Guitar Rig 7 Pro - How to delete COMPONENT user presets?

TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Is there a way to do this? I see that each component gets a file like "Replika GR User.ngrc" but ALL the user presets are in here. It's not like a file per preset, unlike overall Guitar Rig presets.

I'd like to clean up some user presets, but I'm not seeing a way in the manual or in the UI to just delete some, unlike whole components.

Best Answer

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    Answer ✓

    This is how you delete user component presets:

    • Click on "Components" in the browser on the left side of the Guitar Rig window
    • Click on the "User" icon right next to the search bar (one row below where you just clicked on "Components). This will show you all components for which you have created user component presets
    • Select the component for which you want to delete presets
    • On the bottom of the browser there is an eye icon and a number of results. Click on the eye icon. This will open the component preset browser for the selected component.
    • Right click on the user component preset you want to delete and select the "Delete Preset" option

    Here is a screenshot of how it should look like:



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod


    as you already found out, that seems not to be possible, you could only open in a text editor and look for the preset name, then delete the whole block. But i didn´t try it myself - and this is not the way things should work, with such basic stuff.

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper

    ^ Thanks for checking. I tried that, but ended up mangling the whole file because there are other characters in there. It isn't a "clean' .xml-type separation.

    I'm surprised we're on v7 and there's not a better built-in way. 🤷‍♂️

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    Answer ✓

    This is how you delete user component presets:

    • Click on "Components" in the browser on the left side of the Guitar Rig window
    • Click on the "User" icon right next to the search bar (one row below where you just clicked on "Components). This will show you all components for which you have created user component presets
    • Select the component for which you want to delete presets
    • On the bottom of the browser there is an eye icon and a number of results. Click on the eye icon. This will open the component preset browser for the selected component.
    • Right click on the user component preset you want to delete and select the "Delete Preset" option

    Here is a screenshot of how it should look like:

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper

    @Eddie_NI OH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE STEP-BY-STEP, I am gladly corrected that it exists in UI. I would've totally missed this as it's not in the manual (please add it).

    It's really handy that the components can have their own presets.

    I hope your answer helps others who come looking!

    While I'm at it, is there any way to DEFAULT Guitar Rig 7 to show user presets? It seems it doesn't remember the 👤 icon state.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod

    Ohh cool 😎 you learn something new every day here at native

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Glad I could help :)

    And thank you for bringing it to our attention that this is not explained in the manual. I have notified the documentation team and they will add a section explaining how it's done.

    On the topic of showing the user presets by default:

    Guitar Rig should remember the state of the 👤  icon (as well a whether "Presets" or "Components" is selected). By "remember' I mean that if you run Guitar Rig in standalone, click on the 👤 icon then close Guitar Rig and open it again, then it should start in the state the it previously had before closing.

    In the plugin case you need to save the project in your DAW and when you load it again Guitar Rig should load with the state that you saved.

    But be aware that both categories ("Presets" and "Components") have an independent state of the 👤 icon, meaning if you activate it for "Components" it does not affect what is shown when you go to "Presets".

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper

    @Eddie_NI 🙌 great updates!

    Now is there a way to RENAME a component user preset, or do I need to do a workaround of saving a new one and deleting the old one? At least it's more workable.

    Re: showing user presets by default, I found out how to make it work in Ableton, with your help.

    If I save Guitar Rig into a rack .adg and then add the rack to a track, it DOES recall the 👤 state.

    Just adding the plugin doesn't work — unlike the standalone — but rack DOES! 👍

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    No, renaming a component preset is unfortunately not possible. What you need to do is save the component preset under a new name via the drop-down menu on the component itself and delete the old component preset:

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    FYI, the online manual has been updated to contain a section about deleting component presets:

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper

    @Eddie_NI That's fast! Thanks for the update!

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper

    @Eddie_NI Related, is there a way to REPLACE the "INIT" preset of a component? Say there are starting settings I like more, so I want to OVERWRITE the factory INIT... thus when I first add a component, it begins with my chosen INITI.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    No, that is unfortunately not possible. You'd have to go through the Component Preset Browser and double click (or drag) the component preset you want to load for any given component.

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper
    edited November 2023

    @Eddie_NI Can I please feature request that adding a user INIT default would be valuable?

    This is what I have in mind:

    • Set a component's parameters to whatever you please (as usual).
    • Select an option to override the INIT. Could be a "save preset as INIT" type thing, but the point is that it ALWAYS loads these settings when the component is instantiated.
    • Effectively it replaces the factory INIT.
    • There'd also be an option to reset the customized INIT back to the factory setting.

    Having this feature would optimize and streamline starting points every time someone loads a component. It could save a lot of clicks and be consistent with the overall design philosophy of letting someone build up their sound, their way, with the great customizability that Guitar Rig 7 Pro already allows.

    I can already set Guitar Rig to open in a customized state with an Ableton Rack, which is great. But I'd like to do it at the more atomistic, component-based level too.

    Some environments like Ableton get a lot of use out of this, such as the Suggested Default Presets wherein you can store defaults to personalize... I reckon most DAWs allow this, as do various plugins!

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    That's a very good idea. How about this simple solution:

    If there is a user preset called INIT then it will be loaded by default. If not, then the factory INIT will be loaded.

    Setting this up as a user is as easy as inserting the component into the rack (which will load the factory INIT preset), tweak to your liking, then click "Save As" in the component preset menu, and then hit "Save" on the dialog that opened which already suggests "INIT" as a preset name. Next time you insert the component it will then load the just saved user INIT preset.

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper
    edited November 2023

    @Eddie_NI YES! That makes even more sense and is easy to understand. GREAT THINKING!!!

    Some plugins like Serum do something similar.

    How much work/time would it be to implement something like that?

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