Guitar Rig 6: Logic Pro Quit Unexpectedly/ quit unexpectedly

K1DD0 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Hey everybody,

I've been having some trouble with logic and Guitar Rig 6 as of late. Whenever I open logic for a new session I get the following:

Additionally, when I try opening sessions that are utilizing Guitar Rig 6 I am receiving:

I was having this issue and decided to uninstall and reinstall Logic Pro X and all of my Native Instruments plug-ins. Removed everything including preferences. Afterwards, I wasn't getting errors when opening fresh sessions.

However, I tried to open a session utilizing Guitar Rig 6 and the errors started again.

@Jeremy_NI or anyone know what I might be able to do to fix this issue?

Here are my system specs:

Please let me know if any other information is needed to assess the situation for a fix!

Many thanks in advance!!!!

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    @K1DD0 Have you tried to open Guitar Rig 6 in standalone ? Is it crashing as well?

    Go to the following location of your computer: Macintosh HD > Users > *Your User Name* > Library > Preferences

    Delete the com.native-instruments.Guitar Rig 6.plist

    Go to the following location:Macintosh HD > Users > *Your User Name* > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments

    Delete the Guitar Rig 6 folder

    Note: the User Library folder is hidden. To access it, click on Go in the menu bar and press down the Alt key. You'll now find the Library entry in the menu:


  • K1DD0
    K1DD0 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    When I try to open Guitar Rig 6 on it's own, I'm getting this error:

  • Eklethe
    Eklethe Member Posts: 44 Member

    @Kubrak was super helpful with figuring out my mac woes lately too, maybe he might know a fix? Tagging for viz

    @Kaiwan_NI also, do you have any guidance?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I am not on Mac and/or Logic...

    It seems, the problem is in GR6. GR6 standalone or within Logic uses address x0000, which is for sure wrong. It means memory has not been allocated because of some reason (programmer has forgotten to allocate it, system has not allocated it, ...) or pointer to the memory has been overwritten by mistake...

    It may also be caused by problem on the disc (faulty instalation of plugin/program) or HW problem with RAM of computer (but in that case more programs/plugins would have problems and it would be probably sort of random).

    If it does just with certain preset, given preset file might be faulty...

    The best, in this case, would be to contact NI Support - open Support Ticket. They might locate the source of problems more precisely...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    @K1DD0 Have you tried to open Guitar Rig 6 in standalone ? Is it crashing as well?

    Go to the following location of your computer: Macintosh HD > Users > *Your User Name* > Library > Preferences

    Delete the com.native-instruments.Guitar Rig 6.plist

    Go to the following location:Macintosh HD > Users > *Your User Name* > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments

    Delete the Guitar Rig 6 folder

    Note: the User Library folder is hidden. To access it, click on Go in the menu bar and press down the Alt key. You'll now find the Library entry in the menu:

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Hi @K1DD0

    it would be helpful if you could provide the full crash logs that you posted pictures of. The important information is not shown in these images.



  • K1DD0
    K1DD0 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    I have tried to open GR6 on it's own, but it also yields a crash error. I'm going to try the steps you posted and will follow up shortly!


  • K1DD0
    K1DD0 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    Hey! Your procedure worked!!! Cheers!

    Thank you!

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Hi @K1DD0,

    thanks for providing those crash-logs. As I suspected, this is a crash that we have seen before in a very few cases. We have it on our to-do list to fix this. Luckily there is the workaround that @Jeremy_NI described which can be used in the meantime until we have this fixed.



  • DigitalOar
    DigitalOar Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Guitar Rig 6 was crashing when I opened Mainstage. I was able to uninstall it by deleting all the files and folders specified in this support article (How to Uninstall Native Instruments Software from a Mac Computer).

    My problem now is that it still shows up as installed in the Native Access application. How can I remove it from that list? Is there a file somewhere that needs to be edited/deleted? Thanks.

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