Default MIDI map for Maschine+ Standalone

[thibs] Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello all,

In the scope of a live setup with maschine+ as rythm & synth box, I'm trying to manage start/stop, scene selection, (un)muting groups, ... from my Line6 Helix floorboard via MIDI.

Everything looks Ok at the midi side as I see "commands" send out from Helix's Midi Out and arrive to Maschine+'s Midi IN (via WIDI Master).

The question now is "Which Midi Program Change/Command Change should I send to Maschine+ for each button & knobs ?". Is there a default list of them ? Should I check in the Controller Editor ? For which template ?

Important to note : I'll use it in Standalone mode...

Any info would be usefull :-)

Thanks !!


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

     I'm trying to manage start/stop, scene selection, (un)muting groups, ... from my Line6 Helix floorboard via MIDI.

    None of that has any relation to Controller Editor or MIDI Mode. Maschine does not have a way to control most dedicated functions thru external MIDI, this includes Mutes and Start/Stop.

    - Scene, Section, and Lock States can be triggered with MIDI Notes or Program Changes with a feature called "MIDI Change", enable it on the 2nd page of Prefs>MIDI; for notes Maschine expects it to start at C-2.

    - Start/Stop can be triggered thru the Pedal Input (not sure if your Line6 Helix has a simple footswitch Output), the only other option is MIDI Clock with the M+ in slave/receive mode (Not sure if the Line 6 has midi clock neither).

    An alternative to Muting Group's could be to MIDI Mapping the Output Level of the Group's, this is done per project and has to be configured in the computer version of the Project file, as such:

    But then you will have to deal with the fact that the 0db mark of the knob is not it's max value if using a "button" to toggle the knob, there are workarounds for it. This is fixed mapping tho, it won't adapt dynamically to stacks of 8 groups.


  • [thibs]
    [thibs] Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2023

    Hello PoorFellow,

    I'm a big fan of the "RTFM" too :-)

    So yes, I take a look in the manual and I didn't find any information regarding which CC# / Value to use for the standalone mode... All midi parameters can be managed / remaped from Controller Editor but as far as I see, only for "Controller mode".

    I would like to know which midi mapping exist by default in Maschine+ when used in standalone.

    (and this is not in the manual :-))

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

     I'm trying to manage start/stop, scene selection, (un)muting groups, ... from my Line6 Helix floorboard via MIDI.

    None of that has any relation to Controller Editor or MIDI Mode. Maschine does not have a way to control most dedicated functions thru external MIDI, this includes Mutes and Start/Stop.

    - Scene, Section, and Lock States can be triggered with MIDI Notes or Program Changes with a feature called "MIDI Change", enable it on the 2nd page of Prefs>MIDI; for notes Maschine expects it to start at C-2.

    - Start/Stop can be triggered thru the Pedal Input (not sure if your Line6 Helix has a simple footswitch Output), the only other option is MIDI Clock with the M+ in slave/receive mode (Not sure if the Line 6 has midi clock neither).

    An alternative to Muting Group's could be to MIDI Mapping the Output Level of the Group's, this is done per project and has to be configured in the computer version of the Project file, as such:

    But then you will have to deal with the fact that the 0db mark of the knob is not it's max value if using a "button" to toggle the knob, there are workarounds for it. This is fixed mapping tho, it won't adapt dynamically to stacks of 8 groups.

  • [thibs]
    [thibs] Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2023

    Hello D-One,

    This is it 👌

    I tried to switch Scenes with Program Change and in that case, the channel on which you send the Midi command define the Scene to activate in Maschine (One remark : Channel 0 in midi = Scene 1, Channel 1 = Scene 2, ...).

    I will give it a try for the Midi Clock for the start/stop this WE...

    Thanks for the answer !

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