FM8, Absynth5, Massive, Guitar Rig, Battery, Reaktor, Rounds ... All Presets lost after Cloning

LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 22 in Massive X & Synths

FM8, Absynth5, Massive, Guitar Rig, Battery, Reaktor, Rounds ... All Presets are lost after The Clone mi Driver as I migrate from HD to SSD. I made this a year ago and from 2 months ago Discovered the situation. Tryed to reload the presets but they didn't came on starting from standalon (FM8 and Absynth) as is the recomendation from NI online Support (link below)

Please Help. Thanks !

Best Answer



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,020 mod


    have you maybe changed drive letters?

  • LoboSolitario
    LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member

    Yes UWE, I did other name to the SSD Drive. Thanks to be present (I mean You)

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,020 mod

    ok thats the reason why it does not work, drive letter and paths have to be the same after you copy a drive

  • LoboSolitario
    LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member

    My God, ... and if I can't remember? ... I can try, ... but if making that create a bigger problem for the same reason to other of my instruments and/or app

    Please tell me

  • LoboSolitario
    LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member

    I think I remember the HD name. But I wait for you to know.

    Could be not that bad, as are the only with the problem. All others from Native Instrument and other software no problem

  • LoboSolitario
    LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member

    This went to TRAGEDY. I wrote down the Name of my current SSD Driver to test the one I thought was the one on the HD from before and it didn't turn out to be. When I went to look for the name of the SSD it is something unusual, but it was not there and now it does not load any Kontak either.

    It might be possible that just RELOCATING the Kontak will solve it, at least that part. I hope.

    My God

  • LoboSolitario
    LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member

    Not my Day 😫

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,020 mod

    ohh this should not happen

  • LoboSolitario
    LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member

    I am Mac User. And we have an App "Text Edit" if I open anything through "Text Edit" I can see the program info inside. I am thinking if the NAME OF THE DRIVER is a key to the App then it should come inside the App of the instrument.

    To recall KONTAKT I checked (.nicnt) and at first sight I could not see the name of my DRIVER

    To recall FM8 (and others synth) the "Text Edit" do not work, but maybe other.

    Its an idea that if the DRIVER NAME is a NEED to the APP it should be shown somewhere it inside

    Hope you can say something

  • LoboSolitario
    LoboSolitario Member Posts: 15 Member

    I "Locate" the KONTAK instrument (one by the moment) and it comes perfect to the KONTAKT List Menu. So KONTAKT is not the problem (I can slowly "Locate" each one. But still I have the issue with FM8, the other Synths. And Guitar Rig.


    Upgraded 8, and 9, and 10

    The Upgrades were made via a HD you offer I bought via Sweetwater

    I could not ever bought it again via online as by a non understandable reason even for NI my credit card is not acceptable to the paypal fliter with you ¿? But it works for any other place

    I could not follow the upgrades in first because my OX System is not more possible to NI upgrades, and/or because my economic situation had been down and more after the covid pandemia.

    Just to say I am a client, ... or was ... however you want to consider


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,020 mod

    the name of the drive does not matter, only the drive letter and the file path, maybe you can fix it.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Uwe, Macs don't have a drive letter like pcs.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,020 mod
    edited December 2022

    ahh yes of course, on mac everything is different, i always thought on mac those things are easier, i though after you clone a drive everything should work like before ....., but then i´m out unfortunately, im not a mac user myself, relocate everything would take a while, i would install all over again i have a decent internet - but if you don´t have fast internet relocate might be better.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,020 mod

    With FM8 you can also relocate the libraries, select the options menu, click on the database tab, add the current location of the sound/patch folder and rebuild the db, if i have more time i can write how to relocate the others, best is one instrument after another

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    On pc the sounds for FM8 are in public documents. Where are they on Mac. Is there a similar folder like that?

    C:\Users\computer name\Documents\Native Instruments\FM8\Sounds

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