Member Posts: 92 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Building With Reaktor
Specialist anti-matter tri- oscillator delivering tough and chaotic sound.

Calling all industrial contractors. Have a tough demolition task? No problem...call the Overlord Oscillator now.
 Any large scale industrial demolition task will be done and dusted in just a few seconds. Whether steel plate or brick wall construction,  all materials will be disintegrated into molecular sized particles instantly thanks to its patented anti-matter processor!
----Don't delay...call now for a quote!----

The Overlords pitch can be external, or use the internal pitch  gen. 6 different gens are available - a droner or a random gen, a machinery, an odd one, a noisy one, and an S+H random LFO.
the internal generators have 3 controls for speed, complexity and smooth/glide. These controls also act as drum beat modifiers.
+ A psuedo chaos arp can be activated to generate incredibly complex material.
Overlord Osc  has 6  flavours of oscillator.
+  6 noise types a filter and spread
 + a dual sub stage
+ Freq Shift  and Sample Reducer.
+ Wobbler system that has left/right speed control, a slew to  smoothen the wob, and a destabiliser which makes it go a bit wonky.
+ Flanger, phasor and delay on the big XY.
The fm has 5 internal sources + ext
Intensity increases stereo width, adds a slight delay and wavefolds.
2 feedback stages are available.

The Overlord has a Ping layer system -- with 3 Ping rythms + 4 Ping sources.
The speed of the pings can be controlled and the feedback. There is also a tri-delay on the pinger, aswell as spread adjuster, inv mode, and a shaper
The Overlord osc also has a heavy Overdrive with dual stage available, a step quantizer, waveshaper, a tri-delay and cross modulation.
The mixer contains osc 1+2+3 + various extra channels for sub, delay and feedback. 
The drums are experimental and can be absurdly awesome or terrible. They are auto generated,  but features a snare blaster, and they have several controls to modify the beat derived from the generators. 
The Overlord  mod A/B can be external or internal. When internal, they have freq control from the mods  x/y. The internal Mod A is random, the Mod B has sin, tri, pulse and random.

Randomate will start a randomation party.
The snaps are setup for the generators.
Its one of those machines where the snaps seem to change every time cause something is not isolated, but not sure what it is.
Set to pitch EXT to use a midi keyboard.
Make sure KT key tracking is on to hear the gens.

The Overlord contains some remnants of monark, a few Euroreakt parts, auto snaps by Arachnaut, + orange freq controls by Paule.


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  • Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited March 2022

    Cal if you paste or write your text first in .rtf (WordPad) and copy/paste it to here. It will be look like mine.

    Fine readable for smartphones here:


    Specialist anti-matter tri- oscillator delivering tough and chaotic sound.

    Calling all industrial contractors. Have a tough demolition task? No problem...call the Overlord Oscillator now.

     Any large scale industrial demolition task will be done and dusted in just a few seconds. Whether steel plate or brick wall construction, all materials will be disintegrated into molecular sized particles instantly thanks to its patented anti-matter processor!

    ----Don't delay...call now for a quote!----

    The Overlords pitch can be external, or use the internal pitch gen. 6 different gens are available - a droner or a random gen, a machinery, an odd one, a noisy one, and an S+H random LFO.

    the internal generators have 3 controls for speed, complexity and smooth/glide. These controls also act as drum beat modifiers.

    + A psuedo chaos arp can be activated to generate incredibly complex material.

    Overlord Osc has 6 flavours of oscillator.

    + 6 noise types a filter and spread

     + a dual sub stage

    + Freq Shift and Sample Reducer.

    + Wobbler system that has left/right speed control, a slew to smoothen the wob, and a destabiliser which makes it go a bit wonky.

    + Flanger, phasor and delay on the big XY.

    The fm has 5 internal sources + ext

    Intensity increases stereo width, adds a slight delay and wavefolds.

    2 feedback stages are available.

    The Overlord has a Ping layer system -- with 3 Ping rythms + 4 Ping sources.

    The speed of the pings can be controlled and the feedback. There is also a tri-delay on the pinger, aswell as spread adjuster, inv mode, and a shaper

    The Overlord osc also has a heavy Overdrive with dual stage available, a step quantizer, waveshaper, a tri-delay and cross modulation.

    The mixer contains osc 1+2+3 + various extra channels for sub, delay and feedback.

    The drums are experimental and can be absurdly awesome or terrible. They are auto generated, but features a snare blaster, and they have several controls to modify the beat derived from the generators.

    The Overlord mod A/B can be external or internal. When internal, they have freq control from the mods x/y. The internal Mod A is random, the Mod B has sin, tri, pulse and random.

    Randomate will start a randomation party.

    The snaps are setup for the generators.

    Its one of those machines where the snaps seem to change every time cause something is not isolated, but not sure what it is.

    Set to pitch EXT to use a midi keyboard.

    Make sure KT key tracking is on to hear the gens.

    The Overlord contains some remnants of monark, a few Euroreakt parts, auto snaps by Arachnaut, + orange freq controls by Paule.

  • Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    I tried that but it lost all formatting. I dunno, it looks ok in the preview then loses it. Maybe a different app will fix this. Thanks for correcting the description.

  • Member Posts: 350 Pro

    if i am using an OVERLORD OSCILLATOR, providing it all commands as well as deciding what is done over its output, dioes that make me an OVERLORD CONQUEROR? or just a bad friend?

