Maschine plus step mode

Andy Cordy
Andy Cordy Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I have made patterns in step mode and have learned how to select individual event.

Deleting notes in the software is very easy but in Maschine Plus I can only delete notes in step mode while recording in step mode.

If I record using the note repeat function I can't delete individual notes, only the whole pattern even though the pads light up and the event is highlighted in the event view


Best Answers

  • Andy Cordy
    Andy Cordy Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    Many thanks. I'll have a look.

  • Andy Cordy
    Andy Cordy Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    Jef's video introduced me to using the shift functions on the pads by demonstrating copy and paste. I worked out the rest and so much more.

    Shift and pad 9 clears the currently selected note/s


  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    You can always manually edit/delete midi note data if you press the Events button and use the 4D encoder to select the particular note. You can change the velocity of the note as well as the position and duration using the 4D encoder. The Events view is also where you can press the Select option at the top of the screen to quickly select multiple midi events to modify.

    One thing to be aware of when using the step sequencer, is if you set the velocity for the note on the step sequencer screen it will also affect the velocity of the pads when you are playing them in keyboard or pad mode which can be annoying so be sure to set that back to the default value of 100 when you are done.

  • PucaMomo
    PucaMomo Member Posts: 13 Member

    Just wanted to say thank you for mentioning you have to switch back to events to change each note velocity, I'm new to maschine and have been trying to figure it out over the past few days.


  • Andy Cordy
    Andy Cordy Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you for your answer. I was aware of all of the above. What I asked was how to delete events. It has taken me two hours to work out that with the pattern laid out on the pads I need to press the pad twice to delete an event. I still cannot see a way to delete an event with the knobs or buttons in the event view, which seems like an oversight.

  • Andy Cordy
    Andy Cordy Member Posts: 8 Member

    The three part series on Youtube from Native Instruments is excellent "How to use everything in Maschine" it's very comprehensive and each episode has time stamped chapters so you can easily watch small sections again if you miss something. I'm using it a lot. It's for both Maschine Plus and Mk 3

  • bzyboy
    bzyboy Member Posts: 68 Helper

    In addition to the 3 part "how to use everything in maschine" videos, this one by Jef Gibbons is excellent when it comes to note editing:

  • Andy Cordy
    Andy Cordy Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    Many thanks. I'll have a look.

  • Andy Cordy
    Andy Cordy Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    Jef's video introduced me to using the shift functions on the pads by demonstrating copy and paste. I worked out the rest and so much more.

    Shift and pad 9 clears the currently selected note/s

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