A problem with my recent purchase

luisdaniel0101 Member Posts: 10 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi, I recently bought my konplete kontrol s61 using the offer of konplete kontrol s 61 plus komplete ultimate, but I don't have an answer yet... can anyone know what's going on? I already received the email confirmation but nothing has happened, neither download links nor tracking number... I sent 2 requests for help but nothing has been answered either... if you could help me I would be grateful. I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish, I'm using google translate, I hope I've been understood. thank you!

Best Answer



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    It should be in your Native Instruments account, but to install it, you need to download and install first the Native Access application. Through this, you can install all your NI products.

  • luisdaniel0101
    luisdaniel0101 Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    no, there is nothing in my native account, and I check my order history and the order appears as in progress, that is, they have not even sent me a license number to register my productno, there is nothing in my native account, and I check my order history and the order appears as in progress, that is, they have not even sent me a license number to register my product

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Help request are addressed very slowly these days (many requests, not enough people working for support). How long ago did you open your ticket? I have one waiting from 3 weeks

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited May 2023

    What they mean "the order appears as in progress", those things should be done automatically.

    However there is a chance that this might have something to do with bank/paypal etc. transfers, so in that case they can do nothing but waiting... they should have informed you though.

    Edit: LostInFoundation, LOL i wonder if there is a single thread on the entire forum that you left without a comment! 😂 (...only joking, in my own type of slight irony 😉)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Many threads (specially the ones about Reaktor). I answer to the ones I know the answer. And I answer to the questions asked

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,088 Expert
    edited May 2023

    Yeah, but 1700 posts in 3 months is a lot as I kindly pointed out a few weeks ago, not just me that notices when someone is “over posting” for what seems to be the numbers, even if it’s not your MO, it is how others perceive tho.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Indeed he really starts to piss-off many people, jumping on every post and play the smart ass, even if something is already answered...

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited May 2023

    Not an "accusation" just making a point here... :-)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Since I decided to stop arguing with other users, I’ll answer just one time: you mean people like you answering wrongly to questions you didn’t even read (“yes, you can install Kontakt libraries on Maschine+”…, “I get the Installation Failed error message in NA installing on external SSD”, your answer: “it is absolutely important to be installed on the main drive (C)”…) just to have some points for the first answer for the competition?

    Should I really feel sorry for correcting a wrong answer that will risk to make another user spend 1200$ based on a wrong answer given just to get some points?

    You even had a banner asking people to put likes on your posts to help you win a voucher…how sad…

    Well…frankly…if I piss-off people like this…I don’t mind at all…sorry.

    To Jester: we had a long private conversation about this, in which you accused me of so many things (the way I act is against decency, I’m selfish with my own objectives, I’m here only for my own agenda, I’m not trying to be a member of a community,…) but I will tell you once again that I’m not interested at all in the number of posts, cause they don’t mean anything to me. Maybe it is relevant for forum people like you, who measure their importance by a stupid number.

    For me the only important thing is how much can I help other users, since we all have been in their same situation back in the days, and we all hoped to find someone helping us.

    All the other things, as I told you, for me are just forums mental masturbations. You live this way? Happy for you. But I don’t, and don’t try to pull me into those things.

    I see a question I know the answer to? I answer. When we finish the discussion somebody tells me “Thank you”? I’ll answer with a “You’re welcome”. But it is because that’s something called “politeness”, not to have a larger posts count. Measuring somebody’s status by the number of posts seems really, REALLY a sad sad world to me.

    And please stop saying “piss-off MANY PEOPLE”… it’s just the 2 of you… When I’ll really see MANY people disturbed by my helping, I’ll re-ponder on how my behaviors can or cannot disturb others. Till it’s just a couple of forum guys (CASUALLY the ones competing for a stupid prize) and the vast majority are just happy of my help, I’ll continue to give all the help I can to other users like me. You know…hundreds of happy people vs 2 pissed off guys because they can’t win a stupid voucher…guess who I prioritize in my mind?

    As said…I’m tired of 2-3 forum guys criticizing me just cause they feel their so important forum throne is vacillating (don’t worry, you are better than me…I’m just a guy who wrote a lot of posts in three months. You are the king helping from so much time)…so this will be my only answer. Write whatever you want, I’ll move on concentrating to the people I care here: the ones that need help.

    Peace out

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    I don’t know what is the problem. Do we now have a limit to how many posts one can make, due to some kind of rat race towards monthly goals and rewards? Do some people perhaps think they are more entitled to post than others?

    I’m a humble “advisor”, I only post when I have something to say, which is sadly not very often nowadays :)

    Just asking out of curiosity…

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Man…thank you but…don’t get involved in this. Let them have found the root of all evil in me. Every time I read you it was all about positive things. Don’t make yourself enemies because of me.

    Btw: having a lot of posts doesn’t give any advantage on rewards. It’s just that I’m touching their untouchable “forum rules”…

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited May 2023

    No worries. I find your posts helpful in general. At my age and the place I am at now musically, I really don’t give a flying dodo if someone hates me on internet forum :D

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Maybe we are too old to understand this “forums world”…

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    Think you miss the point of things completely. I haven’t accused you of anything other than posting what I feel is an over excessive amount compared to most people on the forum, knowing full well from experience it will be striking a nerve with some, most bite their tongue tho. And from what I have read, more than me and sunborn have commented on it. I’d count more like 4 or 5 users now and it is just about how many posts are made in a day.

    What my view is, you are focused on increasing post count yourself since why else does someone post several replies in a row (I’ve counted 4 in a row several times, that is just spam IMO)

    I don’t accept any of the vouchers, I have declined all of them because I have no further need for anything more and I also am not a leader in any boards nor do I have the highest post count so can’t understand your assumption that I’m here for the prizes, I’ve been here 10 years prior to any of this and like to also help others, the issue is almost literally every second thread has your input, the issue is simply over saturation, like having a discussion in a pub and having they one guy pipe in with his thoughts on every question before anyone else can get a word in, and then throws in “..and another thing…” 3 more times.

    But hey, it’s just something I should deal with and ignore.

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