  • Member Posts: 350 Pro
    edited March 2022

    I tried that but it lost all formatting. I dunno, it looks ok in the preview then loses it. Maybe a different app will fix this. Thanks for correcting the description. \

    there's a lot wierd hidden formatting commands *asterisk* *brackets* *for* *italics* **double** **asterisk** **brackets** **for** **bold** **8type**


    (btw, edit: i was only told this and was reeeeeaaalllyy hoping that meant at the beginning and end of the desired chunk of test... youtube style. but no, asterisks and double asterisks for every single word 🤦‍♀️


    (ok, i'm leaving that in but i'm now in here AGAIN on a THIRD (3) edit of shame... i thought it was asterisks at the beginning and and of each word, but that was wrong and because the mechanics of this forum are all hearsay, now i get to find out by trial and error whether its the third and final option.... or if its nothing. just got back from checking the "New Forum How To" and while they explain everything about the new forum (a simple three step process, all on single infographic!) none of this stuff was covered... or maybe it was buried in the pages and pages of comments

    so anyway, since all the extended functionality is still on the secret menu, im going to give boldface one more shot. and it doesn't work this time, that'll be the end of it


    well, i don't think it worked, suppose i'll see when its posted, feel like it should have done it in the editor like quotes. anyway if not native instuments will never be allowed to forged about the words boldface double asterisks

    original message resumes below


    to quote someone in a way that isn't totally useless, btw? simply manually copy paste the part of their post into your own message enter a space afterwords followed by a 'greater than' sign and then hittting enter with your keyboard

    Sideways V for Victory!!!!

    bwt things like this can no longer be typed, instead it'll be a quote and i'tll look like someone else said it

    kind of a spicy choice for a DSP forum?? that tends to probably use more math symbles on average than other forums? also, manually typing in a greater than symbol after a chunk of someone's else's text IS definitely a valid admission that you think what the other person said was better than what you say

    the funniest bit is this is all just what i've been able to figure out and picked up off others since native instruments completed the forum transition by dropping everyone off and telling us to have fun

  • Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    It should be known THE OVERLORD is unconquerable, as it contains a hidden combustable Gattling oscillator that when i press the red button at Chaos HQ will liquify your organs

  • Member Posts: 350 Pro

    Alright Cal, gonna level with you. wasn't exactly pleased of comfortable with the prospect of inviting into my work place domicile a digital audio oscillator which incorporates, by design, the capability to bring LETHAL THREAT.

    but i thought about it a bit, well.. still didn't like it, but then i opened the thing up to scope it out, and word STATELY immediately came to mind... second, i guess i might be forgiven if i'm mistaken in thinking this a somewhat bigger undertaking than typical? it seems like it indeed is

    anyway, don't even have it wired up for sound yet, partly due to virtual technical limitations (technically weightless but cannot be moved without summoning mental strength) but that's not going to happen before doing some ablutions first. and this is not jurt purely in a show of restorative respect to this unit for coming in and resorting immediatly to name one-upsmanship, even in jest— though it is partly that

    long story short are also dual purpose to clear the air after some some serious twilight zone stuff that i was also gonna mention, and still might, but this will be a while before fun and thread relevant part gets underway so im posting this now Pt1 for intrigue and so i don't accidentally start a blog in your comments,, part two is write up,, in the future!!!!!!!

  • Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    Its ok you can relax Andrew, i tested the red button and it just made my toaster switch on, then the electricity tripped off. Must have miswired something.

    Aye its got to be in the top 5 of big undertakings... made the error of 1 large core cell. Next version i should break out a few parts to a 2nd cell so i can tweak it faster, as it has several quirks needing ironed out.

  • Member Posts: 350 Pro

    alright Cal, it is finally the future. it took a while as the persistent non causal deja vu i was having that day followed me in here while writing the original comment. daunting stuff!

    and i'll tell you what, you were correct, i am definitely not the boss of this thing. it took like five minutes before getting any external pitch to control anything and i'm still not sure what happened for it to work lol. also, had it set up recording with only external gate/vco and what sounds i could get out of twiddling along and the sound started doing some other thing without my apparent input of any kind? but, actually almost wonder if the experience would even be quite the same knowing what everything did, twice now ive stopped what i was doing to start recording its output, aware that even breathing near a control the sound might very well be lost forever. thankfully not, providence was on my side. anyway, its a lot of fun . kind of like some kind of infinity box so far to my smooth brain

    one minor point... i felt like the snare blaster wasn't doing anything when pressed. figured this might be because the snare output wasn't used. so i hooked output 'snare' up to output and got pain instead. so what is the intended use of these outputs labeled as drums

  • Member Posts: 350 Pro

    btw, i see most of this was answered in your write up already, but i still think im missing something about the drums

  • Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    Thanks for testing it out... i never checked the external in, it might be the octave range too low or something. Also depending which arp mode is selected the output shifts, might need to lower or raise the octave range if there is nothing heard.

    Its a bit of a confusor the whole thing cause the sound has a layered ping section which is like a second instrument with seperate rhythmic possibilities. Between the gates, delay and ping there are 3 way rhythmic combos available.

    The snare out needs hooked up to a block to hear it! Same for all drums. But not sure the drums are very good yet, I will try making an improved easier to use version sometime.

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