Maschine+ stability survey result

spock Member Posts: 26 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Based on the survey results, we find that 46% of machine users are affected by crashes. It looks like Native Instruments should be seriously working on bug fixes...



  • Artur.Brahms
    Artur.Brahms Member Posts: 3 Member

    That's a weird interpretation of the survey! 🙄

  • spock
    spock Member Posts: 26 Helper

    Thank you for your comment, can you do another analysis of the survey to put things in perspective

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    For what it’s worth, I didn’t get to participate in the survey but I would say I rarely have any crashes mid performance and my projects typically run between 40-70% cpu load with a ****** ton of Samples, Loops, FX, and some instruments (2 massive and maybe another like FM or monark).

    The “crashes” I do encounter seem to be around turning off and on the M+ where it will just get hung up but holding the power down and forcing a restart always fixes it.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Mine is stable too, get the occasional hang up, but rarely. I love it anyway.

  • Sean Ocean
    Sean Ocean Member Posts: 4 Member

    Rock solid before last update.. currently very wary.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    Link is to a closed FB group, not much transparency there…

    However, the group has around 6'000 members and there are 102 votes in this poll. We can safely assume that most of the participants (also in online forums) are users who have issues with their devices. Which can be interpreted as the other 5'900 members not having any issues with their M+.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2022

    Nothing on social media has 100% engagement especially not a Group user post, some people might not see it, care, etc... Altho people do tend to engage more with negative content I wouldn't go interpreting non-votes as "I have no issues" or the opposite for that matter.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    Without any survey I can state, that most if not all Windows users experienced OS crash. What shall we do about it? MS should fix is ASAP.

    Back to M+ "survey". 100 answers is not much to take it seriously. At least 1000 from representatice sample is needed....

    5 users of roughly 100 have freeze every launch, 30 sometimes and 11 rarely. I would interpret it that really affected is 5 of 100, 5%, not stated 46%.

    And now, we may dispute why those 5 have regular problems. It may be incompatible/defective SD card, for example....

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    Neither do I. My intent was to show how useless the presented results are without information on how they were achieved. After all, those numbers were presented as „facts“ requiring „action“.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    I guess our personal experience always makes us biased toward an opinion. It reminds me of the Benn Jordan's MPC Key 61 controversy where in a video he discussed bugs and issues with his unit and got a response video from another youtube basically claiming he was an idiot since the other guy had no bugs and it worked fine.

    Maybe 'stable' is also somewhat subjective, I have occasional crashes, occasional super long boot/shutdown times, dealt with the Audio interface requiring the knob twisting trick and now this latest shutdown bug - to me that's not really stable as I am a bit scared every single time I use it live..

    It's baffling to me that some folks say "I never had a single issue" but they do and my experience can't invalidate theirs or vice-versa.

    Oh, I see, I might have miss interpreted you, sorry... OP worded it correctly IMO, he said "based on these results", which is how tons of people publish research results about multiple topics, of course, accuracy is extremely low for such a small pool size. We don't even know the pool size, I doubt all those 6k people have an M+. Personally, I don't think that specific survey means a lot but it does mean something.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert
    edited November 2022

    Fully agree!

    But I still think it’s bold to call a poll with 102 participants (of unknown experience) a survey and request NI to take action based on that.

    However, the amount problems and stability issues regularly posted on this forum could mean something as well. 😅

    And I wouldn’t object at all if NI took that more seriously.

  • spock
    spock Member Posts: 26 Helper
    edited November 2022

    Obviously the result of the survey is not sufficient and the goal was to discuss it, nevertheless it gives a trend.

    Honestly, no need to lie to yourself who here has never had a stability problem with this Maschine+?

    What I call a stable experience is use without blocking bugs, in 10 years my Octatrack has never crashed, I can have blind confidence when I use it on stage. Would never take the risk of using the Maschine+ on stage.

    The potential of the Maschine + is incredible, however for me to date, it is not usable professionally on stage

  • egjanuary
    egjanuary Member Posts: 13 Member

    This guy nails it^^

    When 30% say it crashes that isn't a good scenario.

    I'm still trying to decide if I should get this. All it takes is a few crashes and I just won't use it anymore. Nothing ruins the flow more than a crashing piece of gear.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    edited January 2023

    Mine never crashes. I can hit it for hours straight, even added a Volca Bass and a Circuit Tracks to play along with it. It’s awesome!

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor

    Unfortunately, I don't know to what extent you use the M+ in your setup, but I use my M+ in a setup with the Analog4, RYTM, Octatrack, Peak and Heat and usually have no problems with it. It just works. Incidentally, the M+ is already being used in various live setups, you can take a look. Here for example.

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