KS4 mK3: no sound coming out from a playing deck

creal Member Posts: 38 Member


Yesterday, I was deejaying for an important event.

I was playing on deck B, then when I played a song on deck A, suddenly no sound came out on the channel A. The deck was playing but there was no vu-meter or sound.

I switched the "ext" button, changed the type of deck, moved the gain knob, the fader, etc. but the problem remained. I tried to play a song on the 2 other decks but there were also affected!

So I opened another player (Windows Groove Music) the time I can close and re-open Traktor. When re-opened, the decks worked as intended. But it was very stressful, as you can imagine!

Have you ever encountered this problem? If so, can you shed a light on this?

What might be the causes for such an important issue?

Thanks for your help,



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    One reason possible is the "Jog Touch On" command gets jammed in the "activated" state.

  • creal
    creal Member Posts: 38 Member

    What is the '"jog touch on" command? On my controller, I only see two options: TT (Turntable) or jog. I never enable TT. So during my last DJ set it was on "jog" during all night.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    If you are are in Jog-Mode and press the Jog button again, platter-touch is deactivated, so you can't accidentally scratch and can only do tempo bend.

  • creal
    creal Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited September 2023

    Okay. I was not aware of that behaviour. Thank you.

    But how this has to do with no sound going at all into the channel?

  • creal
    creal Member Posts: 38 Member

    Thanks for your joke, Sûlherokhh.

    More seriously: the jogwheel button seems not correlated in any way to the audio signal volume (not by design, checked and verified by testing), except if there's a big bug under the hood. Anyway, I never touched that button and I would have noticed if it was engaged during my DJ set.

    Is there any other thing that would have caused this dangerous problem?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    You misunderstood. It can happen that Traktor thinks you have you finger on the top of the jogwheel, which would stop the track (scratch function). If you disable the top plate function by pressing the jog button (it turns red), this can't happen.

    But this is just one possible reason for your problem.

  • creal
    creal Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited September 2023

    Thanks for your explanation.

    I understood, but my problem is not related to a deck that won't play a track (waveform stuck), but rather a deck that is playing a track (waveform moving correctly from right to left) without getting any audio signal in the corresponding channel, which is different.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    This has happened to me once or twice when my external drive switched off power. I had forgotten to disable the power saving function and the privilege of the OS to disable it if needed.

  • creal
    creal Member Posts: 38 Member

    Thanks for your feedback.

    For me, it was probably something else because I am aware of all this power-saving stuff and I don't plug anything except the S4 MK3 when I'm deejaying.

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