Kontrol F1, what am I doing wrong

matt renton
matt renton Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I have a Kontrol F1, when connected and Traktor is started the four lights blink with deck assignment, when I push the encoder the display changes to whatever deck ive selected ie Deck C. but nothing else happens, I've plenty of youtube videos etc and nothing like it happens. No idea why this is, I can load in the sequencer TSI and the pads light up and when I push play on my S4 Mk3 the pad on the F1 travels as it should. I don't believe because of this that there is anything wrong with the F1 because of this.

I have the most up to date version of Traktor, drivers for F1 and firmware on the F1 itself.

I also have Traktor set to 2 track decks and 2 remix decks, and a connected F1 should automatically work and it doesn't, I'm lost as I've clean re-installed everything right down to windows 10 fresh installing EVERYTHING, and changing USB lead (its a powered USB hub) is it something daft i'm doing ??

Many thanks for any help



Best Answer

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited January 2022 Answer ✓

    I had the same issues with my Kontrol x1 on both Mac OS and windows. I plugged my x1 which I haven't used in 5 years and all it did was light up and do nothing when before it was plug and play. I searched everywhere to find out what happened and even posted a query like you did.

    What I did was start up my old laptop that I haven't touched in 7 years and copy the original tsi on a usb stick then loaded it up in my current setup.

    It's a tsi issue. You gotta find the appropriate tsi and set the in/out ports in the controller manager to your f1 for that tsi and disable the in/out ports for the any other tsi that's associated to your f1.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod


    if you load mapping into traktor, are you sure that you also loaded the correct mapping to the F1 via controller editor?


  • matt renton
    matt renton Member Posts: 5 Member

    There doesn't appear to be, or at least I cant find the default mapping for the F1, there is for the sequencer side of it, but that isn't what I brought it for. When i've watched YouTube videos, It appears that you just plug it in, Traktor sees it, you select what deck you and your away. This isn's as I say whats happening to me.



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod


    correct, normally you can open setting and start the wizard again to install everything like on the first traktor start. Maybe it has a native control mode for traktor where you don´t need the midi controller template, i will find out and write again.


  • matt renton
    matt renton Member Posts: 5 Member

    I have indeed tried this, I even went as far as re-installing windows completely, and exactly the same thing happens. The F1 i don't believe is the problem as it works in "sequencing mode" with appropriate .TSI

    Many thanks


  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited January 2022 Answer ✓

    I had the same issues with my Kontrol x1 on both Mac OS and windows. I plugged my x1 which I haven't used in 5 years and all it did was light up and do nothing when before it was plug and play. I searched everywhere to find out what happened and even posted a query like you did.

    What I did was start up my old laptop that I haven't touched in 7 years and copy the original tsi on a usb stick then loaded it up in my current setup.

    It's a tsi issue. You gotta find the appropriate tsi and set the in/out ports in the controller manager to your f1 for that tsi and disable the in/out ports for the any other tsi that's associated to your f1.

  • matt renton
    matt renton Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply. I indeed thought it was some kind of .TSI issue. But as I did a complete re-install of windows and traktor (not using ANY files, from any previous versions of traktor so its "box fresh" as it were and its still not working, its being picked up in Ni's controller manager and all CC's are being picked up) I'm still having the same issue, I've tried all sorts and cant get it to work.

    I'm beginning to wonder if anything is physically written the unit itself in some kind of .TSi patching and its gotten corrupt as the sequencer .TSI works no problem. Gawd i wish i could have someone remotedesk into my computer and try n see what's going on !!!

    Thankyou all for the continued help


  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 693 Guru

    Have you tried adding the mapping from the drop down? There should be a default mapping in the mappings lists.

    It won't have any type of commands in it. But needs to be added. And of course set the ports.

    For instance if you delete your S4mk3 default map, you can add it again in the same drop down list.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    @Karlos Santos Perhaps you can pitch in since you have F1 in your arsenal. 🙏

  • urca95
    urca95 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


    The same thing happens to me as my friend, I connect the device to the PC and it only stops the faders and filter knobs.

    The rest of the buttons light up but do not respond when pressed, it does not work in traktor or in the controller editor.

    Could anyone tell me something?

    Thank you

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,220 mod

    If the Controller Editor is not detecting it then check/reinstall the F1 driver for Windows.


    Also see if the monitor like MIDI-OX can detect the unit.

  • urca95
    urca95 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I have installed, uninstalled, reinstalled the traktor F1 drivers.

    I have installed, uninstalled, reinstalled the controller editor.

    I have tested the traktor f1 device on 2 different computers with Win10pro and everything is exactly the same.

    Windows only detects filter knobs and faders, the rest does not detect them no matter how much you press them...


  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 693 Guru

    What soundcard are you using to play Traktor?

    Does your other controller or Windows audio work?

  • urca95
    urca95 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I use traktor audio 8 dj and other controller traktor x1

    It won't let me share links to share a video of the error

  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Stupid question...

    Have you got a Remix Set loaded into the Remix Deck?

This discussion has been closed.
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