Can I paste MIDI events into Maschine? (Mac)

phillip2637 Member Posts: 24 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I have a multi-instrument piece of music as a set of MIDI tracks in my DAW (Reaper). What I would like to do is move it into Maschine and populate various sounds and groups. The trick being that I'd like the MIDI tracks chopped so that I can build scenes and re-work the arrangement.

The brute force method that will work for me is to export MIDI files matching each song segment, times the number of tracks, then drag them individually from Finder. However, it would save a lot of time if I could just copy/paste the MIDI events from a DAW track into my target sound in Maschine.

I don't see a way; am I missing something?

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    Answer ✓

    MIDI drag and drop to the MAS plugin works fine for me, Pad must be in Instrument mode most of the time tho.

    I don't think that will ever be a thing. I have 4 DAW's and none of them is able to copy-paste MIDI to each other, each has a different piano roll with specific features that also gets copied so I reckon the others don't recognize that specific data. A MIDI file is a very simplified version of what's going on in a piano roll, since it's a standard it works but clipboard data will prob never be a thing.

    Your current strategy is probably the best way to go, it's how I do it but you can also try exporting each DAW MIDI track fully from start to end of the song, import/drag-and-drop it to MAS then in each pattern set a start and end point, if the song is not super complicated it might be faster but keep in mind MAS has no pattern consolidation to remove the extra MIDI.


  • phillip2637
    phillip2637 Member Posts: 24 Member

    I'm using Maschine as a standalone app rather than a plugin. In that case drag and drop of files seems to work fine.

    My actual problem is not being able to paste MIDI events from the clipboard, which would be nicer than managing 50 or 60 files.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    Answer ✓

    MIDI drag and drop to the MAS plugin works fine for me, Pad must be in Instrument mode most of the time tho.

    I don't think that will ever be a thing. I have 4 DAW's and none of them is able to copy-paste MIDI to each other, each has a different piano roll with specific features that also gets copied so I reckon the others don't recognize that specific data. A MIDI file is a very simplified version of what's going on in a piano roll, since it's a standard it works but clipboard data will prob never be a thing.

    Your current strategy is probably the best way to go, it's how I do it but you can also try exporting each DAW MIDI track fully from start to end of the song, import/drag-and-drop it to MAS then in each pattern set a start and end point, if the song is not super complicated it might be faster but keep in mind MAS has no pattern consolidation to remove the extra MIDI.

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