Opening delay when internet not connected

Mister Hayman
Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Any ideas what causes the massive delay when Traktor opens when the Internet is not connected.



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod

    You are a little too sketchy for even attempting any guessing here..

    Platform ? , OS ? , program version ? any other info that might be relevant ? Are you or have you been on a subscription of any kind ?

    As a general use on e.g. Windows ? then you will experience massive delays or even app hanging if the app tries to connect to a network and failing to do so... So if you experience a 'massive delay' with an app then that could be the app negotiating with Windows for network access (for whatever reason)

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member

    This about Traktor ... And its done it with every version and operating system I've had it on over the years and I just thought I'd ask if there is a fix or workaround.

    Current os its Windows 10 and the app version is Traktor 3.8.

    And I haven't time to work out the exact "massive delay" because I have punters waiting to dance and a paying venue manager hovering nearby, workaround to make it open in a timely manner is often to tether my laptop to my phone.

    There's no Event Viewer logging and can't see any Traktor logs.

    Roughly started getting worse just before the Beatport code was added - I don't use the Beatport plug-in.

    I did wonder if its somehow connected to the broadcast settings- which I've never set or used.

    Take care

    J :)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited July 2023

    Yes , having installed a server or having set broadcast settings that could explain if the app has been looking for a network connection but if you have done neither then , well , I don't know but at least it then ought not .

    But anyway , that information still begs that one takes a good look at some other things. Try checking your antivirus (AV ought to have no influence since the app works with no delay with internet access) and firewall to see if the app has access to the internet or not. If being somehow blocked by the AV that might interfere as delay where it's harder to tell how firewall settings might work. I mean if the app got access through firewall then you could try to turn off access and reboot computer to see if that changed anything. Depending on the app then lack of firewall access may make the app hang or skip depending on how it is coded , which I don't know ! Some apps get really unhappy if they do not have internet access and others don't care , but again that may all depend on why the app or another app is e.g. 'phoning home' if that should be the case. But it also makes me think of the fact that the NTKDaemon or another Native Instruments component could have an influence if that is running ? ...

    Anyway , if my attempts to help here is not helpful then I would ask support for help , especially if your computer got N.I. components such as NTKDaemon running since there might also be some DRM at work that cold explain why the app responds with a delay with no internet access..

    Sorry for not having some better advice !

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member

    Tis a strange one having happened on so may os and Traktor versions.

    AV isn't installed atm as a diagnosis of exclusion and not sure where or how to check if Traktor is trying to access the Internet...more importantly is the why in my view.

    Interesting that it contradicts the traditional view of turning off all modems and similar to cut down on chances of rig interference.

    I'm also wondering if perhaps there is some old leftover code that checks for updates, which is how I seemed to remember it worked prior the advent of Native Access.

    I have mentioned this issue in a NI support ticket I have open for a more serious problem: Traktor not being able to read tags in most of my .wav files - which were fine in previous versions of Traktor. The chatter in here seems to imply that NI won't take responsibility for the issue and expect people to delete the tracks and remove tags from the collection and reimport them. This 'answer' is neither achievable or acceptable due to the fact that the warnings flash up so quick that it's impossible to note which tracks are failing, apart from the last one where the message seems to hang.

    These coupled delay before Traktor can be used from running the exe are really unacceptable as you can probably imagine.

    One thing I might try is to set permissions on the Drive Partition where my tracks are stored to "All", just as a desperation attempt. My wav files are generally where I have ripped tracks from CDs on a separate machine. But this issue doesn't affect all my ripped wavs I don't think - Traktor would be taking a lot longer flashing warning messages- plus the track I mentioned at the end of the warnings seems to be the only one affected on that album (I've recorded a vid, dragged it back and slowed it down- which wouldn't be feasible for recording all the tracks in error - no logging exists for the errors apparently..).

    Anyway thanks for the responses so far.

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member

    Setting Permissions to "All" (giving 'Everyone'->'Full Control) seems to have cut down on the .wav warnings by over 50% at least!

    I'll also try running the Traktor exe as Admin and see if that helps either/both issues.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I have never had problem running Traktor 2 or 3 on Win 7 or Win 10 without internet connection. It starts exactly the same time when online as when offline.

    The problem must be somewhere in a way you use Traktor or your computer.

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member

    As I say it's happened on various machine with various operating systems through the years.

    There chatter on here of similar issues that are either unanswered or not resolved.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
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  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    As I say it's happened on various machine with various operating systems through the years.

    As I say it has not happened even once to me with different computers, OSes and TP versions.... In past seven years...

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member
  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member

    Kubrak .. can I ask how it came to be that your machine was offline when in use with Traktor

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 62 Member

    I did wonder if it was something like that. For instance I installed 'V3.8' on one machine and it had the delay problem, then uninstalled and reinstalled on another machine and i noticed the icons and other flash type imagery seemed to have changed .. and the delay was at its worst.

    There seems to be a difference in the installers for an upgrade (1st machine) and a fresh build (2nd machine).

    But one would hope that as Native Access is guiding the installs, they would be virus free and consistent builds both.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
    edited July 2023
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  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Kubrak .. can I ask how it came to be that your machine was offline when in use with Traktor

    I play at places that do not provide WiFi acces. And anyway, why would I bother to connect to their WiFi if I do not need it and it could only make troubles. As Win could "decide" to download something, or maybe even install it and reboot PC.

    The best is to switch Wifi and BT off, anyway....

    Of course, to install Traktor, or update, one needs internet connection for few minutes....

    I may compare what Traktor does when computer is on internet (I am at home) and is not (I play elsewhere), and there is no difference. At least in my case.

    It seems to me, that you have Library Consistency Check at startup... It may take a while. And if files "missing", it takes even longer. Do not you use files placed on network or on cloud storage?

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