Option to disable filter on mixer effects for S2Mk3

nskcharles Member Posts: 42 Helper
edited August 2023 in Share Ideas for Traktor Pro

For some reason, all of the mixer effects on the S2Mk3 are ONLY accessible in combination with HPF and LPF. From the manual (emphasis added):

To apply the selected Mixer FX in combination with a low-pass Filter to the audio signal:

• Turn the Mixer FX Amount knob counterclockwise.

To apply the selected Mixer FX in combination with a high-pass Filter to the audio signal:

• Turn the Mixer FX Amount knob to center position.

I would like to have an option to NOT do this, and have each mixer effect be purely that effect. Combining them w the filter ruins the mixer FX for me, plus the S2Mk3 dropped the FX units completely :(

As an S2Mk3 owner, this change would allow me to use the mixer FX in isolation. While we're at it, it would also be nice to be able to apply them post-fader (if that's even possible w mixer effects)

3 votes

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  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Simplest way would be remapping your Filter knobs to control FX Unit parameters. Good luck with the request though.

  • nskcharles
    nskcharles Member Posts: 42 Helper

    I left the filter knob alone, but remapped the filter fx keys to activate the FX unit instead. It's just such a bad design. On the S3, S4 it looks like the additive filter is a button on each channel instead of always-on.

  • Eduardo D'Queiroz
    Eduardo D'Queiroz Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hello "nskcharles". If I understand correctly, you want MXFX to be independent per deck, both for activating and for choosing the effect per deck.

    If so, this can easily be added with a custom mapping.

    Hope this meets your need.

    You must use SHIFT key + "desired effect in MXFX". This changes the MXFX only for the deck the SHIFT key was pressed on.

    To enable and disable MXFX per deck, use the "Monitor Cue" buttons (to enable the default function, use SHIFT).

    Attached is the TSI for custom S2MK3.

  • nskcharles
    nskcharles Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Hi Eduardo,

    That wasn't exactly it - I wanted the mixer effects to work independently of the filter, as they do on the knobs for the FX unit. All of the mixer effects are applied in conjunction with a filter for some reason. Thank you though!

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