Massive X - Suggestions

LoveEnigma Member Posts: 123 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

Thank you for the new updates and the new browser.

A few quick suggestions:


  1. There is still no preset browsing possible in the new browser using keyboard arrow keys. The need to double click to load the preset makes it even worse. So, please implement presets browsing with arrow keys AND either load the preset on single click/selection OR make use of enter key to load the selected sample.
  2. There is no button/icon to clear the search filters. Perhaps an oversight?


  1. Please add undo/redo function.
  2. Ability to map parameters via MIDI CC. Currently, only macros can be mapped.



  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Thanks for sharing your suggestions @LoveEnigma ✌️

    I have to say the arrow browsing feature is pretty handy, quite a hassle to have to double-click.

    We'll surely pass this feedback to the Massive team.

  • LoveEnigma
    LoveEnigma Member Posts: 123 Advisor

    Thanks, Nico. I really appreciate it. Hoping to see a new update in the future. The new browser looks beautiful and with few improvements we should be there where we want to be. 🙂

  • Splicer
    Splicer Member Posts: 27 Helper

    Yes, please implement single click for presets. I don't know who thought double clicking them would be better, but it's not, it's a pointless workflow annoyance.

  • suns3trid2r
    suns3trid2r Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Yes, keyboard arrows keys browsing feature would be perfect and pls implement the option to change the parameter with the mouse wheel like in other synths. Thx

  • Tsunami Mae
    Tsunami Mae Member Posts: 1 Member

    Forget the browser or anything like that. What I need is hardsync to external MIDI clock for LFOs and Performers!

  • jbrouw
    jbrouw Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2022

    I've been thinking that MX should have a Granulator insert effect.

    This would be especially powerful in feedback chains, but would just be an all-around amazing feature.

    (Usually granulators are considered stereo FX, and the Inserts are strictly per-voice mono. But a granulator can certainly be monophonic. Again, being able to put the granulator in your feedback loop would be incredible)

  • fireapplered
    fireapplered Member Posts: 16 Member

    Can we also have the ability to fave (star) and scroll (< >) from the top bar in the main synth view, please?

  • nanotable
    nanotable Member Posts: 98 Advisor

    I’ve always wished for different LFOs. I love to seamlessly morph through waveforms, bend them, shift them and so on. Pigments or AD Continua show how it’s done, and it’s such a great sound design tool.

  • abnegative
    abnegative Member Posts: 61 Helper

    Modals should scale with the rest of the plugin.

  • sijarvis
    sijarvis Member Posts: 8 Member

    My suggestion is for a substantial make up for the almost total lack of substantial updates

  • inmazevo
    inmazevo Member Posts: 25 Helper

    Missed this thread back the previous times it's been back up.

    Just want to add a +1 to the OP.

    I try to use this synth, but have enough others that when I open it and move through the presets to see what I can do, I drop back to others for the efficiency of them at finding a starting point. One day I won't need this so much I hope, but for new synths I don't know yet, it's where I go.

    A few minutes of 'in the moment' browsing and double-clicking, and I'm losing the moment and move on.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,370 mod
    edited November 2022

    It's very disappointing that the browser still doesn't support any user side organisation, tagging or bank creation. This was promised when it was updated but that was many months ago now and I don't want this to get lost. I know Apple Silicon support is the priority and as a M1 user myself am pleased that is happening but NI please address these outstanding issues when that is done. This is vital to the future of this great synth because one of the biggest reasons for the success of Massive was the absolutely thriving third party community of sound designers creating outstanding and creative content - Massive has amongst the most first class patch banks for any plugin synth. Massive X does not encourage that because although it is a sound design playground the tools to then create, organise and tag a bank from user patches that doesn't get lost in an ever expanding disorganised list of user patches and third party content, are non existent. That does hold back sound designers as it makes it hard for them to package a product that can then be shared easily or marketed. I feel without creating such a community people will eventually lose interest due to the frustration with the whole process. At the moment NI seem to give the impression that they want to keep the majority of content creation for Massive X in-house and this would be a huge mistake. Diversity = creativity.

  • dave999z
    dave999z Member Posts: 1 Member

    Is there any hope for better visualization/animation of modulation as it's happening?

    It would be so useful to see what position a knob is modulated to in real time. DAWs have been showing moving faders for decades. How hard can it be to show knobs moving? Similarly it would be so useful to see the waveform morphing when the wavetable is being modulated (other than manually).

    It's such a shame not to have that in this synth.

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