Using Reverse Grain and Sequencer - Annoying Buzzes
Okay I am out of options here. I've been using Guitar Rig since Version 4 and I have always struggled with this: sequencing the Grain Reverse Module with a sequencer - Step or Analog, it's always producing the same annoying buzzes. Why? What would you do to sequence a reverse effect that happens at the 4th bar of a…
How to fix: Guitar Rig 6.3 update broke Studio One 6 / Akai LPD 8 metronome automation
Prior to the 6.3.0 update I was able to assign a pad on the AKAI LPD 8 to control the Metronome's Mute, something useful for practice versus recording. To do this in Studio One, I would use its Macro tools to assign the button by searching the list of Guitar Rig parameters to find the "Metronome Mute" parameter and then…
Want friends to be able to hear what I hear on Guitar Rig 6.
I use discord to talk with my friends and with my Scarlet Solo. I am able to use the Focusrite USB as an input so they can hear what my guitar plays. The thing is that when I boot up Guitar Rig 6, I am able to hear the "amp effect" but they cannot. They hear strictly just the guitar if you played it BARE. I even tried…
Problem with the last update of Guitar Rig 6 Pro
I have used the older version of Guitar Rig 6 Pro in my Digital Performer with no problem at all, but when I updated to the last version and tried to insert it as an effect DP doesn't allow it and shows this message. Could someone tell me what is happening? The older version worked perfectly.
Replika XT, Raum, Bite/Dirt/Freak & Choral/Flair/Phasis stealing keyboard focus.
Hi there, I contributed to this post - https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/replika-xt-latest-version-stealing-playback-focus.463527/ - a year ago and I've since regularly updated to all the latest versions of the listed plugins, but I still have the same issue. I'm now on Ableton Live 10.1.43 on Windows 10,…
Sounding like Santana with guitar rig 6
I'm looking for a sound like Carlos Santana: an idea?
Processing latency and phase flipping
GR6 does not report processing latency to a host. Some amp models flip phase. Not reporting processing latency to a host is a big issue. The same goes for flipping phase by some amp models. You cannot use parallel processing. When will be those fixed? Thank you
Getting Guitar Rig 6 to load Guitar Rig 5 (Cubase) presets
I have recently moved from a Win7 machine (sold) that I ran Guitar Rig 5 on. Now, I own Guitar Rig 6 on Windows 10 and I want to migrate my Cubase Guitar Rig 5 tracks to Guitar Rig 6. I no longer have Guitar Rig 5 or the setup s/w. I have reached out to NI support but have no received no response whatsoever, Is there any…
Guitar Rig 6 Mac M1 cpu-load
Hello, comparing GR5 with GR6: the processor load is 1-2% vs 32% just watching it ... I read older Windows related posts. I thought the arm version of GR6 might work more efficiently. Any infos for an update working on that? I'd like to kick/deinstall GR5 but with this it looks like a bad trade ;)
Can't find my User Presets
For some reason, recently when I save a preset it doesn't appear on the list. There are two old, previously saved user presets visible (in the app) and if I right click "show in explorer", I see a list of a bunch of old presets AND MY RECENTLY SAVED (BUT INVISIBLE) PRESETS. They are in Users/Peter/Native Instruments/User…
Having trouble with getting sound out of GuitarRig5
I'm seeing input and output levels when playing, both dry & wet sliders up, and I'm not muted in the tuner. Guitar volume up, but I get no sound output, regardless of settings. Currently have USB headphones connected, can hear other sounds but getting nothing from Guitar Rig.
Missing Presets in Guitar Rig 6 Pro
Hi, I had posted on this earlier, and thought I had the issue fixed. But unfortunately I don't. So I uninstalled N.I. and guitar Rig just incase I had a issue there. Reinstalled both ran the installation and opened the program in stand alone mode and the photos are what I get. As the above shows there is nothing loading in…
I can't use the native access because it needs at least windows 10 and there doesn't seem to be any other way. Any one got any ideas? In my product page the only option I have is to download through native access, which of course won't work with windows 7. Thanks.
Getting That Beatles Sound
Hi I am a Mouldy Oldie and have taken up guitar, for my pleasure only. Now that I am retired I have time to learn the guitar and record myself for some extra fun. I would like to ask if anyone knows if there are any presets, or what settings (amps and pedals) I would need to get the Beatles sounds using guitar rig 6…
Guitar Rig 6 Pro - Interface does not show up
Just installed Guitar Rig 6 Pro on MacOS 13.2.1 M2 Max. I cannot select my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 or Sonic Port VX interface as they do not show up in Devices. Therefore I cannot use it. Note both work fine in Amplitude 4 on same Mac. Need assistance. Thanks
Guitar Rig 6 UI bug in Reaper
Guitar Rig UI is pretty terrible in Reaper, when Windows scaling is set to 150%. It's pretty much makes GR6 unusable in Reaper. The UI is so messed up that even the actual mouse position is way off of the mouse cursor. How to fix that?
Guitar Rig 6 adds latency not reported to the host
I just upgraded to Komplete 13 and started to use Guitar Rig 6. I like it very much so far, but I noticed that it adds few ms of latency, even without any component loaded, and this latency is not reported to the host (at least, to my DAW, i.e. Ableton Live). So if it's used in parallel, it creates phase issues. I'm using…
can not access the functions on guitar rig
i have guitar rig loaded as a plugin in my daw but the volume and all the other function don't work
Guitar Rig 6 Nu Metal Sound
Hello. I recently upgraded my Guitar Rig 6 to the full version. I'm into nu metal and Linkin Park are my primary influence. I know Skreamer are one of them but can anyone who makes nu metal please tell and help me what components are needed or a certain preset? If anyone could help me, please respond as soon as you see…
12 or 18 strings / nylon guitar
Good day, are there any presets for simulating a nylon or a 12 or 18 string guitar on Guitar Rig? Would like to get nylon sounds out of my electric guitar when playing - if this is possible somehow. Does anybode have presets for that? Thanks Udo