Can't find libraries in Kontakt in Logic, although downloaded in Native Access.

Sonny Member Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I bought a new hard drive for the NI library , I deleted the sounds off the old hard rive and reinstalled them successfully . But some of the sounds that said download successful still aren working . I have enough room on my hard drive . I downloaded them all together and then scanned it with the Kontakt scanner, yet some of the bigger libraries like the Strings Ensemble, Brass solo, Brass ensemble , symphony percussion amongst of smaller sounds as well aren't loading when I open Logic Pro. I have uninstalled and deleted the files from the hardrive and reinstalled it but to no avail, does anyone know of any suggestions for me to try out?

Best Answer

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Sonny

    It sounds like we will need to take a closer look into this.

    Please submit a request via the following link:

    Be sure to submit a screenshot of the behaviour when submitting your request so that we can start troubleshooting effectively from the start :)


  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited April 2023

    It would have been simpler to copy the files from the old drive to the new drive. Did you run Kontakt as a standalone outside to Logic first, to make sure it sees all the libraries?

    It always helps for others to help you if you disclose more info, like versions, OS etc.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod


    Are the libraries shown as installed in Native Access?

    Do they appear in Kontakt in standalone ? Can you load them?

    Do they appear in Kontakt in Logic ? Can you load them? If not, can you explain what happens exactly?

    Also make sure to give Full Disk Access to Logic Pro and Kontakt: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

  • Sonny
    Sonny Member Posts: 19 Member


    thanks for the response. The libraries are shown as installed in Native access .

    They appear in Kontakt standalone but they aren't loaded , it say locate or hide and I tried to locate it t its source which appears in my hard drive but nothing changes.

    I Just now gave full access on my Mac to native instruments etc.

  • : )
    : ) Member Posts: 24 Member

    Have you tried to click "manage libraries" and see if they are disabled?

    Not sure if stand alone and plugin version work seperatly, guess that would have to be the case if it's shown in the standalone.

    Anyway, maybe not the issue. But worth a shot I suppose

  • Sonny
    Sonny Member Posts: 19 Member


    where do I find manage libraries?

  • Sonny
    Sonny Member Posts: 19 Member


    the libraries aren disabled

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Sonny

    It sounds like we will need to take a closer look into this.

    Please submit a request via the following link:

    Be sure to submit a screenshot of the behaviour when submitting your request so that we can start troubleshooting effectively from the start :)

This discussion has been closed.
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