What features would extend the life of Maschine?



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    It has percentage based note Probability, added in 2.11 or the previous version not sure, no conditional trigs tho afaik.

  • Marc Deschamps
    Marc Deschamps Member Posts: 1 Member

    Features missing for me is (in this order):

    • Full internal MIDI routing capabilities between VST's and Maschine
    • Razor tool in piano roll
  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    Can you elaborate on how aftertouch is already possible with note repeat mode?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    MAS uses the pad pressure data to change the velocity during note repeat if you don't have fixed vel enabled, not much to elaborate here, turn it on, hold a pad and adjust the pressure.

    That's not necessary to prove it's possible tho, anything pressure sensitive can potentially have aftertouch implemented.

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro
    edited August 2022

    Ah gotcha, thanks for explaining!

    Another feature I’d love to see for the Maschine+ is wireless data syncing to your PC. We know that you can download and install expansions wirelessly on the device so it probably wouldn’t be that much work to get a little utility software that runs on your PC and allows for transferring files wirelessly to and from your M+.

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    Hey man, love your videos and content. This would be a big benefit for me too as I haven’t touched my PC since I’ve got the M+ and it would be nice to have cleaner integration between the PC and standalone to encourage that relationship. It would be cool if they implemented some kind of Bluetooth/WiFi file transfer so you could just do it without hooking up anything to the PC.

    It would also be cool if there was a way to mark samples as needing to be deleted in the browser because I’ll dump new sample libraries onto my SD card and then I go through them on the plus and favorite what I like but there’s a bunch of stuff I don’t use and trying to remember what files to delete off the SD card is a pain.

  • enz0
    enz0 Member Posts: 56 Advisor
    edited October 2022

    Here are mine — lots of overlap from what was already mentioned:

    • Easier/wireless transfer of samples & projects to and from the M+. Perfect opportunity to use the built in Wi-Fi. Integration with iMaschine app would be dope too
    • Better sampler - adding real-time time stretch mainly
    • better stability connecting the M+ with 3rd party audio interfaces
    • Automation enhancements. I don’t need anything too complex; An easy way to record lock state changes would work for me and having all of that automation translate to exported stems / the final track
    • dynamic view of plugins on the screens. Would be nice to see things like gain reduction on the compressor for example or a frequency spectrum for an EQ

  • enz0
    enz0 Member Posts: 56 Advisor

    one more i haven’t seen mentioned - the ability to send audio and midi back and forth via usb. Sp404 mk2 has this feature and it opens up so many possibilities

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    I think the reason this works on the Sp404 is because that’s a usb-c port so I don’t know if the port on the Maschine can handle audio streaming.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    Don't Elektron grooveboxes do something like this with older USB ports?

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor

    Eventually develop a new version of the Maschine software that is actually a full fledged DAW. I now use both Maschine and a DAW and try to make it a best of 2 worlds kind of thing.

    If I would have the hands-on Maschine workflow, together with NI hardware but with all the capabilities of a real DAW, all in one place that would be awesome. No more dragging and dropping audio or midi from Maschine to a DAW, using Maschine as a plugin or setting up midi and audio routing. A 100% one stop application.

    I would not mind to pay for it (NOT subscribe to it however!)

    All this with a Maschine, Komplete keyboard and a Maschine Jam. Can you imagine the fun? Why not throw a Maschine Jam 2.0 on top of it?

  • enz0
    enz0 Member Posts: 56 Advisor

    Yup the Digitakt and analog heat can do it based on personal experience. They do use usb type B tho while the ports on the M+ are type A

    If bi-directional audio via usb is not feasible, a loopback feature for the built in audio interface would be helpful for sampling in at least

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    I think a "Maschine Jam 2" could definitely extend the life of the Plus, considering the fact that so many people are already using the original Jam with it. I think it's rather confusing that they discontinued the Jam just as they were about to release a product that made it more interesting/less confusing/less redundant a purchase.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    Stock is being blown out in the UK, you can get new M+ for £599, so I am doubtful anything will extend its life much longer.

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