Guitar rig 5 demo

Keelin87 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited April 2023 in Guitar Rig & FX

Hi, I had Guitar rig 5 full version and I downloaded guitar rig6 off Komplete start now my guitar rig 5 is a demo? How do I reverse this



  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    Add me to the problem. I've had Guitar Rig 5 Pro since 2014 when I bought Komplete 9 Standard. Not that I care much for it, but I'm working with a Cubase project that is several years old and it has Guitar Rig 5 in some tracks. So when I wanted to open it to see what elements it had, it showed me that demo thing.

    Then I closed everything, did a good search for every single file called Guitar Rig 5 and deleted them all except for 3 weird ones that were deep into the system and it told me I didn't have permission even though I'm the admin and only user. But all the other instances such as plugins, plist files, etc were gone, not even into the trash.

    So I opened Native Access and installed it again. But, same thing as before. And, when I try to activate it, it says Service Center cannot be found.

  • mezzurias
    mezzurias Member Posts: 27 Helper

    The same is happening on my end. I was literally using it this afternoon and after I ran a Native Access update now it's only running in demo mode. THIS IS NOT GOOD! I need to get work done and this won't let me open and play the project properly.

  • 2mind
    2mind Member Posts: 5 Member

    same here too - THIS IS HELLA FRUSTRATING! I suddenly can't work on my project anymore, there is literally no way to activate that demo somehow and I am under time pressure with my work

  • 2mind
    2mind Member Posts: 5 Member

    ok now I am confused - I followed all steps from the link and every product even the 3rd party plugins are now in demo mode

  • 2mind
    2mind Member Posts: 5 Member

    nevermind, logging in again helped but the demo version of Guitar Rig 5 is still there instead of Guitar Rig Pro 5

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Try to see if the installation path correspond to the path where you MATERIALLY have GR5 installed

  • 2mind
    2mind Member Posts: 5 Member

    I guess it does but when I open it the standalone version is also in demo mode...

  • 2mind
    2mind Member Posts: 5 Member

    Problem is now hopefully solved - downgraded from Native Access 2 to NA1 and reinstalled GR5, the demo version is finally gone

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited April 2023

    Hey all, there seems to be an issue with Native Access 3.3.0 and Guitar Rig 5. Please follow this thread, I also put the installers for Native Access 3.2.2 there:

    Problem with Guitar Rig 5.2.2 and Native Access 3.3.0

    To streamline communication, I'll close this thread.

This discussion has been closed.
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