Can you automate when lock states trigger in arrangement?

Acidizer Member Posts: 25 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Sorry if I use wrong terminology I've not got a Maschine yet but want to know if it is possible to set a point in an arrangement view (like ableton) where the track would play then hit a point where it triggers a lock state?

I am thinking for transitions. I know it can morph a parameter smoothly over 1 bar etc. But can I plot a point in arrangement view (1 bar before a "drop") so it seamlessly transitions?

Hope that makes sense thank you.

Best Answer

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    There are two ways to trigger snapshots. You can select MIDI notes or MIDI program changes. If you want to automate this you would have to use an external trigger (sequencer) or create a midi loopback with the M+ (Midi In->Midi Out). I use my Octatrack for this. A midi track for snapshot sequencing only (lock state).But everything that spits out MIDI notes or PgCH should work. This works better and is less error-prone than a midi loopback. Unfortunately, it is not possible with Maschine alone, since the snapshots (lock states) cannot be recorded in the arrangement.


  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    There are two ways to trigger snapshots. You can select MIDI notes or MIDI program changes. If you want to automate this you would have to use an external trigger (sequencer) or create a midi loopback with the M+ (Midi In->Midi Out). I use my Octatrack for this. A midi track for snapshot sequencing only (lock state).But everything that spits out MIDI notes or PgCH should work. This works better and is less error-prone than a midi loopback. Unfortunately, it is not possible with Maschine alone, since the snapshots (lock states) cannot be recorded in the arrangement.

  • Acidizer
    Acidizer Member Posts: 25 Member

    That's too bad. Is there anywhere to request this feature? It would make for a nice DAW like feature.

    How likely is it to appear?

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 143 Pro

    I’d say somewhere in between “Elvis found alive in an Idaho supermarket” and “Santa Claus reveals himself to the world”


  • Acidizer
    Acidizer Member Posts: 25 Member

    Hmm what is the point for "arrangement" then.

    I wouldn't consider this a performance feature if a long morph time is selected, would you?

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 143 Pro

    Oh I don’t disagree with you, at all. Improvements to the Lock State functionality is one of my dream wishes for the Maschine software in fact. It’s an insanely powerful yet severely undercooked feature.

    for now, I think your best bet is to set up that midi-loopback method mentioned above. Then, you can create a group full of patterns that are dedicated to triggering the Lock States whenever you want it to occur in your arrangement. It’s hacky, but it works.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,917 Expert

    @Schmapps1 uttered these words of wisdom

    It’s an insanely powerful yet severely undercooked feature.

    I’d say that’s true for a considerable part of Maschine’s features, unfortunately. Which is sort of revealed and magnified on/by the M+ since there’s no other software which can be used for workarounds.

  • Acidizer
    Acidizer Member Posts: 25 Member

    Would this be considered a "program change" or not?

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 143 Pro

    If you mean using the midi-loopback to trigger lock states, personally I find it easier to set it to use midi notes instead of program change. Just remember, the midi notes you need to use will start at the very bottom of the register. (c -2 I believe?)

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor

    And one more tip for setting up MIDI loopback.

    In the MIDI loopback scenario, I use the 5-pin MIDI port on the M+. I had to activate that manually. But I'll leave them disabled until I've finished all the preparations.

    Settings-> MIDI->Page1/2 - Input MsPIPIMI 1 / Output MsPIPIMI 1

    On the same page you will also find MIDI Clock (off) and Midi Input (none).

    I do this to be on the safe side so that the M+ doesn't crash on a MIDI loopback.

    The setting for the "Lock" feature can be found

    Settings -> MIDI -> Page 2/2 -> MIDI Change Type -> Lock - Note - Source MsPIPIMI 1 - Channel 16

    Channel doesn't really matter, but better than 1, also to be on the safe side.

    I also use a "group" for my "locks" e.g. Group H

    Here you would need to set up each "sound" you want to use as a "lock" sequencer.

    Select -> PAD/Sound -> Channel/MIDI ->

    Input -> Page 2/2 -> Source None -> Channel All-Thru OFF !

    Output -> Page 3/3 -> Target MsPIPIMI 1 -> Channel 16

    That's it for the sound. Let's say you've now recorded “External Locks” you could now sequence them with your prepared “Sound”.

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