Using Several Instances of Bat 4

KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member
edited October 2024 in Battery 4

I'm using several instances of Bat 4 in SO6.5 with ea. instance being a kit assigned to my Kick, Cymbals, Snare, & Toms so I can cherry-pick my fav samples for ea. of those, and I'm trying to assign ea. kit/instance to a separate MIDI ch, or else they will overlap ea. other. I also planned on using a GM Drum map in StudioOne and transpose the sample pad assignments to the GM Note #s in SO6. (Make sense?) But it's not working. I'm only able to use 1 instance at a time. I was thinking that should be a pretty routine feature. What am I missing?

However, if that has no way of working I just had the idea, if I can find the folders that are holding those kit samples, so if I have to I can refer back to them to pull whatever sounds I wish to use into 1 kit/instance. Is that my only recourse? At least, I've already gone through ALL the factory samples that I want.

Best Answer

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Battery was designed to be able to create custom kits by choosing and loading the individual sample (sets) that you want into one kit.

    This is all covered in depth in the Battery manual.


  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Battery was designed to be able to create custom kits by choosing and loading the individual sample (sets) that you want into one kit.

    This is all covered in depth in the Battery manual.

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member

    OK. Thanks Brad. Fair enough.

This discussion has been closed.
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