why is NA download speed impossibly slow

Brianalipa Member Posts: 52 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I just purchased the upgrade from NI ultimate collectors edition collection 13 to 14

I have tried to download Lores for example and it appears to work but my download times are in hours to days I'm in the UK with fast broadband which works for everything else so i don't think it is me, I have tried all NI tips to no avail, I feel I have spent hundreds of pounds and don't even get a reply from starting a ticked ,I am very frustrated as i have now lost days of creativity time and feel cheated by Native instruments Lock down is over what is the problem getting what I paid for

Please somebody in the community help me


Best Answers

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert
    Answer ✓

    If you did not get confirmation that your Support Ticket has been registered, than something went wrong and the Ticket got lost somewhere. One should receive confirmation within minutes to hour.

    Another thing is, the start of solution. It may take few hours to few days. During Sales it is closer to few days....

    I get download speed about 50 megabit. But maybe that NI provides more, I have only 100 mbit connection, so it is sound not to use more than a half of it....

    Lores is huge, it may take many hours. IMHO, it was not good decision to provide only download version and no installation media.

  • Brianalipa
    Brianalipa Member Posts: 52 Member
    Answer ✓

    Just done the calculation thanks to Dunedindragon comments and well it seems 73 GB download at 25 GbsS/s will take approx. 6.5 hours best speed at 100 Gb/s download 1.5 to 2 hours I did not appreciate the size of this file and the speed implication for downloading the whole library


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Member

    Hi there!

    Seems like the servers of NI is overloaded; because of summer sale + new free Irish Harp. I bet it will be OK soon.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert
    Answer ✓

    If you did not get confirmation that your Support Ticket has been registered, than something went wrong and the Ticket got lost somewhere. One should receive confirmation within minutes to hour.

    Another thing is, the start of solution. It may take few hours to few days. During Sales it is closer to few days....

    I get download speed about 50 megabit. But maybe that NI provides more, I have only 100 mbit connection, so it is sound not to use more than a half of it....

    Lores is huge, it may take many hours. IMHO, it was not good decision to provide only download version and no installation media.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    I can't say my download speeds have been any worse than normal even during the sale. It's taken a while to get things registered and authorized during the sale, but download speeds have been pretty normal. But that of course varies depending on your location and the service capacity of your local internet (as well as the internet services at NI). You can sometimes circumvent some of that by doing things in off hours such as late at night or on weekends. During working hours can be pretty good, but prime time in the evening can be tough with everyone streaming movies. Of course large scale downloads such as collections is always going to take a while just due to the massive scale of the content.

    The other thing that can play into it is the speed of your storage device. SSD will always be faster than a traditional disk drive, but even those speeds can be limited by the way the SSD is connected to your PC (such as USB-A versus USB-C 3.0 or using an SSD drive that's being used as your system drive. Content is always downloaded in chunks, so a slower drive can equate to a lot of additional time. That's another good reason to do your downloads in off hours when your PC isn't doing much of anything else.

    When my downloads are slow I just check my Task Manager on Windows to ensure I'm getting a reasonable speed and not a problem at my end. Occasionally I'll do a check of internet download speeds, but even that can be deceiving based on the location of the server doing your download speed test. But that's about all you can do until service providers get caught up with handling the volume of streaming content.

  • Brianalipa
    Brianalipa Member Posts: 52 Member

    Thanks everybody for you useful replies

    I have tried all times of day and night I also had issues last week with Pulse audio my internet speed is 136 Mb/s for every thing so something is throttling my downloads

    I suspect NI server but don't know how to prove it or work around it

    Patients and creativity don't go hand in hand

    Maybe NI could post the server load as hi med or low somewhere in order to help diagnose this issue that a lot of us are having


  • Brianalipa
    Brianalipa Member Posts: 52 Member
    Answer ✓

    Just done the calculation thanks to Dunedindragon comments and well it seems 73 GB download at 25 GbsS/s will take approx. 6.5 hours best speed at 100 Gb/s download 1.5 to 2 hours I did not appreciate the size of this file and the speed implication for downloading the whole library

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