Automatically download Beatport tracks...or fix the key info.

QWER2580 Member Posts: 32 Member

I'd love for Traktor to automatically download the tracks I add to a playlist from the Beatport search. What I'm really after tho, is actually knowing what key they're in for real.

While Beatport provides a key for each song, it's not the same that Traktor uses...but Traktor will show Beatport's key info the playlist until the song is first loaded into a deck and downloaded. Only then will the key change.

Either that or just show the correct key from the start. Analyzing your tracks before they're downloaded will still show the wrong key, so the only way to get the correct key is to load each track individually into decks. A "download all" button would work too.

1 votes

Closed · Last Updated

This idea did not receive enough support from the community.


  • frd
    frd Member Posts: 7 Member

    any fix or no ?

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