Future Roadmap Q4?

Knivshult Member Posts: 21 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

What does the plan look like for the future! Does that mean there is no real plan?



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @Knivshult we're already one month in Q4 so the roadmap should be updated soon.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru
  • djsilvertop
    djsilvertop Member Posts: 1 Member

    @Kaiwan_NI We are in December now and the roadmap does not seem to be updated, any news? do we know what version will bring the real time stems and flexible beat grid? Recent version 3.7 did not bring those features yet.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    Friedemann posted a few days ago that they want to release an updated roadmap this week.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    As far as I can see, from now on they will no longer add the Q3, Q4, etc. to the roadmap. Would also make a lot more sense... But maybe I'm wrong.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    okay... a few minutes later... they do... Q4 is now active, as mentioned by kaiwan_ni in the beta thread... will probably be eventful days until the end of the year 🙄

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    They already said there will be a patch update in December then…… next beta cycle is more pattern player.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    yeah, but why Q4? there only 20 days left this year... i really don't get it. 3.7.1 will be a patch for macOS Ventura. Maybe we will see this in this year... regarding to the roadmap it makes no sense, that more actively developed features will be here before the end of the year. i would simply leave it at that place with Q1 - Q4. sorry, but that's just ridiculous when you bring Q4 in early december. they should just let it be as it is. release an updated roadmap after the updates and do not define the timeline.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Each and every fix they can deliver is much appreciated. It is known that this was much needed maintence update - they are changing things under the hood to accomodate a new features coming and also fixing new bugs. So I wouldn't call Traktor a sinking ship.

    The realtime separation (for which you need an M1 or latest i9 btw) is also a feature that only a handful of DJ's will be able to use it efectively.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    True this. Other software stem separation, new spec system required. When stems does drop that will be the next gripe “I have to upgrade my Mac/windows? Erm yeah if you want to use stems with full functionality. For me this version is fairly stable. Streaming service still put on extra load when analysing . I do have a 2015 MacBook Pro. It’s pretty decent though so should be ok for those tasks. When they have sorted M1/M2 I’ll make a new purchase as my s4 mk3 will be perfect for stems. .

  • TurnedTables
    TurnedTables Member Posts: 64 Advisor
    edited December 2022

    I don't understand why there is such a fuss about having live stem-separation, except for the 'waah serato has got it' crowd. 90% of DJs would not find it any more useful than having a stack of pre-processed files.

    Traktor having built in (pre-process) separation will be great, but for all those moaning about not having it live, you can already use stems in Traktor and use free tools (or paid - I use nuo-stems and it out-splits everything on the market) to create them, so my question to you is, are you already experimenting with stems or just bashing NI for the sake of it because you *need* live stem separation.

    What I want to see with the stems update is more functionality around manipulating each stem track. Traktor's current stem functionality already bests Serato's offering, so let's get an update out that pushes Traktor further ahead.

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 349 Guru
    edited December 2022

    New roadmap show Stems will probably come in the beta after user custom patterns for PP.

    Hopefully that means early Spring time and then elastic beatgrids and iZotope effects in summer/autumn.

    2023 looks promising for Traktor if they can also deliver new hardware. Fingers crossed.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    I agree with Stem Deck update. I recently made mappings for Midifighters to control Serato Stems and I like what they did with their second row of features (Vocal Echo Out etc) however some of basic controls like for example the Stem Volume Adjust is not possible currently.

    Play and Loop feature for each individual stem would be the next most useful new feature. I can imagine that the Flux Mode concept can be useful for achieving this. And also finding a way to send signal from Stem Volume into an EQ Knobs should be easy. That way the S4, S3 and S2 controllers could also provide the access to Stems volume.

  • TurnedTables
    TurnedTables Member Posts: 64 Advisor

    Yeah I like the idea of the hardcoded FX which Serato has provided - they’ve nailed it in terms of accessibility because the majority of DJs just want to spam a button and apply cool fx and won’t go any further than that.

    Agreed, Play and loop would be really good features to add, it would also be cool if you could perhaps add a level of automation to the stem playing e.g. record a play through and remember where you punched in FX, applied filter etc so you can replay it. Of course you could just record the track but I’d prefer if a template (or number of templates) could be saved and applied live. It would make my life easier using a single F1 to control multiple decks :-)

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