How to download BX_OBERHAUSEN Komplete Standard

Cooper Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Hello everyone! I don't know if it's the place but I need help. I just bought komplete 14 standard and the download app doesn't show the BX_OBERHAUSEN link for download. Someone could explain to me how to achieve it because it does not appear next to the rest of the instruments. Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Cooper
    Cooper Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    hey thank you very much! I finally managed to install the Alliance plugins. The problem 
    was with safari that after placing the license it did not check out even if I pressed 
    the button. I changed the browser, the check out was made and I received the email with 
    the ratification. all ok, be well! 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 249 Newcomer
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  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    The additional email you received after purchase will take you to the Plugin Alliance website where you'll need to register a new account with them if you don't already have one.

    After registering you'll need to add the registration code found in the NI email and add it to the PA coupon/code section to register the products. Then download the PA installer to add the products to your plugin library.

    The last step involves activating the plugin when first launching bx_oberhausen.

    A bit of a process that goes against the simplicity of Native Access - looking forward to the unified installer.

  • Cooper
    Cooper Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Hi, thank you for you answer. I followed all the instructions mentioned both by you and by the email sent by NI. (I am sending a screen) Unfortunately, even though I have downloaded the Alliance installer in the section of my products, the BX_OBERHAUSEN synth does not appear, from what you can see on the screen it is only a Bundle of effects. Even so, I downloaded BX_OBERHAUSEN individually and although I try to activate it online with my Alliance account, it gives me an error "licence not valid". I don't know if the procedure is wrong but I would really appreciate how to validate the BX_OBERHAUSEN license. Thank you very much for your help. Greetings!

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    Does the synth show in your PA account download manager?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited July 2023

    Quote BigPictureSound : "After registering you'll need to add the registration code found in the NI email and add it to the PA coupon/code section to register the products."

    If you did what BigPictureSound informed then you should have registered your Plugins which you have apparently not !

    From Native instruments you got an email with subject: "Your additional KOMPLETE products" that says the following :

    Plugin Alliance Bundle for KOMPLETE 14 Registration Code K14-CODE.Given-To-YOU (as far as I remember then the code includes the K14)

    To activate, please complete the following steps:

       Create an account at

       Add the redeem code on this activation page and follow the instructions

       Download their Installation Manager and log in

       Your products will show up under MY PRODUCTS

       Download, and enjoy!

    If you did that you should get an email from PluginAlliance with subject: Thank You for Your Order YourOrderNumber

    And message :

    Your Order

    1 Plugin Alliance Komplete 14 PA Bundle $797

    Subtotal $797

    Plugin Alliance Komplete 14 PA Bundle -$797

    Total $0

    If you did not follow email instructions and any of that is not what you experienced then you have not registered your plugin bundle

    If you did actually register your plug-in bundle then be sure that you are already signed into same account as when registering at PluginAlliance using same email in the Plugin Alliance app !

    If either of this fails , even after a reboot of computer or your code do not work then please contact support at N.I. or P.A. !

  • Cooper
    Cooper Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    hey thank you very much! I finally managed to install the Alliance plugins. The problem 
    was with safari that after placing the license it did not check out even if I pressed 
    the button. I changed the browser, the check out was made and I received the email with 
    the ratification. all ok, be well! 

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    Great ! , congratulations ! and thank you very much for providing feedback !

  • regico
    regico Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hello, I'm new here. I did not receive the additional email that I was supposed to receive after purchase. I was able to install Plugin Alliance. However, I am missing the corresponding code for bx_Oberhausen. The purchase was made via online shipping.

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