can komplete audio 6 support multiple audio apps at the same time?



  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited September 2022

    have you sorted this yet??

    does MME show up in your inputs on voicemeter??

    if not... check that your microphone privacy windows setting is enabled

    if in the programs list below this setting shows the mic not enabled for voicemeter when VM is running... then that would be the reason why your audio interface cannot be seen by voicemeter

  • hagrid
    hagrid Member Posts: 13 Member

    thanks for your suggestions but i don't understand why my microphone settings are relevant: i do not have any (direct) microphone input to VM as this is fed via a mixer into the interface: please explain further. thanks.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @hagrid Are you using the ASIO driver for the Komplete Audio 6 mk2 ?, you can find it here: Installing the ASIO Driver for KOMPLETE AUDIO 1 / 2 / 6 MK2 (Windows)

  • hagrid
    hagrid Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Jeremy_NI yes, i am using the NI KA6 mk2 driver: can you please answer my original question: does this interface support assignment of inputs & outputs to multiple concurrent audio apps (e.g. sonobus & zoom)?

    if so, can you please help me to get mine to do so: does it depend on audio settings?

    if not, this is a severe limitation which should have been made clear in your sales literature and product documentation!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,334 mod

    It is normal for asio devices to only support one host via asio, only with winaspi shared mode you can do that or with voice meter, that uses virtual asio drivers.

  • hagrid
    hagrid Member Posts: 13 Member

    @uwe33 thanks again but winaspi seems to be a cd driver! do you mean wasapi? if so, would this introduce additional latency (lethal for sonobus!) but, if not, how do i use wasapi with ka6 please?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,334 mod
    edited October 2022

    Of course I mean wasabi and yes it would have greater latency but zoom does not support asio anyway, in sonobus you of course use asio, will try today to install sonobus, and use another program maybe discord, and voice meter then i can make some pics of the settings, if it works. Pics are always better for stuff like that.

  • hagrid
    hagrid Member Posts: 13 Member

    @uwe303 i really appreciate your continued interest in this issue: i really want to avoid routing via Voicemeeter if at all possible to avoid additional latency but any working solution would be good though i thought that i had to use asio drivers with sonobus to avoid latency?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,334 mod

    Yes and we will use asio drivers for sonobus, only the ones from voice meter, tomorrow i have time. Maybe while doing it i have a better idea, do you maybe have a second audio interface laying around?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,334 mod

    So as far as i can tell it works, Hardware input is clear, that goes to B1 which is sonobus, comes back via voice meter Vaio, again sonobus, and there i activated the monitor A1 (speaker out) and B2 and that goes to zoom (voice meter aux), where i deactivated all routing for the signal comming back, cause you said it´s comming through sonobus. You could vary the setup maybe by activating monitoring (A1) for the input, but just try it out and then report back, there is also another option, but then you would need a second interface for zoom just as input, basacally make 2 mixes in sonobus, one overall for your speakers, and another just with you and your friend to out 3-4 of the native interface, then into the input of the second interface and into zoom - that would have the advantage of the shortest delay. Or basacally the same, but with one interface like my focusrite, this has a dedicated loopback channel, which, in that case, could be used to route the second mix into zoom.

  • hagrid
    hagrid Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Uwe303 thanks again for your time & interest! i don't quite understand where the Zoom output is routed to: as explained earlier in this chat, i need to route it to Sonobus so that my accompanist (who is only connected to Sonobus, not Zoom) can hear others who participate on Zoom (but not at the same time!): i do all the routing external to my PC (via an analogue mixer) as i couldn't figure out a way of doing it via VM so i just need VM to route the KA6 I/Os to Sonobus & Zoom: the closest i can get is as shown in my VM screenshot below but, although the Sonobus I/O and Zoom output is OK, i get no input from VM (VAIO2) to Zoom! any more thoughts before i resign to use separate interfaces for Sonobus & Zoom?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,334 mod
    edited October 2022

    Have you checked that you have set the vaio aux channel as input in zoom settings in and output? Also just try to use the VM version i use that makes things lot easier. And i understood you wrong, i thought you send a sonobus mix to zoom, but you need it the other way around? How do you incorporate the mixer exactly, i fear i have, even after all the posts not understood correctly what you want to achieve.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,334 mod

    In my example i routed sonobus into zoom, but you can also do it the other way by deactivating B2 on the virtual input from sonobus (first VAIO Channel) and activate B1 on the second VAIO channel l, the aux channel.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,334 mod
    edited October 2022

    We could make a remote session where i can temporarily control your computer via Team Viewer and parallel a FB call or something. If you want and if we find a day where we both have time. Maybe you already have a second soundcard, a simple onboard soundcard will do the job. We just need line out into line in on the native soundcard - if i now understand it correctly.

  • hagrid
    hagrid Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Uwe303 thanks again and sorry for delay in responding: busy with other matters...

    i will do some more testing over the weekend and revert thereafter but, if i have to route KA6 via VM to use Sonobus & Zoom, then i can (as you point out) use VM for routing between Sonobus & Zoom rather than via external mixer! i am currently using a separate interface for Zoom but i would rather use KA6 for both apps if possible...

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