Sampled Instruments not Loading Via Komplete Kontrol in Garageband

adamkeelan Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Hi there

Would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this - and apologies if I get my terminology a bit wrong - I'm relatively inexperienced.

Sampled instruments eg Kinetic Treats simply won't load via the KK plugIn when I use Garageband. They preview ok but I just get 'plug in' not found etc

But all the synthesizers DO load ie Block Base, Reaktor etc

(Sampled instruments load fine in a stand alone version of KK)

I used to have a working system - is this a compatibility thing with Mac Ventura or anything else?

I've rescanned, checked VSTs, done the MIDI device scripts. I really can't think of anything else!

All my software is up to date and I've reinstalled those that don't load and rescanned etc - but still I get the plug in not found. It's clearly a systemic thing that I can't fathom

Has anyone else had this issue please - and any suggestions for a workaround other than not using KK as a plugin? All suggestions gratefully received! Thanks!


  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited April 2023

    So it's looking for any version of Kontakt. Did you install Kontakt 7 Player and uninstall it?

    You said all sampled instruments load fine. Are you saying that Kinetic Treats and any Kontakt instrument loads in KK stand-alone?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Does the status of those plugins in NA appear “normal” (like “installed”). Or does it states something like “Repair” or “Demo”?

  • adamkeelan
    adamkeelan Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hi thanks so far - to answer both the questions above - yes I have a functioning version of Kontact - and I can run it as a plug in in Garageband direct (ie not via KK). Kinetic Treats and any Kontact instrument will run in KK alone just fine.

    All of the plug ins when I check NA say they're installed - and indeed I've reinstalled just to be sure. So I'm wondering if I've got a but - or NI have but this seems terribly unlikely!

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    Seeing as it can't find the plugin, the only thing I can think to do is uncheck 'Always use latest version of NI plugins' in the KK preferences. Seems like a shot in the dark, but...

  • adamkeelan
    adamkeelan Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you for the suggestion - alas it hasn't worked.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @adamkeelan Check the Garageband part of this article: How to Integrate KOMPLETE KONTROL with Your DAW and especially this section:

    Also make sure to give Full Disk Access to Komplete Kontrol, Kontakt and GarageBand: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

  • adamkeelan
    adamkeelan Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hi Jeremy - thanks for this - alas I've tried this too and to no avail. I'm scratching my head still as I really can't think of anything else to do! Unless I resintall garageband and then reinstall all my Native Instrument software but I thought I'd already done that. 🙄

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @adamkeelan Are you able to load Kontakt 7 in GarageBand? If you add Kontakt to the Full DIsk Access list?

  • adamkeelan
    adamkeelan Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Yes I can - I have a functioning version of Kontact - and I can run it as a plug in in Garageband direct (ie not via KK).

    (And eg Kinetic Treats and any Kontact instrument will run in KK stand alone just fine.)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @adamkeelan I contacted you by email, we'll need more info on your system.

This discussion has been closed.
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