Random midi dropout when playing Battery 4 via Cubase 12
I created a 4 bar rhythmic loop on repeat in cubase 12 triggering 8 different pads form the Afro Shop Kit in Battery 4. The first time through it plays ok but after that some instances of pads don’t sound. When I watch their envelope they aren’t triggered. Midi notes do coincide. Almost sounds like a polyphony issue but…
Battery Now Library replace Battery 4 Factory Library?
I have the Komplete Now subscription, which includes Battery 4. (4.3) .. It also includes the Battery Now Library. When running Battery 4 stand alone or plugin in Ableton, I can only see the Battery Now Library, not the factory library. Tried the list of suggestions in another post, all the way to reinstalling Battery 4,…
Battery 4 (vst) not routing in FL Studio 20
Help me out team. I have loaded Battery 4 in FL Studio 20. I went to edit>preferences>engine>audio outputs then changed it to 6 stereo outs and 20 mono. Closed that window then went to the gears in FL and reloaded pluigin. Next I loaded up the kit I liked. Right clicked the drums I used and routed them to the appropriate…
Timestretch in Battery 4
I want to change a loop in Battery 4 from 90 bpm to 80 bpm. I found only a knob with percent amount. What is the generell math formular to calculate Timestretch in percent from two different bpm values?
Feature Idea for reversed samples
Dear list and developers, I would like to have a fixed length (1/8th or 1/16th of a note (synchroniced to the current tempo)) of a sample (counting from my starting point). This could be located at the Quick Access Area. Objective: This would allow in reverse mode that the attack of the sample (my starting point) will end…
Missing stereo outputs
I've set up an instance of Battery 4, 16 stereo outputs and in Battery's preferences, selected 16 stereo outputs, yet when I try to edit a cell, Battery only shows 4 stereo outs, I cant figure out what's going on. Im using Battery with Logic Pro.
Please make Battery 4 auto replace instances of older Battery versions
It's technically possible and should be done especially after you stopped activation for older Battery versions, even if it's not 100% perfect in some cases. Basic parameters and sample mappings should be feasable without too much trouble. The VST SDK provides respective tools for this.
Routing problem with NI Battery 4 in Studio One
I try to setup routing in Battery but it provides only 4 Stereo Outs. I changed Settings but it doesn't affect anything. Restarting and reinstalling doesn't do anything. In Reaper everything goes well. Could you please help?
Missing sample
Hello, Every time I'm opening a session in Ableton where I have instance of Battery the plug-in is never loading the sample I'ce got inside and it's always asking for missing samples. Even if I have save the battery file and save my ableton session. What a gigantic and painfull bug. Is there someone here able to fix that?…
How to make kits run through Battery without actually using Battery
Ok, i'm just trying to find out something.. For years i'm seeing that when i buy certain Expansions.. a lot of times part of the expansion will require that you use other NI product to run it.. (like Massive, Komplete, Battery 4) & i've had to pay for other NI things to be able to run NI product that i paid for.. Does that…
Can Battery 4 be bug fixed for kit and sample browser list
Hi! It's quite annoying that Battery4 at some point lost the ability to 'remember' search results, just like KK does, upon closing the plugin window and reopening it. Every time you close the Battery4 plugin window and reopen it, the kit / sample browser list opens as default on top of the search list, in the Kit tab.…
Missing samples
I’ve been working on a project in Logic for a week, I have Battery loaded as a drum track. All of a sudden every time I open the project, Battery says there are missing sample, I select resolve automatically and Battery finds the samples I don’t understand why this is happening
Battery master out hard panned right, no way to fix it
A bunch of my old custom Battery 4 kits are hard panned to right again. I vaguely remember having this issue years and years ago, but I can't remember how I managed to fix it. Its nothing obvious like 'turn the pan knob, you silly goose'. Basically none of the samples are panned. Master output shows full stereo signal in…
Battery 4 Sample Start/End
Is there a way I can more granularly alter the start time of a sample? Like data entry or something? When I do it with the mouse it jumps between 0, 98, 200, etc. I need like 3.
Akai APC 64 not connecting to Battery 4
Does anyone know why my Akai APC64 does not connect to battery 4 when I have the app opened? When I open it through the plugin in ableton it connects to MIDI and lets me use the pads, But when I have ableton closed or want to open the app itself while ableton is open, it shows the controller but won't let me turn it on to…
Missing Battery 4 samples are broken
Missing Battery 4 samples are a total nightmare their system is awful and broken. It says samples are missing so I choose search finder and it finds them and everything is playing fine. I then save the Logic project, close, reopen and theyre gone again.
Battery 4 routing
Hi. I set up battery 4 in studio one 5 to have 16 multiouts. When Im trying out different kits it does not save the outputs that I saved as a template. I have to go through every cell and assign them again. How can I keep the outputs in place while Im going through different kits? Thanks.
Some Battery kits not loading with Ventura?
I was super excited to see that Battery is now compatible with the new Mac OS Ventura, so I downloaded Ventura, updated Battery to 4.3, and immediately began opening my sessions with Battery tracks. However, the kits I have selected in these sessions do not load. I can change the kit to something different, but I'm curious…
Can Battery 4 be bug fixed for kit and sample browser list
Hi! It's quite annoying that Battery4 at some point lost the ability to 'remember' search results, just like KK does, upon closing the plugin window and reopening it. Every time you close the Battery4 plugin window and reopen it, the kit / sample browser list opens as default on top of the search list, in the Kit tab.…
Can't use battery anymore
I have made a bunch of tunes using battery kits. Love it. Now, I get 'battery could not load'. Help guides say that means I don't have Battery. Maschine has Battery in my instruments list, but Native Access says I don't have Battery installed, and to buy a full license is ....£179. W.T.A.F!?!? So suddenly I can't use half…