Why do I have multiple listings for Kontakt, Kontakt7, Super8 and Massive in Komplete Kontrol menus.



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,445 mod

    @PoorFellow i really like a lot your attitude, your sense of justice and your excellent verbal way to keep balances. My respect 🙏

    PS: i also edit a lot, for the same reasons. First i write like maniac, then post, then... Google translate to be sure that what i wrote is understandable and the orthography is correct, then checking resources online to verify what i wrote (...ok, sometimes i skip that, either because of experience, either because of overconfidence), then edit, fix, re-post! 😊

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    I never have a problem with people editing their post, unless... it is a post where there is specific contention related to it. At that point, in my 'opinion' the post should not be edited further but rather be addressed in followup posts. That was the sum of what I was addressing. The moment someone contests, or even just directly responds to something in a post, it should fall under "clarify in a followup." But again, this is just my opinion. I edit my posts constantly, but I try to follow this rule very strictly, and if there ever is a reason to have an exception, I try to point this out, specifically what and why I modified it after such a situation.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,001 mod
    edited June 2023

    Dear Joe , you are over-simplifying what I wrote in as much that I were trying to encapsulate a whole lot more than trying to be argumentative in anyway. And you are doing again, this time to me, you are so caught up in knowing better that you do not allow for any alternative representation of meaning or reference... If we overlook anything , or forget anything which anybody (else than you ?) can do then that is also making a mistake or to err. I wouldn't dream of even begin to argue with you over anything that has transpired above. I were merely trying to give an impression of how you come across - to me at least.... You make yourself infallible , which is sort of OK , if you just , you know , live and let live - even if some of us fail to meet your high standards when/if trying to help or otherwise try to communicate with you !

    And again , I am not trying to offend here , not even if you should think that I have succeeded in doing so , I were trying to , you know Simon and Garfunkel , Bridge over troubled water , maybe try to mediate a little as best I can. Which again might not meet your standards or expectations for which I apologize in advance ! 😉

    P.S. (Yes and that is another EDIT here)

    Inspired by Sunborn : My native language is not English either !

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    I wasn't offended

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,445 mod
    edited June 2023

    You see, here is our difference. I consider the multiple replies on the same matter, as "over-posting"... as a kind of drawing unnecessary attention (i even accused a fellow once, for over-posting), thus i almost always prefer to edit... it is more inclusive, more comprehensive, more "wise" somehow (to me). The truth is that, both ways are very ok, just different points of view, which is a very healthy thing in a conversation and in a civilized society. :-)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,001 mod
    edited June 2023

    To me both you and Joe makes sort of equally much sense when 'arguing' with respect to the posting/editing question. I personally get why it may be confusing to someone else if I edit my posts constantly for making the post better or more correct and understand why someone else may have a dislike towards it , and still it is my preferred method rather than make another post.

    And I think that it is simply as you put it "just different points of view" or as I myself would put it : "just different styles of posting/communicating" 🙂

    Have a very good night ! 🙂

    Edit :

    @ Sunborn , Thank you very much for the kind words in other post , that I only now just spotted

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    @JesterMgee (btw, what do you mean "his attitude" dear Jes? did you actually read what i wrote? where exactly is my mistake?) or anyone else, where are those 32bit plugins? I haven't see any 32bit version on any Native Instruments setup, since at least 3 years, or more.

    Correct facts have nothing to do with how you talk down to people, case and point of calling me "Dear Jes", would be like me calling you "sunnyboy"!, but I have no interest to debate this for pages, just consider why some users seem to get upset with your assistance...

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,445 mod

    In my life i learned to be friendly to all (as first attempt to communicate). This is who i am and this is also the tradition of my culture and it is very different than the "cold" anglo-saxon way. It can not be change and it will not change. If you don't like it, please just ignore me. And yes, i really love the "sunnyboy"! or any other nickname you want. I have no problem even if you want to call me "catfish" or whatever... I love nicknames, I'm a very open-minded person and i dislike "very serious" attitudes, so please feel free to address to me as you like!

    And by the way, i talk really nice to people unless if i got offended or attacked first. Whoever fail to see this, has either very limited linguistic skills, either perhaps is a very "serious" as a person (which is exactly the opposite of me). I have learned since school, to be expressive, emphatic, explanatory. And this it will not change. You have to adapt, adjust, accept. We are not clones to write, talk, or behave all the same!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Fair enough dude.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited June 2023

    I’ll add my 2cents, not being professional in anything.

    This is my suspicion (which could be very wrong, but it’s as I always understood it):

    Watching your screenshots, what immediately caught my attention is the VST Location (64 bit) being pointed to the VST3 folder. But…isn’t this choice for the location where VST2 64 bit are installed? (@Hayo_NI can you confirm this?)

    Maybe by pointing it at VST3 folder it installs also the VST2 64 bit version there.

    I say this also because all my VST3 are always in VST3 folders under the “Common Files” folders and I can’t recall a single plug-in I installed asking me “where do you want to install VST3?” (But it could be my bad memory). The question is always for VST2 versions (as I think it’s the case in Native Access). All my NI VST3 (and others) are installed in Program Files/Common Files/VST3 and NA never asked me if I wanted to change that folder (for VST3).

    Therefore my suggestion, being it very practical to test, is to change the “VST Location (64 Bit)” folder to somewhere else (not the VST3 folder) and see, reinstalling one of the plugins you get double listed, if something changes

    EDIT: out of curiosity, I tried with one plugin: Audiothing Alborosie Dub Station.

    As soon as i uncheck all other installation possibilities (VST2 and AAX) and leave only VST3 to install, the installation starts without asking anything about where to install it.

    Am I the only one thinking VST3 get installed in a predetermined folder and the option to chose the installation path is only for other plug-ins formats (if not only for VST2)?

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    No that is not the case. I have vsts from various companies and I have had to find a happy medium as to where to install them since some don't play nice if they are installed anywhere else other than where they default to. It probably is the closest to a standard location however. Having said that, I would have to validate which products install to where to give a more insightful answer. It may be that more modern products do default to that location but without checking I couldn't say.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Ok. When I’ll find a plug-in asking where to install VST3, I’ll tell you

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    ???... Take a look at the properties for Native Instruments Installer? I really don't get people sometimes.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,445 mod

    ...meanwhile i still get notifications about every single new comment, not by choice, but because the forum does not an "unsubscribe" option...

    I am really sorry that you are still in trouble, but, may i suggest one last thing? Forget the whole thing for one day, to clear your head from all info, then uninstall everything related to the problem, load Komplete and verify that those plugins are not there anymore... next day, do a general clean-up on your computer, read again most of the suggestions and try to see if there is a combination of solutions that you might missed. But maybe you should try to do things a bit different this time. I am almost sure, the answer is somewhere here.

    Good luck! :-)

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