K14 standard to K13 Ultimate..do I lose access to my newer k14 products?

Greg McCarthy
Greg McCarthy Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Hi there...am currently running Komplete 14 standard edition and am thinking of "upgrading" to Komplete 13 Ultimate (Upgrade from Komplete Standard)

What would happen to the newer products I already own as a K14 standard user...would I still be able to access them?

(Wouldn't matter too much if it did lose access for a short time , as I would look at upgrading K13 Ultimate to K14 Collectors edition as part of the current NI Summer Sale.)



Best Answer

  • Greg McCarthy
    Greg McCarthy Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    NI support were really great....though they were not obliged to, as an act of good will, they allowed me to reverse my recent K14 purchase which then allowed me to upgrade from k12 standard to K13 Ultimate (a good deal from a local shop). I then upgraded that to K14 Ultimate Collectors Ed.

    A win/win situation....I then went and got myself a Maschine MK3 😊

    I did ask for clarification on what the rules would have been in my original situation (PSB)

    Cheers, Greg


    Hi Greg,

    In your case, you had been able to upgrade to KOMPLETE 13 ULTIMATE Upgrade for KOMPLETE, because you also got KOMPLETE 12 Upgrade KSelect in your account.

    Otherwise - an "upgrade" from Komplete 14 to Komplete 13 Ultimate would not be possible - Komplete 14 is not a base product for older Komplete versions.

     So there are no other rules here 

     I hope that clarifies it for you.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,860 Expert

    Do you have any previous Standard version? Otherwise I don’t even know if it’s gonna work (from 14 standard to 13 ultimate)

    IF it works and you have both registered, you’ll have the products from both bundles.

    In any case all this complex going around will be advantageous only if you get 13 ultimate for less than 300€, otherwise moving directly from 14 standard to 14 collectors will be cheaper

  • Greg McCarthy
    Greg McCarthy Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2023

    Thanks for the response...much appreciated, I've just asked NI support if its possible to go from K14 to K13U.

    I only recently updated to Komplete 14 Standard from KOMPLETE 12 (Upgraded from KSelect)

    >In any case all this complex going around will be advantageous only if you get 13 ultimate for less than 300€

    Local shop is finishing up with its NI gear and selling this one for about 150€..so thought I should investigate :-)



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    @Greg McCarthy If it is not possible to upgrade from Komplete 14 to K13U, you could use K12 as Base Product as @LostInFoundation said.... But IMHO you would have to remove upgrade to K14 from your account to be able to use K13U Upg.

    LostInFoundation thinks you could use the both licences K14 Upg. and K13U Upg. using the same Base Product K12. I think, you can use just one of those.

    So, my opinion is that if you will have to use K12 as Base Product for K13U, you will not be able to use K14. If it is possible to use K14 as Base Product you will have products from K14 and K13U.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,860 Expert
    edited June 2023


    What do I think???

    I didn’t even know he has K12 and k14 was an upgrade 😂😂😂

    I just said that IF k14 standard is accepted as base product for k13u upgrade (which I don’t think it’s possible) and both products are registered under his account, the programs for both bundles will be available

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert


    Do you have any previous Standard version? Otherwise I don’t even know if it’s gonna work (from 14 standard to 13 ultimate)

    From that, implies that if he has any previous version, it is possible (in your opinion). And he has previous version....

    And in another thread you insisted that it is possible to use one Base Product for two upgrade paths....

    So, I wanted it clarify to OP, that using his K12 as Base Product for K14 and K13U at the same time will not IMHO work...

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,860 Expert
    edited June 2023

    The answer usually comes after a question, therefore before the question I didn’t know the answer.

    Yes, if he owned Komplete standard in a previous version (even 13), the upgrade to 13 ultimate and then to 14 collectors would work. Even because he wouldn’t be using the same base product (e.g. moving from 12 standard (base product 1) to 13 ultimate and then from 13 ultimate (base product 2) to 14 collectors.

    And in the other thread I didn’t insist on anything. I just asked you where did your “100% sure” came from, since it’s not stated anywhere.

    You misunderstood is upgrading path: he won’t be using same base product. If he wanted to use k12 for k14 collectors, why would he even need to buy 13 ultimate?

    Anyway…knowing only what he wrote in his first post, I was just giving the answer to his question:

    What would happen to the newer products I already own as a K14 standard user...would I still be able to access them?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert
    edited June 2023

    OK. OP has upgrade chain KS->K12->K14. And now considers buying K13U Upg from Komplete Standard.

    IMHO, he cannot use KS->K12->K14 and KS->K12->K13U using the same KS->K12.

    If possible, he might use KS->K12->K14->K13U.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,860 Expert
    edited June 2023

    @Jeremy_NI Could you please tell us if a base product once used one time cannot be used anymore (it is not stated anywhere)?

    Otherwise we will go on forever 😂😂😂

    And while you are on the case…even tell the OP if he can use k14 standard as base product for k13 ultimate update from standard (I guess not)?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Unfortunately this is out of my expertise, the best is to get in touch with our order support, they'll be able to tell you what is possible and what is not, based on your account and the licenses you own alrteady. Here is where to get in touch: https://bit.ly/NISupport_OP

  • Greg McCarthy
    Greg McCarthy Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks everyone for the help....I've raised a ticket with support...will report back here once I get an answer.



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    IMHO, Base Product can be used as base for different products....

    But not at the same time... Once it starts to serve as Base Product for certain Upgrade/Update, it cannot be used for any other, till the Upgrade/Update is removed from the account. By that "the bound" is released and Base Product is again usable for new Update/Upgrade...

    It is my understanding, how it works. It seems to me very unprobable Base Product might be used by two Upgrades at the same time. Why I think so I have described in another thread....

  • Greg McCarthy
    Greg McCarthy Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    NI support were really great....though they were not obliged to, as an act of good will, they allowed me to reverse my recent K14 purchase which then allowed me to upgrade from k12 standard to K13 Ultimate (a good deal from a local shop). I then upgraded that to K14 Ultimate Collectors Ed.

    A win/win situation....I then went and got myself a Maschine MK3 😊

    I did ask for clarification on what the rules would have been in my original situation (PSB)

    Cheers, Greg


    Hi Greg,

    In your case, you had been able to upgrade to KOMPLETE 13 ULTIMATE Upgrade for KOMPLETE, because you also got KOMPLETE 12 Upgrade KSelect in your account.

    Otherwise - an "upgrade" from Komplete 14 to Komplete 13 Ultimate would not be possible - Komplete 14 is not a base product for older Komplete versions.

     So there are no other rules here 

     I hope that clarifies it for you.


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