I can't install Native Access and I have followed all the given solutions

slinky Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I downloaded and installed the NTKDaemon but native access is still hanging with the Dependency process is taking longer than normal screen. I just want to use the hardware that I paid for. I just want to use Mikro 3 as a controller for finger drumming, that's the reason I bought it. I don't want to download any other NI products, I just want to use my hardware. Why does NI have to make the whole proces so damn complicated? Really it's insane the hoops you have to jump through to get anything going and there is no way to talk to a member of a support team to get help. I wish NI would realize the problems they are causing by doing things this way, it's all so unnecessary. Trying to get access to my own device is like trying to get into Fort Knox. It was difficult enough the last time I had to install it over a year ago but things have gotten much worse since then. Come on NI, I want to use my hardware, stop messing me around.

Best Answer



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,448 mod
    edited June 2023

    Hello, did you tried to run the program as an administrator?

    If that fails please be sure that you are running the latest version of Native Access (3.1.0) which should address your issue:

    • Dependency Installation is taking longer than normal (Mac and Win)

    Auto updating is not possible in this situation, so please download the latest version of Native Access from here:

    Native Access 3.1.0 for Windows

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    No it's still not working. I ran it as administrator and as you can see from the attached screenshot I have NTKDaemon running

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited June 2023

    Hmmm , don't know if it will work for your Micro 3 , and I am maybe not going to be exactly popular for this , but I myself had a lot of problems trying to install Native Access 2 so I have stayed using Native Access 1 even though I have seen there apparently is now also a version 3. 

    A problem here is also that you don't supply most basic information that might get people to respond in a different way.  But I can see from the icon in lower left that you are on Windows 7 (confirmed by looking at your profile).  For you personally then my advice is to try Native Access 1 to see if that helps , and even if you can actually install it then my understanding is that it may not deliver updates as good as the newer versions.

    But here you go :



    Also , I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you , but the Windows 7 OS is not officially supported for your product so you ought to be more careful with complaining when your PC does not meet minimum specifications for the product that you have bought !


    Windows 10 (64-bit, latest Service Pack) or Windows 11 (latest Service Pack)

    Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, or Apple Silicon (native mode or using Rosetta 2), 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)

    An Internet connection and a graphics card which supports OpenGL 2.1 or higher are required to download and activate MASCHINE software.


    Kind regards 🙂

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    To my eyes, you are very popular: I’m also still on NA1, and will remain there until the mess they’ve done with version 2 are fixed (and from their answers I’m afraid it’s not gonna be a fast thing…)

    ‘Never had a single hiccup on NA1, and till now also never found something (updating, installing, authorizing) that I can’t do

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited June 2023

    Thank you , yes ! , I have not experienced any update problems myself either , but I am also only on 'KOMPLETE 14 SELECT for S-SERIES' (I am still considering upgrading to standard during sale - should support find the time answering my pre-sales question) .

    But when reading more discussion where other people claim that they think that Komplete Access 1 can have problems showing the odd update then I feel obliged to take that into consideration when concerning another user and to make a mention of it ! Especially in a forum like this with so many experienced users that might or might not have other opinions. But let us not hijack discussion by turning it into a discussion about Native Access version , even though the version and what you describe also might indeed be the problem for all I know at least... (apart from an 'old' OS I mean)(Personally I like Windows 7 but were forced to switch by software and games requirements, but Windows 10 have sort of grown on me when it has to be and my hardware is also too old for Win 11)

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Well thanks. It worked before so presumably an earlier version of Native Access should do the trick. I didn't know about the windows 10 thing. that really sucks. There's no way I'm going to start using that horror show.

    I do wish Native Instruments would simplify this whole process though. This is absolutely the worst part about setting up my pc again and I don't want to use any of the NI products, including Maschine. I just want to use Mikro3 as a controller for drum software. it should be a simple matter of having a driver on the pc which I can save to my hard drive and then install, not this complicated nonsense. I paid for a piece or hardware and it's like I have to get Native Instruments' permission to use it, utterly ridiculous.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,448 mod
    edited June 2023

    Dear @slinky Windows 10 it is not a "horror show", it is an advanced operating system far-far superior than Windows 7, in every aspect.

    Yes there are a lot of nonsense, annoying programs, semi-spyware telemetry etc. but you can get rid of all of them, by using some easy to operate advanced utilities. You will end up with a clean, fast and reliable operating system. I suggest the Auslogics BoostSpeed or the excellent freeware Winaero Tweaker.

    NOTE: Also, if all you want is (as i read) just the driver for your hardware and no software at all, then i do not think that you need Native Access at all. Just go here, download your driver and install it:

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    If you just want to use Mikro in midi mode, you don’t need Native Access at all

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    I completely get your frustration and I have felt like you many times, but still I think that you ought to try to warm up a little to the idea of Native Instruments and Native Access. I mean , I am no N.I. Evangelist but I think that they make a lot of nice hardware and software. And while they *do need* to make anti-piracy measures which is part of what you complain about , the other part being wanting to make their products easily accessible to common users by having a smart install manager app like Native Access, then they also furnish you with drivers and updates that you can download yourself (as pointed out by Sunborn) and even a firmware update to your Mikro 3 if you haven't updated yet (if updating please make sure to follow procedures to the letter as I have no idea if it otherwise can go wrong and 'brick' your device !)

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    The Mikro doesn't come on at all unless I have the maschine software installed. I have to use native access to download that. I can't get the Mikro to turn on otherwise.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,033 Guru

    I think the lesson learned here is that upgrading any software or hardware is OPTIONAL. If you can't describe specifically what you believe will be the key features that will make your life easier then it's probably not something you should pursue. This is the main reason I haven't upgraded to Windows 11 because nothing there is of compelling interest or use to me and therefore of no specific benefit.

    Along with that is that everyone should expect that software vendors will always write to the newest operating systems in order to gain some performance and possible functional benefit for their software. It's been my experience that I most often end up upgrading my OS version when some software I need to use forces me to because of features that are compelling to my needs.

    All of this is in promotion of helping people escape from the "shiny new object" mentality of the marketplace.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    So there must be an issue with your Mikro, because it doesn’t need Maschine software to be installed to turn on. Did you install the drivers?

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Yes, installing the driverrs is the first thing I always do. as you can see they are all listed in control panel.

    It's a major headache every time and this time Mikro isn't triggering midi in cubase or appearing in the midi inputs list. I can edit the pads in the controller editor so it's talking to that but it's not talking to anything else it seems. Looks like I'll have to uninstall and start over. this is day 2 of trying to get this running now.. unbelievable

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod


    OOPS :

    (I just bought the Komplete 14 Standard upgrade)

    How to Install KOMPLETE 14's Ozone 10 :

    Native Access 1 is not supported. You must use Native Access 2 to install Ozone 10.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,248 Expert
    edited June 2023


    Quick question (and related to Poorfellows report on Ozone 10 above) - as you appear to still be on NA1 - were you able to update Kontakt to 7.4.0?

    Started seeing a few references via a few other places round the web that one now "needs" NA2 to get this K7 update and if that's the case - NA1's days are severely numbered.


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