Native Access Installation Fails on Windows 10

musik Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi friends, I downloaded Native Access for 64-bit Windows (Native-Access_2.exe file version, but the installation fails, and I get the following message (which I suspect just means that the installation failed):

I opened support ticket #3981410.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

  • musik
    musik Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Update: Apparently, Native Access installed, but it did NOT register itself properly with Windows NOR did it create a shortcut. This means that it does NOT exist under Add and Remove Programs, NOR under Recently Added, and the user will NOT know that it installed and will have trouble finding it and running it. Clearly this is a bug!

    I found that I AM able to run Native Access:

    1. I manually created a shortcut to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\Native Access.exe".
    2. I executed Native Access.
    3. The Login Screen opens.

    The Windows installation is standard and I have installed other software with no issue. I hope the developers will contact me to check it!


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod
    edited July 2023

    Looks as a Windows permission problem. Are you on an installation where you are re-using anything from a previous user ? , are you sure that you got all permissions ? Did you try to 'Take Own' of the directories ? Have you tried running the Native Access installation as an Administrator ?

    Also you might want to check your AV settings ! (anti-virus can also block access)

  • musik
    musik Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited July 2023
    1. I ran it as a regular user and I also tried as administrator. No difference.
    2. I don't understand what you mean by "re-using anything from a previous user".
    3. I don't know which directories you are referring to. This is a standard Windows 10 Home installation. Why would I have to manually change permissions?
    4. Windows Defender is on. Is that a problem?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod

    By re-using I meant if you had used directories from an older installation by copy or if you by chance had had any user account editing like remove and then add user or anything else that could give a permission problem.

    I agree that normally then one ought not have to edit permissions , but you appear to have a problem of some sorts , so one might want to try to do things that one would not normally do since maybe normally program would install ! That's why !

    As for Windows Defender then I would say that maybe it should not be a problem but still one might want to add the N.I. installer to the 'Exclusions' list to rule out that also...

    I have no idea what's going on on your computer and I have no idea of user history on your computer, only you do - to some extend , so all I can do is to suggest things that you could do to try to remedy the situation..  But I can not help if you do not like or do not approve of my suggestions. 

    You could also start a completely different place. You could try to make a new *Admin* user account on the PC and then try to run the install app as Admin on that account to see if that makes any difference and if it does then take it from there (go back and try to troubleshoot on present user account knowing that it helped or not on other account) And of course just delete the new account afterwards.   But no one can assist you without suggesting that you do some things to try to trouble-shoot the problem

  • musik
    musik Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Update: Apparently, Native Access installed, but it did NOT register itself properly with Windows NOR did it create a shortcut. This means that it does NOT exist under Add and Remove Programs, NOR under Recently Added, and the user will NOT know that it installed and will have trouble finding it and running it. Clearly this is a bug!

    I found that I AM able to run Native Access:

    1. I manually created a shortcut to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\Native Access.exe".
    2. I executed Native Access.
    3. The Login Screen opens.

    The Windows installation is standard and I have installed other software with no issue. I hope the developers will contact me to check it!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod
    edited July 2023

    From your earlier description then the 'bug' as you call looks more like an access/permission problem on the user account on your installation when placing the program menu shortcut !

  • musik
    musik Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    The Windows installation is standard and I have installed other software with no issue. I hope the developers will contact me to check it!

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