To anyone who can help me, I seem to be in a bit of a problem and I'm not sure why. I have a bunch of plug-ins that I am trying to use with Kontakt 6 that I got from NI, specifically Empire Breaks and Hybrid Keys. Every time I go to use it, however, I keep getting an error message saying "Your version of Kontakt is too old…
Hi Friends, I really like the "Empire Breaks" in which you can play a whole preset drum pattern with one keyboard key and each key in the set is a variation of that. I know "40's very own" and "butch vig drums" have this feature too. Not just a "loop" but drums in a pattern that SYNC to your project's Beats Per Minute- I…
OK, so the term "crispier"... I currently have the Empire Breaks Kontakt library, which for its purpose (lo-fi (non-crispy) style Boom Bap old school breaks) is perfect. But is there a library out there that has a lot of flexible control (mainly customizing the patterns to your liking ie: muting out instrument parts etc.…
Ok im confused on what to do with the instruments on empire breaks/homage etc. When I load them they assign to one pad? instead of all 16?
Hi all As I said the program doesn't maintain time sync in Ableton Live 10.1.42. It slows down and speeds up inconsistently, which is really annoying. What could be the solution to this?
The "Empire Breaks" instrument offers a shortcut to reroute EACH pad to individual outputs with a single click. This is in contrast to other drum products in Kontakt that, as far I know, require selecting each individual group and manually routing each one out. Is there an option I'm not aware in other instruments that…
I'm currently using Empire Breaks. I'm using and tweaking a pre-made midi pattern from the instrument, it's fantastic. I like to send individual drum sounds to their own outputs in Kontakt so I can control them individual audio tracks in my DAW (Cakewalk). That allows me to apply compression, stereo enhancement, noise, etc…
Definitely my vibe, but I want to avoid buying it, if it's going to be a part of the subscription.🤔
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