make sure…