Native Access
In my native access account it says that I have the full version of Guitar Rig 5, 6. However, when I open GR 5 stand alone it opens the trial version. When I open it in Pro Tools it also opens the trial version. Why??
Will update to Guitar Rig 7 from 5 include 6?
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding upgrading my Guitar Rig software... I currently own Guitar Rig 5 Pro, but a project requires me to use Guitar Rig 6 (Cannot use 7 because my colleagues do not own Guitar Rig 7 so they can't open my session). But on the NI Website I could only find upgrades to Guitar Rig 7 Pro. I'm…
Some guitar rig 6 preset dosen have sounds
When i open some guitar rig preset, they dont have sound its not a n equmpment or any hardwarei issue on mu part since other preset work well. Im using ableton 11, windows 11 some preset i found no sounds: Acoustic shimmer 1993 hot solo ring 2nd in the street there's more... what can i do? its anoiying.
GR7 with FCB1010 questions and problems with setup
I recently got my hands on an FCB1010 pedal board to use with my GR7, and I'm having some issues with programming. Here's what I mean: First, I'm trying to set two of the pedals (1 and 6 ) to the up and down arrows, to cycle thru the master preset list. However, whenever I try to program them, they only bring me to the 1st…
Which ones are new 7.0.2 Presets
The update says that 33 new rack presets are added. How can I tell which ones these are?
Setting tempo
Hi, I only play live with GR6, using delays & tremolos for guitar and vocals... It's brilliant when seted perfectly on tempo. I can't do it perfectly with my midi footswitch (tap is on/off/on... and not on/on/on...) Any idea that GR would "read" the tempo of the song, with my guitar silent struming at the beginning of the…
Guitar Rig 7 Pro - How to smooth the MODIFIER > LFO > RANDOM?
Is there some way the stepped output of the RANDOM LFO can be smoothed? I'm used to seeing a "smooth" modifier in various apps, but not it here. I want to add some chaos that's erratic but not so jagged. I tried mapping other LFOs to a RANDOM LFO to "mellow" it out some and smooth it so it doesn't suddenly jump to new…
Guitar Rig 7 Crashes DAW on close
guitar rig 7 is crashing my daw when I close the plugin I have done all the remedies any help pease? thanks
BUG? Reflektor - User IR folder is not sorted alphabetically
In Guitar Rig 7 Pro, I pointed the Reflektor User IR folder at Ableton's Convolution Impulse Responses folder, and it show up in some strange haphazard "order". This is true of subfolders in it. It's very obvious because the top-level folders start with numbers: 01, 02, 03 but it's all mixed up. What's going on here and…
Brand new Guitar Rig 7 has same issues as Kontakt 7in Logic for M1 Macs
I just bought Guitar Rig 7. Great new options but incredible but true Native Instruments has build in the same bug in this plugin as in Kontakt 7. The simple entry of text in the search block for M1 Macs in Logic Pro X is impossible. When you try to enter text in the search block all characters are interpreted as Logic key…
Guitar Rig 7 Pro Studio One 6 plugin problem
Hi all, I purchased a Guitar Rig 7 Pro license and I had no problem installing it. The standalone version also does not have any problems despite running it on the not yet supported latest MacOS. However when I use it as a plugin in Studio One 6 there are no presets available and lots of the colors and labels of the…
Guitar Rig Pro 7 Strobe tuner not honoring reference pitch modification
When I modify the reference pitch and select the strobe tuner it appears to not honor the reference pitch. It continues to act like it's on 440. I need a way to submit a ticket to get this resolved.
Guitar Rig 7 Pro Partial Display Issue
I have a new (to me) 2018 Mac mini Intel i5 running Sonoma 14.0, the graphics specs are Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB, and I'm using Studio One 6.5 Pro. I recently purchased Guitar Rig 7 Pro and am using VST3 for compatibility with my collaborating partner. When opening GR7 from a session I've been given, the effects are…
Guitar Rig 7 crashes at startup. Followed all of the advice on here but still not woking help
Process: Guitar Rig 7 [5298] Path: /Applications/Native Instruments/*/Guitar Rig 7.app/Contents/MacOS/Guitar Rig 7 Identifier: com.native-instruments.Guitar Rig 7 Version: 7.0.1 (7.0.1 [R0], Copyright © 2023 Native Instruments GmbH) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible: Guitar Rig 7 [5298] User…
Guitar Rig 7 opens with an empty interface
Guitar Rig 6 and 7 open with an incomplete interface. If I close and reopen I get a complete interface. If I close and reopen again I get any incomplete interface. It alternates. Any ideas?
GR7-Pro 7.0.1 (R0): Standalone UI is good, Plugin UI is missing text
Standalone UI is good. If I load GR7-Pro into a DAW, the UI is missing text. Can I fix this?
GR7 - Loop Machine Pro Auto Grow improvement
Hi there, Loving this GR7 and the Loop Machine so far. Very usable from the beginning! When playing with Auto Grow I thought of a feature that could be implemented to make it even better: Currently in Auto Grow mode when you tap REC and you're almost at the end of your loop, such as: You end up recording a second loop with…
Wrong image for Control Room.
It says on the image 'Cabinet IR Loader' but the text on the left says 'Control Room'.
GR6LE User presets won't load
I save a preset and when I open it it says that I need GR6 Pro. Are user presets not an option in GR6LE? Running 6.2.2, windows.
Rammfire Settings
Hi, does anyone have screen images or comments on Rammfire settings to closely resemble the sound of popular Rammstein songs? I get close, but not enough for my taste. There are too many adjustments to just try so many possibilities. Help please. Thanks